Thursday, May 1, 2014

More Log Floggin' Bloggin'

Hello France, Poland, Indonesia, and the United Kingdom and welcome to the blog...and May your May be April's equal maybe even better...(unless of course April was a shocker, then may May be less bitter and maybe a good bit better-Ed)...indeed...thanking y'all for your patronage and support and/or feedback...intelligent critique is always welcome because I genuinely want to be doing the bestest, most accurate blog possible...

(Mind you, the vitriol of the anonymous 'Dick Stretcher' stuff in 'Comments' was still hugely helpful-Ed)...true, from what I gather people are not particularly enamoured of DS or his/her/their 'Comments', and have called me 'brave' for leaving them on there...I don't think it's that brave...those 'Comments' very much confirm 1) so much of what I've said about bigotry, cowardice, vilification, Pariahtisation, etc, and 2) that I'm relatively on the mark with my criticisms and is just so definitive of my life right now that such rank nastiness could be such high praise...(nice-Ed)...   

And so sorry yesterdays post was so long, forgot it had paperwork attached, much shorter today...the stuff about the Wedge-tail Eagle was a proverby story about the hobbly old hippy who had no god because She had been driven from him by Religion, but was out for a wobbly walk one day when he happened to glance skyward and lo and behold was duly humbled by the subtle glory of creation, albeit random creation...(I love those Wedgies, always have-Ed) too, absolutely beautiful...(almost enough to make one believe in god-Ed)...almost.

The snide, angry, goading shot about 'tip-toed around their drunk wives' has in it the declaration that I never acted on any of the offers that were made to me at St Martins Lutheran School...and I wouldn't discuss it at all other than it has in the past been alleged that I did do something...(someone-Ed)...steady on...that and because none of those marriages still exist and/or the people have left Mt Gambier...I was just venting in a very arrogant way, none of which is very good except that at least I realise it, but it will feature in a future post re In My Own Defence...

Helter Smelter: at Pt Pirie as the rest of the state just goes to hell in a good ol' fashi'n wicker hand basket as the state Weatherill Labor government announces that they will 'guarantee' investment by 'underwriting' potential production to the tune of $250million at the Nyrstar Lead Smelter...the same Labor bastards who sold off the South East Forestry Estate with a crass disregard for the consequences have $250m for a private company and their Pt Pirie Smelter as part of 'bribing' Geoff Brock onto the Labor benches...

With the SE Forestry fiasco Labor sells off a publicly owned asset worth over $1billion for only 2/3rds that, immediately losing the $100+million income, $40m clear profit that it generates annually...(did-Ed)...indeed...and then tries to say 'yeah we're helping you all out heaps, here's $28m for co-investment to replace the billion dollar industry we just sold out from under you'...(and there's still $10m of that not spent yet-Ed)...well quite...

Heard alleged Independent Geoff Brock, now Minister for Regional Development and Local Government, on the ABC/BBC Radio this arvo completely defending his decision to back Labor and supporting and defending this $250m 'guarantee', saying he was sure that Labor "will have done the due diligence"...(nahahahaha, aaaaa, classic-Ed)...exactly...ask them about their bloody 'due diligence' re the Forestry Sale, Geoff...

And all this intermingled with the usual rhetoric about how important the Regions are and how terribly they've been let down and under-funded, under-serviced, etc...(but Labor is responsible for all of that bias, service-cutting, etc-Ed)...absolutely...(so Brock is saying that backing Labor was the right thing to do because they've done such a horrendous job thus far-Ed) got it...    

New Liberal Member for Mt Gambier Troy Bell was also on the ABC Local Radio but this morning (either from or ahead of a 2 day Liberal strategy meeting before the opening of parliament next week)...he was discussing the Bignell and Pasin Show...(last week this week's Labor Forestry Minister Leon Bignell was ambushed during a photo-op outside the Mt Gambier Town Hall by Federal Member for Barker, Liberal Tony Pasin who was carrying 120 black balloons, 1 for each job soon to be lost from Forestry SA despite Labor promises they wouldn't-Ed).

Apparently Bignell and Bell had a meeting the previous day (or night before) and Mr Bell claims no knowledge of the balloon idea (that Mr Bignell, Labor City Councillor Jim Maher, etc, call a stunt), but said it was really positive in raising awareness in Adelaide and maybe that they won't 'come down here and walk all over us'...he was adamant that it had raised awareness of the impact on communities in the usually ignorant metro Adelaide media, quite correctly stating that many people in Adelaide don't even know the SE Forestry has been sold off.

Mr Bell claimed to have undertaken several measures to try and procure information since then, attending a range of meetings trying to find facts, and absolutely supported the calls by Dr Jerry Leech for an Independent is about what was promised and the position now as fears about logs going to China, job losses, and inadequate fire protection are all proving warranted...Mr Bell cited the example of the Wirrabara Forest recently destroyed by fire but not insured by Labor and likely not to be re-planted.

Parliament starts Tuesday 6th May 2014 and Mr Bell reckons he'll hold Labor to account and that the  entire Liberal team has a plan of attack...(super-Ed)...he also believes that the Forest Industry is quite  positive now, and that he is looking forward to meeting with Brock and Bignell on Monday to discuss the Forestry SA job losses and the $10.5m still left in the Forestry Investment Fund...apparently some companies applied as far back as October/November 2013 but are still waiting.

Re the recent recommendations from Forestry SA, Leon Bignell says all condition details will be honoured , but as Mr Bell identified, we don't know what the sheckin' details are...we are all agreed with Dr Leech's summation about the 'intellectual property loss', the loss of expertise, etc, and with it goes all bargaining power into the future...

It is not jingoistic or Nationalistic or anything other than realistic to look at the SE Forestry Estate in terms of the generations that have toiled to make it a $100+m  per annum business utilising 100 years of experience to solidly underpin the states economy, and that it is all set to be lost, has been lost...what a shreck up...but I refuse to accept that it's over and done and I'm fairly fed up with hearing people like CFME Union Rep Brad Coates, Tony Pasin, even Troy Bell say 'oh gee whiz but it's all done now'...bollocks...if it's half as crooked as anything else Labor's done, and clearly it is, then it's not ever over.

Apparently Mr Bell has also discussed the idea of a Forestry Royal Commission with Geoff Brock...(Brockyyy-Ed)...yesss, but not much joy, Brockyyy was not particularly interested...(and it would just be another DeBelle Inquiry anyway-Ed)...well probably...and an internal Parliamentary Inquiry would just as likely be dodgy...(been there, been done over by that-Ed)...well quite...

Just gonna stop right abouuuuut here...and promise;

Tomorrow: The Three Kings (CEOs) Thing

Will the real Slim Shady please stand up...when is 3 CEOs too many?...(when there's 3 of them?-Ed)...ah correct...Mt Gambier appears to have many hands on the helm if no actual direction other than for the rocks...(super-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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