Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Parliament Resumes In South Australia

Hello Sweden. France, China and the Netherlands, and welcome to the blog...today marks the start of the 53rd South Australian Parliament...(oh yay-Ed)...following the rank farce of yet another SA election debacle, our illustrious representatives congregate so as to gather together then share the wealth of their collective wisdom...(yeah, but what are they going to do tomorrow?-Ed)...nice...(how many days are they actually Sitting this year?-Ed)...orr 3 I reckon, maybe 4...5 if the canteen does those Crumbed Sausages in that delightful Madeira Gravy with the little potatoes, and peas and stuff...they all show up for the Crumbed Sausages.

And A Quick Review: of the pro-Labor, Adelaide-centric gerrymander that sees Labor in power, for a fourth straight term, after garnering only 47% of the Two-party Preferred vote at the March 15th 2014 state election, followed by the week long, deeply suspect shenanigans that saw alleged Independents Geoff Brock and Bob Such holding the critical deciding seats, the 'disappearance' of Dr Such that then became a 'medical issue', followed by Geoff Brock suddenly jumping to Labor.

It is an irrefutable fact that by Monday 17th March 2014 it was 23 seats Labor, 22 Liberal, and the 2 alleged Independents...(you don't think they're Independent at all, do you?-Ed)...nope, absolutely not, both have specific histories with the Labor Party, particularly Geoff Brock who's a pseudo-Labor nominee who contested (and won) the 2009 Frome by-election with their encouragement and support, and Bob Such was Labor's Speaker in 2004/05...but I digress...23 vs 22 with 2 floaters...

At this point, if Messrs Such and Brock choose Liberal it's a Liberal government, if they choose Labor, it's Labor...and both seats, Frome (Brock) and Fisher (Such), are recognised 'Conservative' (Liberal) seats so it seems like a relatively easy decision to make...but suddenly Bob Such has a medical episode that renders his vote entirely irrelevant and bang! Brock leaps to Labor allegedly for the sake of stability...bollocks...it's an absolute construct to give Such and Brock justifiable 'outs' with their electorates whilst they go about re-paying a few favours to their mates in the Labor Party.

For some as yet entirely unexplained reason, Bob Such's support/vote, so critical in deciding such a tight election, suddenly became irrelevant and his electorate effectively completely removed from the electoral process...those people had no say in who formed government and no reason has been offered as to why...while everybody else in the state was taking a breath to think about how to address Dr Such's alleged illness, Brock snuck off and signed on with Labor...and then Bob Such shows up for the first day of Parliament and everyone's asking who he will support...(and he can just say 'Labor 'cos Brocky did, so for the sake of stability', etc, etc-Ed)...exactly...

It's an absolute con, from start to finish...(you're not suggesting that Bob Such's 'Brain Tumour' isn't genuine somehow?-Ed)...mate, we've been through this, you know the 'hoping it's a genuine illness' stuff and how weird that felt, etc, but I've watched these bastards, Labor and Liberal, orchestrate the systematic and ongoing Cover-up of the gross abuse of a class of seven year old children at St Martins Lutheran School (2002), including then Attorney General Micheal Atkinson directly interfering with the Flinders Child Protection Service Reports, and the total manipulation of the Teachers Registration Board Inquiry, Premier Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill officially blocking Comm Ted Mullighan's involvement, and of course the insidiously corrupt pro-paedophile parliamentary Statutory Authorities Review Committee Inquiry and Report no.54...(yeah yeah I know...point taken-Ed).

Michael Atkinson has just been re-appointed Speaker of the House of Assembly (Lower) and that vain little slug Russell Wortley has been installed 'unopposed' as the President of the Legislative Council (Upper)...(it wasn't 'un-opposed', there was a public Labor spat as the Right faction exercised it's control over the Party to oust the Left's John Gazolla and get their man Wortley in-Ed)...good point...it's a clear indication of who's in charge within Labor, and it ain't Jay Weatherill's Lefty mates...oh, and when I call someone else vain, it's because I know exactly what it is I am...looking at...

I absolutely believe that these people, Labor and/or Liberal, are more than morally capable of faking up a convenient illness or some such, or at the very least taking advantage of a genuine illness or a genuinely sick man, but ultimately I don't care whether it's a 'real illness' or not, because it's absolutely irrelevant...it's a fact that it is an extraordinarily politically convenient coincidence for Labor, Brock and Such that things have played out the way that they have...Bob Such slides quietly away from any responsibility for a Labor government, and Geoff Brock...(Brockyyyy-Ed)...can claim to be acting responsibly for the sake of the state...and no-one's going to dare question a brain-tumour are they? ...(well nobody who's sane-Ed)...cue blog Left, The Mount Gambier Independent...

An ABC/BBC Radio report just on now states that Bob Such was present and sworn-in today, and ended with a brief interview with him saying how lucky he is, and the reporter stating, "It's unclear how often Dr Such plans to attend Sittings"...how is this in itself appropriate?...the whole situation is untenable and unacceptable...tumour, no tumour, what I do or don't think, who cares? whatevs, I want Bob Such to be ok, who doesn't?...but the fundamental realities are not concerned with such trifles...(what!?-Ed)...

It's a fact that it was 53/47 Liberal...(true-Ed)...and if Brock and Such both chose Liberal we would have a Liberal government...(well yes that's true-Ed)...and the government has been decided without Bob Such's input...(also true-Ed)...and both their seats are acknowledged as being Conservative...(again true-Ed)...and yet so here we are with Labor...(all true...god I hate it when you do that-Ed)...why couldn't the 'Care-taker' Labor government continue for a month until Mr Such was recovered enough to make a choice?...(yeah, you can stop now, that's enough trueness for one post-Ed)...

And if I have to listen one more time to bloody Geoff Brock reeling off a list of the politico/fiscal bastardries that have been visited on Regional South Australia across the last 12 years by Labor in justifying why he supported them back into another 4 years of likely the exact same and worse, well I'll just, I'll just...(you'll just what, hippy?-Ed)...I'll, I'll...I'll blog about it, that's what I'll do, I'll blog about it...(terrifying-Ed)...

 My ABC TV reception has been absolutely unwatchable for the last 36-48 hrs, completely pixellating with other stations programs intertwined, then dropping out, and this goes on for a minute, followed by 1-2 minutes of relatively clear vision before doing it again...and it is just the ABC's four channels, not the commercial networks or SBS...consequently I missed the hilarious shenanigans on the ABC Q&A program last evening when 'students' protesting Education cuts unfurled a banner...(backwards-Ed)...and the program was cut for a few minutes.

I listened to a bit of Q&A on ABC/BBC Radio (I find Q&A a bit smug and self-satisfied, full of glib catch-phrase politics, but I try to watch it for the sake of knowing what was said), and I'd have loved to have seen them getting their cage of pompous self-satisfaction thoroughly "wattled by a cwowd of wowdy webels"...and rattled to the extent that they cut the program for several minutes, instead running a clip from a previous show...but unfortunately I didn't hear or see this incident which I quite ironically found out about on commercial networks due to the unwatchable ABC TV reception still this morning.

In what I managed to discern of Q&A, they discussed the issue of a fully Independent Speaker for the Federal parliament who didn't vote on close issues, but that this would render those voters in the Speaker's electorate as 'non-participants' in the Democratic process...(which is exactly what happened in Fisher, albeit for different reasons-Ed)...exactly...why is Bob Such's support absolutely irrelevant? why is his electorate irrelevant? does anybody give a rat's ares?...(not the Liberals, they're just stumbling along apparently happy in Opposition, business as usual in SA-Ed)...

Anyhoos, I think it is a positive indicator for our society that we still have people who are passionate enough to make public asses of themselves for a genuinish cause in a rowdy, disruptive but ultimately peaceful manner...(with a banner-Ed)...and I agree with the observations that increasing political censorship in the mainstream media will see incidents like this also increase as people become frustrated that their issues are not being discussed publicly and/or in a balanced manner...(and that doing stupid blogs only gets you so far if anywhere at all-Ed)...indeed...

And confusion reigned supreme earlier on one of those commercial station's morning programs when they meant to cross to a 'financial advice' segment but instead cut to a Mrs Cash Cow who started ranting about the Farm-gate Milk Price affecting productivity and profitability in the farm sector and forced entrenchments for her kind, concluding, just before program producers cut her off again, with a heart felt appeal to support the Dairy Industry and other Bovine Employment Initiatives...(yes, it was very moooving...but did she realise BEI is actually political code for 'an abattoir'-Ed)...no I don't think so.

But seriously, it is somewhat difficult to engage with a program that has some dopey dude...(or dudette-Ed)...flopping about the set in a manky cow suit as part of a cash give-away gimmick...(particularly when they run that segment off the back of, for example, a missing airliner story or the latest Sydney Western suburbs drive-by shooting murder-Ed)...yesss...I know not why exactly it annoys me so, but by shreck it does.

Enough for today, so more political mind-dribble,

Tomorrow:Politics and/or Some Other Nonsense

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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