Thursday, May 15, 2014

Back Country Roads, Take Me Home

Hello and welcome to the blog, much to my embarrassment I have availed myself of a 2nd-hand hard drive and had it reprogrammed but due to my abysmal understanding of computers, I can't actually get it to work (Ahaha-Ed).

Apologies for no post at all yesterday, but I snuck out of the state in the wee hours of the morning and traveled some 850km over 9 hours only to find myself back at my own house...

Therefore, I continue to dictate these brief partial posts, and again say thank you for that help...whilst I have needed help this week with my posts, I maintain absolute and sole responsibility for the content of my blog and the posts. 

I reiterate; after SAPOL's anti-corruption detectives enacted a search warrant at my home and seized my laptop, I have had it hanging over me that they can/will come to my home and do it again...therefore, I have had to decide to not replace my laptop which I now consider to have been taken from me effectively permanently...I was repeatedly told it would be at least 4-5 months before I might get it back.

I note the recent local case, and others have mentioned it to me, where people were charged with child pornography offences and had their computers seized, but it took SAPOL apparently 2 years to get round to looking at it correctly, wherein they realised that the child involved resided with those people...this led to excuses like 'we didn't realise there was a human victim' (I don't think even I need to comment on that-Ed).

I would also like to make the point yet again that I am not a lawyer, or an anti-corruption activist, or child protection activist, or a politician, or anything of that specific nature; I am a parent. I am an entirely unqualified parent who has been dragged unwittingly into trying to do all of these things, to be all of these things, often simultaneously. Furthermore, I have been forced to try and engage with these issues/professions, almost entirely in opposition to the vast number of public officials/authorities that are supposed to do this shizzle.

If I may, look at the issues on this blog that SAPOL et al have gone past to come and get an already deeply traumatised parent. Until I can gain further direct specific legal advice, from anyone would be great, anything would do, I choose to not discuss the specifics further than to identify that this is happening. I have repeatedly asked for specific direction from the authorities involved but unfortunately they have not been forthcoming.

Just quickly, some other stuff; absolutely gobsmacked to hear Smokin' Joe "A Call for Alms" Hockey on ABC Radio this morning saying that with the new MediCare co-payment, parents who find it difficult to cover this increase can give up cigarettes and/or beer.

He then went into a mind-boggling denigration about parents who would rather have their cigarettes and/or beer than be able to afford to take their kids to the doctor...Mr Hockey is rapidly becoming one of my least favourite people.

If you've got 3 kids, and they all get crook across a week, as happens, and then so do you, and it's several trips to the doctor and pharmacist, you may get through the year only using the 'safety gap payment' if that's all that happens to you. 

However, if you were to have a major illness or series of events through your family, this is exactly the sort of expenses that will hammer low-income earners, unemployed, etc... more on this later.

The pond itself may still be under construction, but people are fit to burst about the construction of the $600-700,000 fake lake on the rail lands...Is this drainage pond/lake setup an engineering requirement for dealing with the storm water off the roof of the large shopping centre expansion that Council continues to pursue for that site under the Rail Lands Retail Agenda (Please refer back to previous posts)?

In closing, I will have to seek further help with my computer problems, that's only 'cos I'm and idjit with these here electronic something-boxes. I really hope to return to a proper post tomorrow.

Thanks again for the support I've had in the last week, and whilst I continue to be a bit tripolar about the series of events with SAPOL last week (moving from upset and trauma, through to upset and anger, round to vindicated elation and back to upset again). I just accept that that's the way it is and eventually it will sort itself out.

I am Nick Fletcher, and this is my blog... laters.

*PS: I had a fabulous day driving my little car through the beautiful countryside, certainly a much better day than the dude in the expensive black, very modern 4WD two cars ahead of me going through road works near Geelong...due to a failure to communicate we were waved through as a bobcat with one of those hard-core bitumen sweeping things on the front shot out from behind a parked truck in the middle of the road works straight into the side of the aforementioned car. It opened up the side of his car like a can of sardines and he had to get out of the passenger's side. We were waved through, and I had to continue on, but it was clearly not the drivers' fault.

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