Monday, May 19, 2014

CWYWF Part II - The Politest Raid In History

Howdy y'all and welcome to the blog China, Brazil, Germany, and the Netherlands...and sorry, somehow, after missing 2 days, I managed to do 2 posts yesterday May 18th...not sure how...anyhoos, the Universe waits for no man...(or woman-Ed)...stop that right now, but thanks for reminding me that I got a famous Monty Python quote quite wrong in a post just pre-raid...I wrote "wattled by a cwoud of woudy webels" when it should of course be "by a wabble of woudy webels".

To me it is indicative of my flagging fervour to do further posts that I would get 'rabble' wrong and replace it with 'crowd', and can only say that I was much more attentive with actual factual matters...and I continue to be hamstrung in discussing the specifics of that police 'raid' which has lifted the veil for me on just how poorly I've been travelling just recently...true, the politest raid in SAPol history has knocked me through a hoop and I'm just doing tumble-rolls until the momentum gives up, but the massive vindication of these events is undeniable.

But First: just a short aside as is my remind myself of just how good I done got it existing at just above the poverty line in Australia, but with a qualifier that there are things like having a car with insurance, RAA cover, etc, that I have purely through the generosity of family in 'lending' me money for these otherwise unaffordable things...and it is a luxury to be able to hop in your little car, drive 850kms+ round trip, have the $60-$70 petrol, come home to a hot shower and a fridge full of food, watch telly, lay down on my Queen size bed on freshly laundered sheets, etc, etc...

And strictly on the Disability Support Pension I wouldn't be running a car, nor would I have the cash to replace the TV as I just did recently...I just wanna' chuck this out there as an example of someone who has been relatively lucky on the Social Security System...(particularly with public housing with Housing Trust-Ed) lucky I've been, and lucky (eventually) with the support I received with free treatment for my Lymphoma Cancer, etc

But it's still a long way down from where I am to where people are trying to exist on NewStart Allowance or Youth Allowance, etc...and in contrast it's much further up from where I am to the 'minimum wage' ...and these are the people that Prime Minister Tony Abbott is having a go at, him and Smokin' Joe Hockey and all their brassy mates mouthing off about others living on credit and making sacrifices...and that most offensively Nationalistic bullshit about ''A Call To Arms"...atrocious...but I digress...    

Thursday 9th May 2014: when we last left our hero he had entered the Temple of Gloom (Mt Gambier Police Station) at 0900hrs on this fateful day...(so they were open then?-Ed)...yes, little suspecting that events would unfold as they did...(what? no mention of the faithful companion? typical-Ed)...alright, alright...when we left our heroes they were at MGPS...better?...(much, thanks-Ed)...

I left the dog and my laptop and paperwork, etc, home because I thought that I was going to be arrested when I provided my letter and declined to be legal advice of the previous afternoon agreed that it sounded like I was 'the suspect' in/for whatever alleged trespass and that this arrest was I figured a day getting charged and processed and home in time for dinner...(tally bally ho-Ed)...

When the female detective read the letter that I still can't get my printer to scan, she said that they were going to exercise a Search Warrant for my home...when I asked what happens if I'm not there she said that they had the authority "to kick your front door down"...then it was explained to me what the issue was as best they could, with stuff about how they couldn't tell me until I'd declined to be interviewed...

I explained exactly what I thought of the fact that SAPol had chosen to ignore all of the things on the blog and come after me...and the galling contradiction between SAPol's multiple refusals to get Search Warrants or record anything or interview "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling or search his house, seize his computer, etc, and rocking up on my doorstep camera and Warrant in hand...   

They asked if we could go to a 'more private than the front counter' room...this room was the same one I have sat in several times before, eg, to be supposedly interviewed re St Martins, and on occasions when I've done statements about a child-bashing neighbour, etc...there was no phone in this room so when I requested to call the Community Legal people for some advice, the 2 detectives hunted around for one but then we used the female officers mobile on speaker phone...

I won't say anything about that discussion so as not to compromise my legal advice as it is...suffice to say that there was a lot of confusion as to exactly what was going on because neither the detectives nor the lawyer had seen this legislation before and/or been involved in a related case...the female detective brought up a page of (Insert here - your choice of name of unmentionable state authority) legislation on their computer and said "you've done this"...(guilty until proven also a complete bastard-Ed)...charming...

I then spoke briefly to the lawyer off-speaker, hung-up, and followed that advice to not answer any questions until I knew what it was exactly I'd done and had some proper legal that point the female detective declared that they were also going to seize my laptop when doing their Search Warrant stuff...

She specifically stated to me that they were here to gather "evidence" to provide to the Dept of Public Prosecutions with a view to me being charged, but that they were having problems knowing exactly what to do because I was the first person in the state to have this legislation enacted against them and that it was 'very vague and broad'...(and given that the legislation is SA specific, that would make you the first person in Australia-Ed)...I guess so...anyway, it wasn't quite an apology about the situation but certainly a clear admission...

As per the previous day, I repeatedly asked if any of this was being recorded and the female detective said "no"...the male was scribbling down occasional notes but that was all...they printed off the 1 page of legislation that I had apparently transgressed and gave it to me, but no clear written direction as to what exactly I'd done to be a 'transgressor'...

The detectives were happy for me to drive in my car back home and follow me in their car, but I had to wait for them to get out of the carpark before I could get out so they wound up in front of me...I stopped briefly at the Legal Service but they couldn't provide a support person and so I called someone to meet me at home, and fortunately they could...this would prove critical...

Just as I got home and met the detectives on my front lawn, a 4WD paddy wagon went past the end of the street and I asked if it was one of theirs as back-up, but they denied it...(more likely MGPS officers wanting to know what Anti-Corruption were doing interviewing Nick Fletcher-Ed)...a distinct possibility I agree, but it's ultimately irrelevant...

We 3 waited on the lawn for my support person/witness to arrive and they did shortly there-after...this person doesn't read the blog but has endured enough of my whinging to be able to talk with some authority about what I and other parents have been deliberately put through by the Lutherans, the actions of SAPol, etc, re St Martins and some of my personal Mental Health issues, etc...and talk they did...(hilarious-Ed)...and this will become Part III,

Tomorrow: CWYWF Part III 

One more installment of the SAPol 'raid' on my home theatrics such as they were...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

PS: Kicked off my day with a little ABC Radio reportage of the Child Abuse Royal Commission re a Perth (WA) private school and a teacher who had abused primary school kids across 6-10 years up to the mid 2000s despite multiple complaints, etc...and one teacher claiming that she was ostracised for reporting his behaviours, etc...carbon copy of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up just not on the same official scale of failure/refusal to act...

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