Monday, May 12, 2014

Smokey Joe and The Bandit

Hello world, this is me.

As you can tell, again no post as yet. Computer issue has yet to be sorted out, and until then I continue to urge regulars and availees to go over old posts.

I have however, as a result of the traumatic events of last Thursday, developed a revolutionary new SAPOL-inspired dietary plan; simply have your house raided, and allow yourself to be enveloped by the trauma, frustration and anger. It's guaranteed to get rid of 3 kilos in two days or your laptop back* (laptop may take 5-6 months to return. Condition subject to change without notice-Ed). Deadset, I lost 3 kilos that day, and 3 more since.

To present something topical and political, you can find in recent news Smokin' Joe "A call for alms "Hockey and Mathias "Core promises" Cormann (The Bandit-Ed), just after working on the budget a few days ago, both with enormous cigars in their grinning, chortling faces. This is the budget, mind, where Smokin' Joe has said everyone needs to help with the heavy lifting, which I had previously thought meant helping him get his massive superannuation package into the car, but now realise it means hefting that enormous stogie into his smug gob.

Rather than put up pictures of these two clowns puffing away outside Treasury (Which is readily available on many major news websites-Ed), in an exciting new technological leap, we introduce video to TMGI, just to lighten the mood.

And so, on that note, here is a video of two rabbits having a disagreement, which is broken up by a pair of was either that or another dog poo joke:

Enjoy, and trust I will be back tomorrow. Again, thanks everyone so much for your continued support.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog... cheers and laters...

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