Saturday, May 10, 2014

Coppers head to my house

My sincerest apologies (again), we seem to be experiencing some technical difficulties...

I had intended to have tomorrow off from blogging, but since today didn't work out we'll see how it goes. If not tomorrow, then Monday.

Quick warning to dog owners, joggers and all passers by on the walking trail around the Blue Lake, I saw a copperhead snake (Austrelaps Superbus) near Henty Lookout (Title drop -Ed). This one made a point of diving quickly away from several photo-snapping tourists, but this is about as aggressive as they normally get.

I apologise for this ongoing interruption in usual services, but as some people have pointed out to me if I buy a new laptop (and a cheap one is several hundred dollars) there's nothing to stop SAPOL coming to my house and taking that one as well, as they did on Thursday morning this week.

I direct availees to the various predictionings re; having the police lob on the doorstep, seize my computer, etc.

I was half expecting to have them back on my doorstep Friday saying I was being charged with something else, and that of course can happen at any time, apparently. This entire episode is an exercise in the intimidation, harrassment, bullying, threats that typify of the sorts of behaviours that I have regularly described. This has been an ongoing strategy.

Furthermore, I have specific personal experiences in seeing what happens to people's computers when SAPOL gets hold of them for "evidentiary purposes". The two detectives who came to my house and executed their search warrant and seized my laptop told me that it would be 'at least 4-5 months' before I could expect to get it back.

As per that previous experience, I fully expect my laptop to be unusable, programs corrupted, and various viruses, trojans etc installed, be it deliberately or through incompetence.

As far as I'm concerned that laptop is a write-off and when/if I get it back, it will be thoroughly rooted. I believe it has been taken off me to stop me blogging by people who know full well that I can't afford to replace it. And even then, there's nothing to stop SAPOL marching up and seizing the new laptop.

In closing, I'd like to thank everyone for their great support in what has been a very traumatic time for me. There is no doubt in my mind, that is also why this has been done. I urge availees to review previous posts and some of the things I've had to say about SAPOL.

It sounds silly, but after all that trauma of the two days, it feels like I've had a huge weight lifted off me in that I had been struggling with the blog for a while. What happened this week fully vindicates what I've been saying on the blog and why I do it.

I am Nick Fletcher, and this is my blog...hopefully a proper post tomorrow...laters.

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