Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Council Meeting 20th May 2014 And More Frackin' Lies

Hello Romania, Ukraine, India, and Aotearoa (New Zealand) and welcome to the blog...and apologies for false advertising but I'm going to finish off the Council meeting stuff today and then the SAPol Raid stuff tomorrow...(lord knows that ain't goin' nowhere fast-Ed)...indeed...I've had multiple advisings about that and am none the wiser...(I understand that when it comes to this no-one does, understand that is-Ed)... 

As covered in recent posts, Mayor Steve Perryman only had to excuse himself twice on 'Conflict of Interest' issues at the latest Mt Gambier City Council meeting, Tuesday 20th May 2014...first during Council's passing a Motion to call for a minimum 2 year moratorium on Fracking for Coal Shale Gas, because he had a commercial agreement with mining company Beach Energy, currently drilling at Penola...and then with Green Triangle Electronics re their work for Council.

And it comes as no surprise to hear Jason Kuchel CEO of the SA Chamber of Mines and Energy marching blinkeredly through yet another Dorothy Dixer interview on ABC Radio last week, repeatedly contradicting himself whilst furiously and spuriously completely dismissing concerns about the multiple faults and failings and potential dangers re Fracking by Beach Energy at Penola...(yeah, you're bound to trip up when holding forth from a position of subjective self-interest that doesn't allow the facts to interfere-Ed)...indeed...

In the same breath he states that Penola Fracking is perfectly safe because we've been doing Fracking safely in the Cooper Basin for decades, but that aquifer contamination is a none-issue because the Penola project is completely different to other projects...(sorry? we've been doing exactly this for yonks so it's perfectly safe only this one is completely different to all the others?-Ed)...that's what he said...(but if it's completely different at Penola from the Cooper Basin, then how does what happens in the CB prove anything about Penola?-Ed)...exactly.

But then he really went to town with outrageous comments about the supposedly completely harmless chemicals used as being just average household chemicals you might find under your kitchen sink at home, or in nail polish, etc...(deadset? I'll have to invite him around for the inaugural filming of my exciting new reality series, BastardChef, where we get these sorts of clowns in and make them eat their words-Ed)...oh sounds delightful...(oh it is-Ed)...     

(I'll just whip up a couple of his favourite dishes liberally laced with these entirely harmless common kitchen sink chemicals he's also so fond of...you know, perhaps a nice Nail Polish Sorbet, some Antiseptic Antipasto, and of course my famous Bleach Chicken, it's the whitest white meat...and a selection of fine South East wines, perhaps a nice Methane Merlot or Cadmium Chardonnay-Ed)...why not both?...(why not indeed, both it is-Ed).

And speak of the devil, just reporting now, Beach Energy has exclusive rights...(200,000 exclusive rights-Ed)...indeed, by paying Geodynamics $200,000 to look at building a (1 megawatt? sorry) Geothermal energy unit to power Beach's gas projects in the Cooper Basin...(so they're going to use geothermal to power gas production, the majority of which is destined for distant shores?-Ed)...exactly...(why not just use geothermal to create our own power?-Ed)...exactly...  

So Nyrstar Yet So Farcical: as the latest bastardisation of the alleged Democracy that we suffer through in South Australia unravels in State Parliament...following the high farce of yet another massively biased and corrupted SA state election and the extraordinary conduct of the resultant fall-out, today we lurched to a disastrous new low...(and thank goodness I say, as former state Liberal leader Martin Hamilton-Smith has finally put paid to that collective delusion that there's anything other than One Party operating in South Australian politics-Ed)...

Mr Hamilton-Smith has jumped out of the Liberal Cabinet room yesterday, and straight onto the Labor Front Bench today...(but how?...how can he run as an endorsed Liberal candidate in a blue-ribbon Liberal seat, be elected to Parliament by a Liberal voting bloc, and then leave the party 2 months after the election, not least of all to betray his own Party and electorate by directly crossing the floor?...surely there must be a by-election?-Ed)...well you'd think so wouldn't you, but that's not likely...

This follows the extraordinary electorate betrayals of Rory McEwen and Karlene Maywald back at the 2002 election, but dwarfs them both with it's sheer selfishness and self-ambition and critical implications for the state...(and given the damage those 2 clowns did to the state by giving Labor control, that's a big call-Ed)...what a prick...(I concur, what a prick-Ed)...and to then try and say he's doing us all a favour with his betrayal and greed, laughable if it wasn't such a disgrace...

And just listening to that dribbling Labor apologist alleged Professor Clem MacIntyre saying that this isn't a massive compromise on Democracy because individuals are elected as individuals...(bollocks...a drover's dog could have won that safe seat with Liberal endorsement-Ed)...fair enough...indeed Clem reckons that this is Democracy working as it has "originally evolved" and is the true nature of the representative system with a casual reference to those who might feel that they didn't vote Hamilton-Smith, they voted Liberal...and that he can be judged at the next election...(in over 3 and 3/4 years-Ed)... 

It has been widely reported that the Weatherill Labor government has approached several senior Liberals since the March 15th 2014 election to try and sure up there numbers, but with a broader view to dumping Member for Frome Geoff Brock and all the associated alleged promises, for example, say, a $190million assurance of insurance that would entice Nyrstar to re-invest in their Pt Pirie Smelter facility, and other support-associated Regional funding promises...(so you reckon this could be the death-knell for the Pt Pirie Smelter expansion?-Ed)...hope not...

This is also a massive Green Light for Fracking at Penola...it's on like Donkey Kong people...if you think that anyone capable of this sort of greed and selfishness isn't going to mindlessly embrace everything he's just signed onto with supporting Labor, then there's more than one mindless person in this sentence...Labor want Fracking, MHS supports Labor, end of story...

And just watchng him now "I'm not Labor, I'm an Independent Liberal",...'since I've now heard the Liberal's statements, there are serious problems in the Liberals'...(not now that the biggest problem has left...prick-Ed)...what a self-absorbed arsehole...(geez, I thought you were bad-Ed)...I am, but that's not the point...he's been a disaster for the Liberals for years, now he's a disaster for all South Australia... 

Sorry I've not finished the Council stuff but I got a little distracted with Mr MHS and his shiteful shenanigans, but I'll knock it over quickly with some other stuff,

Tomorrow: The SAPol Raid Stuff

I'm still not sure what I can say specifically about why this raid happened even if I knew exactly...ludicrous...but I am allowed to talk about the raid itself...bizarre...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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