Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Democracy Is Dead In South Australia

Hello and welcome to the blog USofA, Germany, Angola, and Ukraine...and less than 24hrs after Martin Hamilton-Smith's extraordinary betrayal of his electorate and his party and all South Australians, I think that MLC John Darley got it right with his observation that if he'd (MHS) had done this whilst still in the army, 'he would have been shot for desertion'...(who'd a thunk it? the Army comes up with an appropriate sanction-Ed)...indeed...

I was going to insert here a post-script apology for the very angry tone of this post and the melodramatic title, etc, but I do not apologise for being deeply concerned for the welfare of my community and the terrible implications for Regional SA of the ongoing political shenanigans in Adelaide...the only plan Labor has for the future of SA is mining and in the South East that means Fracking...Fracking and bloody Wind Turbines, and if they think they can get away with it, both...

Don't think for a moment that someone hasn't still got their eye on the Allendale Wind Turbine project...just waiting for whatever Statute/time limitation/whatevs to expire/be changed/whatevs such that the rancid dodginess of the original Acciona/Grant District Council/Mike Rann project can all be neatly excised/denied/whatevs and an allegedly new project slammed onto that site unopposed...(and unopposed because that right has been removed by legislation-Ed)...exactly...

And there's going to be several thousand Shale Gas Fracking wells littered across the South East using vast quantities of groundwater for the actual Fracking that itself becomes a massive pollution problem in it's own right, as part of a broad and imminent contamination threat to the rest of the Aquifer...(yay-Ed)... 

And if it wasn't for the fact that these our illustrious leaders and their pro-paedophile corruption continues the fine SA political tradition of using children for sexual gratification and protecting those that also do, if it wasn't for the fact that it's the vulnerable and voiceless that will suffer, right about now I'd be more than happy to say that you South Australia deserve this, you've earned it, and you can shreckin' have it, wash my hands of the whole thing...

But now's the time for cowards and crooks like Martin Hamilton-Smith and Jay Weatherill to be wholly opposed for their bastardisation of the Democratic processes...and as for the bloody Liberal Party, you are an incompetent, corrupt irrelevance and you should all bloody do deserve everything you get for having treacherous scumbags like this in your ranks because it suits your purpose...suits right up until your own corrupt members ditch you for a better offer...Democracy is dead, Pro-paedophile Corruption reigns supreme... 

And as a constantly self-reminding pacifist, whilst I agree with the sentiment of Mr Darley's observation I don't actually condone shooting anyone, I'd prefer a public 'stocking' in the town square of his electorate where he could be appropriately pelted with pongy produce before being quietly escorted to the political obscurity he deserves...where he belongs...

I have genuinely tried to keep in the game with the media coverage of Mr Hamilton-Smith's base traitorship and bare-faced lies and rank self-service, but he makes me sick to my stomach and I just had to stop watching...the bare-faced justification for this act of gross selfishness stand him next to that career paedophile protector Premier Jay Weatherill, and there you have a definitive study in the vile corruption that runs South Australia...Democracy my hairy, fat arse...

(An Independent Liberal? what the shreck is that? not in the Labor Party but in the Cabinet but not in the Caucus? a Conservative Liberal voice in the Labor government?...what a load of crap...he's done this for himself and may he be hounded in the street for it...prick-Ed)...

And he's doing an exact 'Geoff Brock' in listing off all the disasters that have hammered the state under 12 years of Labor, eg, the Olympic Dam expansion declaration followed closely by it's retraction, the collapse of the auto industry, massive taxes for business, etc, as being why he's joined these paedophile-controlled, paedophile-protecting scumbags in the Labor Party, a party clearly not run by the Premier and Left Factionista Jay Weatherill but by the Right Faction under Don Farrell...the recent Upper House Labor corruption re appointment of the new President Russell Wortley clearly proves this...

Get Stuffed Martin Hamilton-Smith: you sad, corrupt, selfish bastard...and your sickening hypocrisy after blatant deceit...MHS has tried to justify his betrayal by stating that voters are sick of constant bickering between Parties, etc...(bollocks! 2 days ago he was caning Labor for pretty much anything, and he has himself been the single greatest disruptor within the Liberal Party with his constant sniping at fellow Liberals and selfish crippling Leadership challenges-Ed)...well quite...

(He single-handedly destroyed the Liberals March 2006 state election campaign by running a leadership challenge just 3 months out-Ed)...indeed...ya' know, one could mount a very strong argument for the theory that he has long been a Labor agent operating within the Liberals ranks to create as much internal chaos and disunity as possible...(and with resounding success indeed-Ed)...

Senior SA Liberal Mitch Willians has expressed "jubilation" at the betrayal, saying that some promote and some have not helped and that MHS is one of those, eg, 3 months from 2006 election he challenged Rob Kerin and they lost the election...(told ya'-Ed)...and 12 months later challenged again...that he was undermining the Liberals for personal benefit...'at least we won't have to put up with him'...(but if he was such an ass, why give him pre-selection in a safe seat?-Ed)...indeed...

Mr Williams continued 'now we know where he sits, his focus is on him, he was incompetent and a poor leader'...and on the subject of Geoff Brock, are those promises under threat? 'absolutely, not worth more the paper they're written on'...and there in lies the real concern...whatever was promised is now all but nought and worse, it's open season on regional SA...

And Federally the Liberal Party is syphoning money off the Child Abuse Royal Commission to the tune of $4million, and then reclaiming another $2.7m not yet spent for witnesses expenses...and this money is going instead to the Insulation Batts Scheme Inquiry...more on this tomorrow...

Not coming to Mt Gambier, haven't heard anything from them in 18 months, they continue to deliberately choose ancient and/or resolved cases but refuse to come here and look at the definitive Child Abuse Cover-up and deliberate institutionalised failures that leave parents and children involved still fighting against the Labor government, the Liberal alleged Opposition, the police (SAPol), alleged Child Protection Authorities, the Teachers Registration Board, etc, etc, etc, 12 years after the event...

And Tatiara Mayor and South East Local Government Assoc President Richard Vickery is back in the news facing charges for Illegal Land-Clearing, land that is now allegedly irretrievably damaged...(is this more ILC charges or the same from earlier last year?-Ed)...not sure, continuing I think, but this follows on from his 2011(?) conviction for Mistreating Livestock or neglecting sheep or something...

(How is it that he can continue to function as an elected official with a conviction?-Ed)...don't know, I think his lawyer argued against a conviction because it would compromise his clients work...more importantly, why would people keep voting for him?...(do they though? do they vote for him? I have absolutely no faith what-so-ever in the veracity of South Australian election processes...the whole thing's a corrupt joke...that's South Australia-Ed)...indeed...

Sorry, but it's been a long day and again it's late, and I've pretty much had a gutful of South Australia and particularly it's politicians for today...

Tomorrow: The SAPol Raid 

I promise this time I'll do a dot point recount of the whole fiasco...honest...and my mood will not be improving as the June long weekend looms large and with it the 12th anniversary of paedophile teacher Glyn Dorling getting sacked from St Martins Lutheran School, Mt Gambier, in 2002...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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