Sunday, May 18, 2014

Careful What You Wish For

Howdy and welcome to the still restructuring blog as I try to right this dingy dinghy with one hand and furiously bail with the other...getting there...apologies if I'm a bit repetitive for a few posts too...and please further indulge me a couple of posts just dot-pointing the visits to my domicile by SAPol's Anti-Corruption Branch on Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th May 2014.

But First: on my travels halfway across Victoria and back Wednesday I found myself constantly creeping up to 110kms/hr where Victoria's limit is only is an old trap when going from a state where it is 110 and an old habit to do that speed...we then had fruit on board coming back into South Australia which is a strict no-no due to Fruit Fly restrictions that disallow bringing fresh fruit into SA even if you bought it here, travelled all day and are effectively bringing it we hit upon a brilliant plan, and ate the evidence....

In posts immediately prior to these visits I have been increasingly 'taunty' and whilst I was broadly aware of it, it is a genuine example of what I said yesterday, that I was on the verge of dropping the whole blog...and part of it is that I am confident that none of those I've repeatedly challenged can afford for my various 'allegations' to be aired in an appropriate forum like a Court.

Outside of that I had half expected to be 'raided' and arrested for having something on my laptop and/or in my home, eg, child porn or bomb making stuff or meth recipes...(or death threats to MP Geoff Brock-Ed)...good one...some such shizzle that gets me arrested...however, one's half-expecting does not 1/10th prepare one for having SAPol rock into one's crib and pilfer one's crappy ol' laptop.

If you haven't had the good fortune to read my various previous posts about the conduct of the South Australian Police Force, particularly with their conduct re the St Martins Cover-up Issue, please do so before proceeding so as to have an understanding as to just why I might be very, very concerned to have SAPol officers in my home...regardless of how polite they are... 

Wednesday 8th May 2014

Five minutes after returning home approx 1430hrs ACST there was a knock on the door and I answered to find a young woman standing there and a man to her right half obscured by the corner of the doorway...she asked if I was Nick Fletcher and introduced herself as Detective ***** of SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch.

She asked if they could come inside and interview me on camera and the male detective showed me a camera resting behind his clipboard..I asked what it was about but the female detective stated that they couldn't say specifically unless it was on camera...a brief exchange ensued and it was established that it was something to do with the blog and something I'd posted about an authority I'm not sure I can mention...(ludicrous-Ed)...I know, I know.

Then I asked if I was under arrest and she replied no, so I unlocked the flyscreen door and went out to speak to them just on the front step...we went back and forward about how they couldn't tell me specifically what it was I had supposedly done until they were officially recording it...this went for several minutes but ultimately nowhere so I declined to be interviewed here and said can we do it at the Mt Gambier Police Station.

The two detectives were fine with that and I can't remember if I asked or they suggested but it was agreed to 0900hrs the next morning at MGPS...I stated that I didn't have a lawyer and asked if I needed one and the male detective stated that I should 'probably ring around for some advice' but it wasn't stated that I needed a lawyer...and after a total of maybe 10 minutes they went to their car and left...that was it...(that's not a raid...where's the furniture over-turning and the sweeping of documents onto the floor, etc, etc?...where's the agro?-Ed)...slow down, they came back the next day...

Anyhoos, after they left I called the local Community Legal Service who obviously had trouble advising me because I couldn't tell them what it was I had allegedly done because I didn't know...another conversation going round in circles, but it was agreed that I appeared to be 'a suspect' in/for whatever it was further agreed that I attend MGPS with a letter requesting information that I could take to a lawyer for proper advice...

At this point I'd just like to point out that the detectives knew it was my blog...(because you put your name on every post-Ed)...indeed, and that's why I do it...and where to find me...

I drafted the letter attached below and attended the MGPS at 0900hrs as agreed...the female detective read the letter at the front counter and immediately stated that they were going to come to my house and execute a Search Warrant...and that's where I'll leave this post and do the actual raid stuff,

Tomorrow: The Politest Raid In History CWYWF Part II  

All the good oil on the actual raidy day itself...(yay-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...and can't get printer to connect, damn, so sorry no letter attached but it's similar to above anyway... 

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