Thursday, August 1, 2013

TFTIM: Premier Weatherill's Business Partner Stephen Lietschke

Hello Vietnam, China , Brazil, and the United Kingdom...welcome to a study in the Institutionalised Corruption of South Australia where the law applies only when and if you aren't a personal mate of the government and a pro-paedophile enabler and/or protector...

There are those in our state (or country) who mock or ridicule other countries/cultures for their corruption, but you only need scratch the surface to find the legislated pro-paedophile corruption that drives South Australia.

Just watching an interview on ABC News 24 with a Dr Monk about the levels of corruption in China, and that some Australian businesses are warning about doing business there, and this was followed by reports about the Essendon 'Doping Scandal'...(yawn-Ed)...and the New South Wales Independent Commission Against Corruption findings about Eddie Obeid and Ian McDonald and the $100m plus that they have tried to steal from the state re Coal mining leases, etc.  

And as per yesterday's post, just listening (on ABC Radio) to Mt Gambier Mayor Steve Perryman talking about his meeting with Ms Stephenson about 'a range of options' for getting more money for the Riddoch Art Gallery...bloody disgraceful...what about public transport, an all-weather pool, etc...yet more elitist 'money for mates'...the gallery already gets $60,000 per year from Council, and funding from Country Arts SA...and public transport gets?

Have also reviewed recently removed posts re ABC's Stuart Stansfield and NF McDonnell Mill, and I stand by everything I have said in those posts and I will re-draft and re-post...just noticed that Stuart is getting an award for 'Excellence in Journalism'...what a sad joke...and just rang the ABC to contribute about 'Health Services at Millicent', and Stuart answered the phone, said I'd have to call back after the program, and hung up on me...what a tool...

And what better example of the Institutionalised Pro-paedophile Corruption of SA than lawyer Stephen Lietschke...unless of course it's murderer lawyer Eugene Magee...(ooo, I don't think you can say murderer...after all, there were numerous reviews and 'charges' and a 'Commission' and he is still walking around a free man, and still practising law-Ed) point exactly...

He drunkenly ran down and killed a cyclist, drove back through the crime scene with his brother, and used his corrupt SAPol mates to avoid even being breathalysed, followed by the farcical 'lawyer's gravy train' pantomime of reviews and Inquiries that achieved absolutely nothing...(um, when you put it that way...-Ed)...indeed, but I digress...

Eugene Magee, lawyer for convicted paedophile Magistrate Peter Liddy, and personally responsible for organising the 'theft' of Liddy's Court-seized assets, was protected throughout by his pro-paedophile mates...and right there with him is Stephen Lietschke...

As per previous posts, Stephen Lietschke (Premier Jay Weatherill's business partner) was teacher Glyn Dorling's lawyer in the Teachers Registration Board/Crown Solicitor Office hearing into Dorling, March 2003 to November 2004. (previous posts)

But he didn't just represent Dorling, he effectively, literally ran the hearing, constantly telling the Board and the CSO representative Ms Jen Olsson what to do, berating, bullying and harassing them and us parents, and operating in ways that would not be allowed in a proper Court situation.

He acted with complete contempt for the Board, the CSO, us parents, and appropriate process...(why didn't the TRB/CSO hold him to account?-Ed)...either they were complicit or incompetent...I don't care why, the TRB/CSO led us parents to the metaphoric slaughter with lies about 'lower onus of proof', etc, and allowed Lietschke to conduct himself atrociously and effectively illegally... 

At the first hearing day 1st June 2004 I heard/saw Stephen Lietschke openly berate the TRB representative , saying "that's not what we agreed to", and other parents state that throughout the hearing he made reference to a "deal" that he repeatedly accused the Board of not sticking to.

I will cover his specific behaviours in the TRB/CSO in Part II tomorrow, because this post is about his latest effort with WorkCover...please find attached below the latest Channel 7's Adelaide Today Tonight story re Mr Lietschke's behaviour as a WorkCover lawyer and then's quite self-explanatory...(and if you want to check, I believe that the previous story/ies may still be available on the TT Adelaide website-Ed)...thank you Ed...(oh, and the 'blocked over text' says "Lieschke, who is a witness for the compensation authority..."-Ed)

It is most concerning to see the apparent unaccountability of Stephen Lietschke, operating as a Magistrate, just ploughing around the Judicial system grossly misusing his position to influence a case where he is effectively a respondent...(who ordered the 'Conflict of Interest' Mixed Platter?-Ed)...

Even more concerning is the 'disappearance' of the matter from the District Court...this is extraordinary...and I also note that Judge Olsson is a former WorkCover Magistrate himself...

Tomorrow: TFTIM - PWBPSL - Part II

Nothing fancy, just a dot point recount of Lietschke's behaviours re the TRB/CSO hearing, behaviour that continued outside and also well after the actual hearing...

Corruption in China be damned, have a good hard look at yourself South Australia...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...what's left of it after various 'removals'...and a big shout out to all involved...cheers...this blog is not about vengeance per se, but your discomfort is my nourishment...

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