Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Wise Words from...(Tony-TH)...Tony...(nnnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison

Welcome to the blog...I know I promised Stansfield today but (...insert excuse here...)...(you don't have one do you?-Ed)...well yeah, I've been ploughing around all day with this Nominations nonsense, but you're right, that is hardly an excuse; I'll explain later...tomorrow...

But first a humbling apology for a throw away line in yesterday's post re Tony Pasin 'not having a limb to stand on'...having forced myself to watch the Four Corners program on the carnage in Afghanistan, I'm not ashamed to say that I wept openly, and I do feel deeply embarassed for even saying it...

The suffering and loss of Australians in Afghanistan is not diminished by the vastly greater suffering of the Afghan people...my mind churns trying to reach an understanding of how I would feel if my child had their hand blown off simply playing on their own front doorstep...and why we behave like this as a species...

I just don't see how we can deny any Refugee from a war we are physically involved in...and we may not be specifically, personally drone bombing civilians accidently at rates far above genuine 'militants', but our ally is...and we chose to be part of this...these are all realities far beyond the control of the people who live there and therefore bear the full brunt.

And comments I've read that 'these people allow the militants to live amongst them so they can't complain when they get bombed' ignore almost every reality...Colonialism and Empire building have devastated these countries for centuries so that there is an 'ingrained' hatred of any occupying force, no matter how noble the cause, and bombing weddings and other gatherings 'by mistake' irretrievably damages any goodwill...

Average families find themselves literally trapped between violent local militias and/or religious groups, and the occupying forces...they don't 'choose' this...this is happening around them whether they like it or not.

My opinion is irrelevent, but many commentators have argued that the Afghanistan War is about securing Mineral Resources, in much the same way as invading Iraq was/is fundamentally about Oil...democracy and terrorism are said to be convenient justifications...again, how the hell would I know to what degree these 'theories' are realities, but the suffering of those who live there is absolutely undeniable.  

Makes the rancid corruption in South Australia seem quite trite, even trivial, even irrelevent...(boy, just a little light reading today, eh...you been on the happy pills or something?-Ed)...unless of course you happen to live there...and for god sake don't live in the country...

This follows on the theme of yesterday's post...South East SA by geography and political construct is effectively irrelevent...Liberals take it for granted and Labour have written it off...(or should you say sold it off-Ed)...indeed, sold off is more than appropriate...

The cornerstone of the SE economy, Forestry, has been sold to private concerns who remain largely anonymous...I am yet to see a comprehensive listing of the various 'consortium' members who are set to profit massively from the 'gifting' of this State asset...imagine my surprise if they prove to have direct links to former Union bosses and Labour aligned lawyers, etc, as with some of the companies profitting from the Wind Turbine Subsidy corruption...

Which leads nicely to the sudden avalanche of promotion for Bio-Energy; effectively burning stuff to create electricity...in a blog soon, but I have immediate concerns when I see the 'proposed' development of a massive plant near Tarpeena is to be subsidised by the Clean Energy Finance Corporation...the CEFC is a $10billion dollar fund/rort established only recently by Labour to justify, legalise and conduct the syphoning of taxpayers money into grossly inefficient Wind Turbines, etc...more later...   

Just listening (earlier this morning-sync) to Stuart Stansfield interview Dr John Winachec RMIT (spelling?) re "defamatory", malicious, and "anti-social" content in Social Media, and talking about how unfair it is on the subjects, etc...fair enough...there are platforms available where you don't have to use your real name, eg, aliases on Twitter, and other sites that almost encourage anonymity.

'How brave people can be from behind their computers', etc. Can't be talking about me though, because I'm Nick Fletcher and I'm right here, big as all outdoors...and I may be malicious and 'defamatory' to some, but to others, the truth is a harsh and ugly reality that needs to be addressed, albeit by a harsh and ugly person...(self-bazinga...nice-Ed)...

And I unapologetically denounce Stuart Stansfield and ABC Producer Kate Hill for their purile banter re Labour Candidate Phil Golding and his statements this morning that he is not 'delusional' enough to think that he can win the safe Liberal seat of Barker...'Isn't it great hearing honesty in politics'...'Yeah, you don't hear that often'...'Honesty in politics, what a pleasant change', etc...

Nothing against Mr Golding who is described to me as a relatively 'genuine' person, but the crap about 'truth in politics' is absolutely galling coming from the heavily biased ABC who have routinely refused my attempts to do exactly that.

For years I have been fighting literally *tooth and nail* to try and get 'honesty' in politics and local media reporting, and in response I have been attacked, abused, denigrated, vilified and defamed. I have been repeatedly heavily censored, blocked, refused, and/or straight out ignored by the local media whilst trying to raise critical issues, particularly around Child Protection, the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up, dumping Adelaide's paedophiles and other Sex Offenders in Mt Gambier via the Gaol, etc.

The Wind Turbine Issue is a perfect example, where I (and others) are constantly trying to address the gross pro-Turbine reportage through and therefore by the ABC...I've covered this extensively in previous posts...

*(I have no hesitation accepting the multiple medical opinions that 'Stress' was largely responsible for
   my Lymphoma Cancer...and the subsequent treatment in 2004/05 meant losing my hair and toenails,
   both thankfully grown back, and ongoing dental issues...so, sort of a joke, but one grounded in a
   chemo induced reality...(nicely put sir-Ed)...thanks...)* 

But to the subject at hand and from the hand of...(Tony-TH)...Tony...(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison...(you're never going to get sick of that joke are you?-Ed)...never...(allo, allo, allo, what's goin' on 'ere then?-TH)...nothing sir, nothing...(good...but best I club you violently with my truncheon just in case-TH)... 

This little aside brought to you courtesy of the charming footage from Channel 7 showing a SAPol officer repeatedly, violently beating/assaulting a homeless man who is already lying face down on the ground...and then beating another man just standing there...and then back to 'pepper spray' and assault the first man again...and the homeless dude is the one who has been charged with assault...just charming...(did someone say 'A Government Sanctioned Monopoly on Violence'-Ed)...you bloody hippy...

I know that the police have to deal with all manner of idiots, but this is grossly unacceptable...it was like a violence themed cooking show...'first we tenderise the perp, then add a little pepper spray for piquant, then back to the tenderising'...but I digress...

Mr Harrison's letter (attached) is self explanatory in defending the Education Dept, and follows the exact template that I have already identified (previous posts) by referring/deferring to the DeBelle Inquiry...I believe the two cases he refers to are those from the South East involving a Principal on Rape charges and a teacher who was grooming a student...

Vacuous rhetoric that at best highlights just how dysfunctional and disjointed the 'Child Protection System' was as of just a few months ago...and I note that half of the Public servants who have been asked to provide written explanations re the Western Suburbs School case, haven't even bothered to do that...and still nobody sacked or even officially reprimanded...the culture of self-protection and denial remains fully intact.

Tomorrow: Stansfield Revisited

Honest...and some other stuff...and I promise to bring the country back to surplus by next Tuesday...'round lunchtime...(you can't promise that, you've got no way of making it happen...it's just not true-Ed)...oh, sorry, I didn't realise that it had to be true...I thought you just pluck a number out of thin air, coat it with a thick layer of 'who do ya' trust', and then just lob it at the electorate...my bad...

I am Nick Fletcher and yesterday I saw alleged Independent Richard Sage drive past in a large silver ute with a massive promotional decal down the entire side saying 'Richard Sage-Independent'...how long before that gets vandalised I wonder...and no, it won't be by me...(but it must be true that he's an Independent, ya' know...I mean, if he's got a big decal that says so-Ed)...thankyou, I'll do the sarcasm 'round here...

1 comment:

  1. Roll out the soap box Nummy and climb aboard……you’ve gone into Election mode…..Vigilante cape in the cupboard…selling yourself out for the first cheque that comes along is the real reason for writing the tripe that you do..…you write your blog knowing you are worth nothing….so you don’t live in fear of being sued for defamation…your opinion is worth nothing however you use social media to abuse people you have never personally met before and because you put your name to it in that twisted scone of yours you’ve somehow convinced yourself it is socially acceptable….well guess what Nummy…it’s not….

    By your own words you’ve been trying to bring the masses to justice…what a frog chomp of crap that is….You’re after a payout…Any kind will do….why don’t you do what the other low lifes do…jump your rickety back fence in crappoville… scamper your way across the paddock to Big W…. Wait for the cleaning lady to be mopping the floor and pretend to slip over….now if you break your neck no-one would probably care…. but if by some stretch of good fortune you manage to just hurt your back….cha ching cha ching….cheques in the mail….

    Now let’s get back to facts at hand….How much money does the government pay you if you manage to poll a couple of votes at the next election?? You haven’t told the listeners that have you…..well listen up people…if “Dick Stretcher MP” manages to poll himself 1000 votes he scratches together a whopping $1000 free cash from the Government..… a new 50” LCD TV and back to the play station for you come September 8th hey Nummy…..you’re all about the free ride aren’t you Nicko…

    So who’s bank rolling your campaign?? Give us some names Nick….we’d love to look into these friendships a little closer and see if we can’t uncover some of the filth that you’ve written about other people….you know the kind….I’m Nick Fletcher and I’ve worked for cash while collecting the dole and disability payments…..I’ll await a response before releasing the sleuths….

    Now I’m going to sum up by saying I think we can be friends you and me Nick….I like writing about you….you like writing about other people…I don’t want you thinking I don’t like you… What I’ve written I believe to be the truth about you….If I’m wrong I’ll happily apologise….actually I’ll say sorry now…. that way, when I write something you don’t like you can go back to this message and realise I was only joking so here goes……If I’ve offended you I’m deeply sorry…..(that you’re a thin skinned bully/hypocrite that can give it but not take it.Ed)……Ed where the hell have you been….see you again soon Nummy….
