Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Just Stuff and An Accurate Letter

Hello Switzerland, South Korea, and Romania...welcome to the blog...apologies for the self-indulgent, wallowing self-pity evident in some recent posts, but hopefully I have addressed the issue of my personal motivations for doing this blog...and thank you for putting up with me simpering dribblings...cheers y'all...(and apologies that this post isn't as advertised)...

Basically...I don't represent anyone or any group, nor do I receive any financial support other than the Disability Support Pension (for Agoraphobia, etc) which is in itself a self-perpetuating motivation for trying to be politically/socially active if not quite influential...(whaaa?-Ed)...I try to help the society that helps me, not least of all to assuage my own sense of guilt for being that burden...(ahh, come on big fella-Ed)...

And of course the personal motivations related to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up (previous posts)...(yes,well...the more said about that the better-Ed)...

I was really pleased to run into an acquaintance whom I used to catch the bus with, and we were discussing the blog and that led to the 'Comments' about faking my Agoraphobia, etc, and they laughed and said 'just don't leave the house for 5 years'...and we shared a laugh that this is exactly the joke that I used in a previous post...(albeit you said 7 years-Ed)...indeed...

They were aware of my personal situation and some of the broader issues and were immediately critical of the anonymous 'Comments' in a witty and insightful manner...and we all love a bit of insightful wit...

I also enjoy insight sans wit...(insight for insight's sake-Ed)...exactly, and so to the excellent letter in The Border Watch Tuesday 27th August 2013 from a Ms Maree Thompson of Mt Gambier, 'Candidate's actions questioned' (attached....I've also left the letter re Parking Fines because it raises some relevant issues). 

Whilst 'assuming' is sometimes problematic, it does not preclude 'hitting the nail on the head'...twice in fact...firstly, that it is totally inappropriate for Richard Sage to operate as both Grant District Council Mayor and an allegedly Independent candidate in the Federal election...and yes he has deliberately not put Barker on his posters so that he can use them again in the March 2014 state election...

What Ms Thompson hasn't specifically identified is that Mr Sage's refusal to stand down and the 'Barkerless' posters are indicators of the disingenuous nature of his involvement in the Federal contest...he is not running as a genuine candidate in the Federal election, he is at best setting himself up/being set up as another Labor stooge recruited from the Labor controlled and entirely compromised Grant District Council ahead of the 2014 state election...

This attempt to raise his profile for the state election has also been identified to me by others and I partly covered it in my post re 'Labor Announces Candidate'.

Some Things I Don't Understand:

1)  People who are surprised that there are Drugs and/or Corruption in sport...where there's money and people you'll usually find both D and C...see Day After Tomorrow...

2)  People who are surprised that Security Agencies, eg, the CIA (Criminal Intelligence Agency) monitor Interweb interactions, eg, emails, to gather information and try to prevent/intercept anti-social behaviours, eg, acts of 'terrorism'...

I know nothing about the Interweb, but I naturally assume that everything that goes between computers/servers/users can and will be monitored and most especially for these 'security reasons'...I have letters/emails from 10+ years ago that include a jumbled paragraph at the end with random words like 'nitrate' to deliberately trigger and clog-up the automated 'screening' programs being used by 'Security Services' at that time...

3)  Giving millions more to Holden/GM to try and save some jobs in an industry that clearly cannot survive by itself, and particularly in the current political debate/climate where 'Free Trade' is the mantra and the altar and very nearly the deity...federal Labor's Free Trade obsession displays all the religious characteristics of having faith in an undefinable entity...

And the Weatherill state Labor government trots out 'saving the jobs' as an excuse to hand GM hundreds of millions of dollars, yet in the South East they sell off the local economy to fund the Adelaide Oval debacle...(you've been through all this before mate-Ed)...I know, but the sheer hypocrisy is just so demanding of attention... 

And we went through this with Mitsubishi who were handed many millions of taxpayer dollars to protect jobs and then closed down their Lonsdale/Clovelly Pk factory anyway, and sold the equipment to the Chinese, who flew workers in to dismantle and remove the plant and ship it all back to China...

4)  Tony Abbott's/the Liberal plan to pay people $6,000 to move to the Regions for employment (and $3,000 per child)...but for what jobs?...surely appropriate investment in agriculture, health services and other development to create those jobs would be the first step.

A laudable move, but it does not acknowledge the current reality where Labor governments have been reefing services and the associated jobs out of Regional South Australia, eg, the Shared Services, axing of Drug and Alcohol Services, Mental Health Services, the Forestry Sale, etc...

In case nobody noticed, Mt Gambier and District is going backwards at a rate of knots, and as per previous posts, I believe that this is as much a fiscal necessity as an ideological pursuit...Labor cannot afford to spend anything outside of Adelaide even if they were interested in supporting Regional SA.

5)  Apparently passenger numbers are down at Mt Gambier Airport and the Grant District Council is going to do a survey to find out why...(because REX has a monopoly and their fares are so ridiculously high because they can...there you need to do a survey now-Ed)...indeed, but GDC CEO Trevor Smart suggests there are other reasons that need to be investigated...

And the excuses include that 'it is more expensive due to a lower demand' which doesn't explain how REX can have cheaper fares on small routes where they have competitors... 

Please refer previous post re the Weatherill governments financial support for AirAsia...if we as a state have undisclosed funds* to hand to an external airline to help them, then why don't we have money to subsidise Regional airfares and/or legislation to stop this 'monopoly rorting'?...(*Mr Weatherill has refused to disclose just how much taxpayers money has been handed to AirAsia under 'Commercial Confidentiality')...

Tomorrow: Wind Turbines Latest

Day After Tomorrow: Sport is the New News

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog and I'm still trying...(very-Ed)...many a true word spoken in jest...

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