Monday, August 12, 2013

Re-Zoning Issues in Mt Gambier

Hello Spain, Romania, France, and here at home, Australia...said it once and say it again, I am amazed that people outside of the South East of South Australia are following my blog...let alone in other countries...

I feel almost selfish and insular churning through the same old local corruption issues after watching the latest ABC doco on the 'Iraq War'...and for all the horror therein, this program still seemed to almost 'gloss over' the fact that Saddam Hussein was a 'Western Ally' supported for years even decades as a buffer against the Islamic state of Iran in Iraq's war against their Eastern neighbour...

And when Saddam Hussein allegedly used chemical weapons against Kurds in Northern Iraq, it was reportedly with a biological agent originally provided by the USofA, incubated and mass-produced using German built equipment, and then dispersed via a German built spray system attached to a French supplied fighter jet...('allegedly' because there are various conspiracy theories about other countries, factions, etc, committing this atrocity to damage Iraq...some even suggest it never happened).

And this (alleged) attack occurred in retaliation for the Kurds support of the 1991 USofA intervention in the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, where the USofA recruited the Kurds as allies, but then turned around and left Iraq and so left the Kurds exposed and vulnerable...

And the almost daily carnage in Iraq continues 10 years after George W Bush declared 'Victory'.
Not Happy to Be Right: I confidently predicted that it would be extremely difficult if not impossible for me to get the required '100 Nomination signatures'...(it's actually 120 to allow for exclusions-Ed) allow me to run as a Genuine Independent in the Federal election because I know only a handful of people in Mt Gambier...(indeed, through-out the seat of Barker-Ed)...indeed...and most people who do know me hate me because that's what they've been told to do and/or that's what they need to do...(well, that or they've met you-Ed)...ta'...remember, Nick Fletcher's the only real problem.

I've covered this in recent posts...the choice is yours...(and the Nominations are...a fundamentally pro-paedophile gravy train of corrupt public officials, or, Nick Fletcher's a lying, delusional bastard-Ed)...I'm not lying and I wish I was delusional...(but you're definitely a bastard-Ed)...fair enough...and two out of three ain't bad...and this 'choice' is why I literally hang myself out to dry in the way that I have on this blog.

I (we few parents) have been specifically, deliberately portrayed as the only genuine problem with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, as recently raised again in 'Comments' on this blog...we are either crazy, or bad people who are trying to make money out of the poor innocent ol' Lutherans...may they rot in hell...(indeed-Ed)...

And I am not surprised at the look of abject terror in some peoples eyes when I ask them to officially align themselves with me by signing an official form, and I absolutely understand...they know full well the sort of retribution they will potentially be subjected to by petty thugs like Greg Muller who has a well established reputation for lobbing on businesses doorstep to bully and threaten them...and that is a statement of fact, not my opinion.   

I've also run into several people who aren't registered voters, and I have encouraged them to enrol...and thank you to those whom have offered support...even though I don't actually know most of you...

Just watched the Prime Minister Kevin Rudd vs Opposition Leader Tony Abbott debate and the only thing I came away with was that I don't think South Australia was mentioned...or Tasmania...or even Melbourne...(but you can't say for sure...and tell them why-Ed)...indeed...

The really scary thing is that I was trying to watch attentively, no note taking even, but I actually found myself literally zoning out...I went to that 'I've heard it all before' place where you just don't believe what is being said by either side and you stop listening...(I believe that it is a natural defence mechanism to protect oneself from the frustration generated when faced with two people whom one doesn't trust-Ed)...well that makes sense...

One side won't fill in the details to support what they are saying, and the other has a well established record of just lying...'we wont do this' and then they figure out which is which...and one will be our illustrious leader...yay...

Closer to home, and the same old attempted manipulation of the news cycle to avoid or go around the actual realities...and there's Graham Greenwood in The Border Watch yet again (Friday 2nd August 2013-attached below) with his own unique recreation of history...

Firstly, there is no way that either Mt Gambier City or Grant District Councils are about to allow 'Amalgamation' whilst there are those on either side who want to be running the show and it will mean the loss of a number of rate-payer funded positions with associated benefits and perks.

To the other extreme, the vested interests on both Councils who are operating in clearly definable collusion re the Bunning's/Penola Rd/Millicent Rd/Rail Lands issue may decide that they can more effectively control re-zoning, development, etc, to their collective benefit if they just all get together on the same Council...but why bother when it's already happening...

Which segues nicely into the involvement of former Labour Planning Minister Paul Holloway who acted specifically to give the Grant District Council and certain Councillors therein exactly what they wanted at Millicent Rd with preferential re-zoning from Light Industry back to Bulky Goods/Retail whilst crushing development plans for Bunnings at Penola Rd by re-zoning that site right back to 'Deferred Urban'.

City Council are absolutely complicit, spending years dragging/blocking Re-zoning applications at Penola Rd because vested interests were...(still are apparently-Ed)...obsessed with a self-serving Shopping Centre on the Old Rail Lands which I have repeatedly covered under the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...and this 'dragging' whilst the Millicent Rd site received super 'fast-tracked' approvals.

Clear and undeniable collusion between both Councils and the Planning Minister for the benefit of a handful of Councillors that has devastated appropriate development in and around Mt Gambier...which segues nicely into the Mt Gambier Master Plan...

As per previous posts, the MGMP is a farcical attempt to legalise and reverse justify the official corruption that preceded it by trying to call all that 'A Plan' all the self-serving re-zonings, development, etc, and then ratify a plan that allegedly calls for all of the things you've just done...(you want to say farcical again don't you?-Ed)...yes, that and then some...

"In most cases there were few problems with re-zoning land..." is simply not true...the Boundary Adjustments and preceding re-zonings, etc, have destroyed any chance of appropriate development around Mt Gambier as we scramble to try and replace the vast Light Industrial Zone on Millicent Rd that is now Bunnings and housing estate, with bit-piece re-zoning of other areas, eg, along Penola Rd...few problems my hat...

And all the way through Graham tries to portray these personally profitable Council collusionings as being responsible and unavoidable decisions made in response to the actions of Paul best it's a case of 'oh, gee whiz, we're just doing what we've got our mate to tell us to do'.

And further diffusion of responsibility by dragging in the Development Planning Authority and Environmental Protection Authority, both wholly and corruptly under the direct control of the Labour state government...'Independent Authorities' be hanged, these are government agencies doing the government's bidding.

Call me vain and arrogant, but Graham seems to be specifically addressing my relevant posts re the 'relocation' of the NF McDonnell Mill, and I do not see how the grossly inappropriate location of other Timber Mills in the suburbs of Mt Gambier somehow justifies another one.

I continue to be swamped with various theories and/or allegations about the location and/or operation of the NF McDonnell Mill, but I have chosen not to print these until I have more than 'rumours'.

I have no hesitation however in repeating my claim that NF McDonnell Mill is receiving highly profitable preferential treatment from the Weatherill Labour government with a view to supporting and using them (McDonnells) to make others look bad and hide the damage that the Forestry Sale (Privatisation) is doing (has already done) to the local and/or state economies...

Just listening to ABC Radio discussing with Mt Gambier SAPol 'vexatious' and 'slanderous' and 'anonymous' content on Social Media....('flaming' I believe is the term-Ed)...and how it's a very serious crime with potential jail time, etc...all very familiar but at the same time a very real problem that must be addressed...

My name is Nick Fletcher and I may be angry and I may even be wrong but I ain't vexatious and I sure ain't anonymous...

Tomorrow: My Letter to Candidates re The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up

With the election only one month away, I believe that it is time for all candidates to publicly declare how they will help resolve the inter-locking layers of official failure re this critical issue...and please don't say 'oh, the DeBelle Inquiry 'll fix it'...

Again, I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog and I am flamin' mad, but I'm definitely not just flaming...and I have not removed or blocked any comments left on this blog...cheers and laters...

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