Thursday, August 15, 2013

Democracy: Best Government Money Can Buy

Hello China , the UK, South Korea, and the USofA...welcome to the blog...this title is an old saying that perfectly sums up the current political climate in Australia...minor parties and genuine Independents are a major inconvenience for the two major parties, and the push is on to return Australia to the total control of the increasingly indistinguishable and Right Wing Liberal/Labor Party.

I note that Liberal leader Tony Abbott has done a "captain's pick" (his words) to direct all candidates to preference the Greens last, meaning that Liberal preferences may well end up with Labour...and that Labour's Kevin Rudd is under pressure to do the same. Both parties have already stated that they will not form minority governments with the Greens.

Today is the final day that Candidates may Register to run in the Federal Election...and clearly I won't be one of them...(you must be devastated-Ed) but hardly devastated...I was running to be appropriately involved in the process, not because I thought I had a snowball's chance of actually being elected.

Barker is a super-safe Liberal seat where they have won around 50% of the primary vote at previous elections, and would require a 17-18% swing against to effect change.

I will be lodging the attached letter/appeal and formal Nomination form, but given that I don't have the required 120 signatures or the $1,000 fee, my nomination will be rejected...(but you knew this would happen-Ed)...indeed, but it doesn't make it any more palatable...

I won't pretend that I'm not deeply disappointed by the response, or lack of, particularly from some people who have been more than prepared to tell me how I should and/or shouldn't conduct myself, but have declined to actually get involved...(but can you maintain that rage?-Ed)...absolutely...well, at least for one paragraph...

One paragraph, because when I calm down I have to accept the realities that I myself have described in previous posts...the extremely bigoted, insular, and retributional 'fish-bowl' that is Mt Gambier, where people are literally terrified to speak out, let alone officially attach themselves to someone as controversial and 'officially hated' as myself.

I was reduced to fronting local businesses anonymously, with zero success, but again I can hardly blame people...(indeed, if you fronted me asking for my address, birth date, and signature, I wouldn't be too keen...and I know you-Ed) is a farcical obstacle to genuine Independence. 

I have no family in the electorate, no support network, and I only know a handful of people, none of whom I feel comfortable in approaching for their support in this stated previously, as much as I have been deliberately 'Pariahtised' and isolated by the bigotry and ignorance of the Lutheran community and the rank corruption of local government, etc, I have also deliberately distanced myself from a number of people so as to not drag them into my crap...(and then there's the cash-Ed)...yes, well, that's another issue.

This $1,000 is a massive impost that denies the vast majority of people any opportunity to be involved as Genuine many people have $1k to burn in a context where they are not likely to ever see it again, just for the sake of running in an election they just can't win...

I can just cover that $1,000 initially, but there's no way I could afford to lose it when I don't get 4% of first preferences...(about 4,000 votes-Ed)...indeed...even if I had the prerequisite 120 'nominees' signatures...(I thought you said it was 100 signatures-Ed)...yes, but you are 'requested' to get 120 just in case some aren't enrolled, are not in the electorate anymore, etc...

As per my 'protest Nomination', these criteria are grossly biased against genuine Independents and 'poor people'...indeed, on the issue of the fee, this is clearly discrimination...$1,000 is an entire month's income for me, and that is on the Disability Support Pension which is relatively well above Newstart payments for the unemployed...(indeed, how many 'working families' have that sort of money to lose?-Ed)...

I am very clearly a Genuine Independent; I am not a bankrupt nor do I have a criminal record; I have been deeply and often 'brutally' involved in local, state, and even federal politics; I have run as a Genuine Independent at the 2010 State and Local Government elections; and yet I am unable, no disallowed from running by these grossly biased criteria.

And that is exactly what these criteria are designed to do, lock genuine independents out of the race...(sorry, but I don't think they've changed the requirements just to 'get you'-Ed)...indeed, but these criteria are specifically targeted at people like me...(fair enough-Ed)...

Compare this to some of the other candidates, eg, the One Nation candidate who thinks Islam is a country, etc; Liberal's James Diaz who cannot name his parties' own policies; and former cricketer Nathan Bracken.

Mr Bracken has apparently 'been thinking about politics for some time' and only days from the close of nominations suddenly drops out of the sky on a parachute called John Singleton...Advertising 'magnate' Mr Singleton is financially and logistically supporting 2 candidates including Mr Bracken who himself has no political experience what-so-ever...(and is calling himself an Independent?-Ed)...yep...(but surely he is the 'John Singleton Party candidate'?-Ed) government that money can buy...

Beyond that, I am very surprised and buoyed by those who did offer their support and it far outweighs the sense of disappointment re those who would not....thank you...

Again, I reject the gross bias and discrimination inherent in the 'Nomination Criteria' as being a deliberate construct to deny genuinely independent candidates from participating, let alone the undeniable bias against people on low incomes...

I can only apologise for failing to even nominate, but I have lodged my complaint/protest with the local AEC office and I thank the local Returning Officer, Mr Lane (?) for his time and understanding...he has undertaken to pass my complaint 'up the line'.

Tomorrow: The Covered Pool Fiasco - One Hole Council Won't Tip Money Into

I do find myself somewhat floored by the extraordinary hypocrisy of Council when it comes to not doing what doesn't personally benefit them, and their relevant excuses and justifications...

I am Nick Fletcher and I am not a candidate...yet...and I will not stop...and this is my blog...

When I said I consider myself to be already in the employ of the society that financially supports me, I absolutely meant it...and if Councils, Weatherill, Rory, et al, think I've been a pain thus far...

1 comment:

  1. The day has finally come….Announcers ready……And the loser is….Nick Fletcher….Now I don’t normally kick a man when he’s down but I’ve decided to make an exception for you Nicko…Awww Booo Hooo Hoo poor Fletch couldn’t get the money together to pay his way into a lost cause…..maybe focus on the 120 votes you couldn’t get just to be considered an Independent…the $1000 has nothing to do with it…. You didn’t get the votes because no-one is safe from your ranting excreting dribble…even your so called supporters

    “disappointed by the response, or lack of, particularly from some people who have been more than prepared to tell me how I should and/or shouldn't conduct myself, but have declined to actually get involved...

    People tell you what you want to hear Fletch because they think while they are loading your gun and you are firing the malicious bullets they have a puppet doing their dirty work….you have been used….. these people have had a great laugh at your expense filling you with their qualified opinions and letting you loose on the world….

    I’ll give you a big tip in life Fletch…..people use people… it is the way the world works……not nice I know, but true…If you are of no use to people they will cross the road to avoid you….try this and see if you enjoy your life a little more going forward.....stop writing horrible and malicious things about people…simple advice…
    my journey here is now complete……goodbye….good luck….
