Saturday, August 17, 2013

DeBelle Toll - Zero - An Inquiry Without Consequence

Hello Brazil, Venezuela, Germany and all points in between...ask not for whom DeBelle tolls for it's toll is zero...A Royal Commission into the Cover-up of the rape and/or sexual assault of several 8 year old students, and not one person charged, not even one person sacked...

(Well that's not quite true, the After School Care Director who committed the rapes/abuses was jailed-Ed)...that was before the DeBelle Inquiry even began...(oh yeah-Ed)...indeed it was the exposure of the Cover-up of that jailing that led to the creation of the DeBelle Inuqiry...(true, but what about Education Dept CEO Keith Bartley?...he was sacked-Ed)...

No, he may have been 'shoved', or embarrassed into resigning, or intimately complicit to the point that he had to run away back to England, but he wasn't sacked...he took a massive payout and it what you will, but he wasn't officially reprimanded in any way...(true-Ed)...

To quickly review: parents were not told about their child's Carer being jailed for the rape of an 8 year old in After School Care, and when it was exposed in the media, Labor ministers repeatedly lied on the floor of parliament, seeking to blame SAPol and/or parents (the school Council) for the gross failures within the Education Dept.

And senior Education Dept officials like Head of Schools Gary Costello were furiously threatening the school Council and/or other parents to keep it all buried, and when those lies and threats collapsed, the Weatherill Labor government formed the DeBelle Inquiry which self-defines as a farcical whitewash.

Nobody can remember anything, particularly Mr Weatherill's personal staffers Simon Blewett and Jadynne Hervey who forwarded the email they had received but can't remember to who, and the Ministers are completely exonerated, and nobody gets sacked...and then it is constant referring and deferring to the DeBelle Inquiry.

I re-iterate: the DeBelle Inquiry was established to officially exonerate all public officials and Ministers involved...a 'scathing report' that achieves absolutely nothing...and builds an official wall between accountability and the culture of 'paedophile Cover-up' in the Education dept and Labor Party...(a wall?-Ed)...yeah, a wall of denial that seeks to allow Premier Weatherill et al to ignore every abuse and cover-up, etc, that preceded the Inquiry by referencing everything to it...(still don't get it-Ed)...

Well, it allows them to say to every issue that comes up 'pre-DeBelle' 'oh, yes that's terrible, but it's all different now because we have the DeBelle Inquiry', and/or, 'we're doing everything according to the DeBelle Report', etc...(ah, yes, the official script of plausible denial-Ed)...nicely put sir... 

And they have all been doing it...Weatherill, Portolesi, this weeks Education Minister Jennifer Rankine, Gary Costello, and of course...(Tony-TH)...Tony...(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison...all of them.

Now a third 'Advisor', Kate Baldock, this time from the then Education Minister Grace Portolesi's office, has been revealed as a recipient of the notorious Email that the previous Education Minister Jay Weatherill's office sent to...well they apparently don't remember...(and of course they 'wiped' the relevant computers as well-Ed)...yes, how unfortunate...unless of course you were about to be exposed as knowing about the abuse after swearing repeatedly that you didn't...very convenient for those people...

A third Ministerial advisor who knew about the jailing, but allegedly did not tell Minister Grace Portolesi. Good thing that these multiple alleged professionals didn't do the most fundamental thing and tell their relevant bosses about this Cover-up because then Weatherill, Portolesi, etc, wouldn't be able to deny all responsibility.

And now the new Chief Education Officer...(Tony-TH)...Tony...(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison is really getting tough on those public servants who didn't bother to respond to the first round of 'Please Explain' writing to them again...owwww, take that Public Servants...not one but two letters asking you to explain your role in covering-up the abuse and the jailing of the abuser...good work all round...

There are multiple stories available on the Interweb so rather than trawl through it all again here, please check those...I tried 'Kate Baldock DeBelle' and came up with heaps...happy hunting...

And there's Liberal David Pisoni stamping his little foot and going harumpf...'ooo, I've got some documents...blah, blah, blah'...and now Weatherill is going to release all of those documents publicly...fascinating...releasing the documents from the farcical DeBelle Inquiry that supports and protects all of those involved...a 'scathing' Report where scathing means farcical cover-up...

I'm still waiting for the phone call from Pisoni...and Weatherill's office emailed me a month ago that they were "getting advice" but nothing since...and still not one word from Nick Xenophon...and still not one mention of the Lutherans re any report of abuse anywhere let alone in the alleged Royal Commission...the whole thing is a sad, sick joke from sad, sick people...  

Also, the two stories re corruption in the South Australian Police Force, particularly at the Victor Harbour/Goolwa Station, are both now on the Channel 7 Today Tonight website...check them out...and join me in wondering just how bad the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up is that TT won't touch it but will run this sort of story...

Tomorrow: Yet More Council Propaganda in The Border Watch

Have I used the word farcical too many times today already, do you think?...(well you will pick subject matter that self-defines as farcical, so I'm not sure what else you can do-Ed) is that a yes or a no?...(you figure it out grasshopper-Ed)...

Yay...I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...av'a good weekend...cheers and laters...

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