Thursday, August 8, 2013

Wind Turbine Inequality and Keyboard Cowards

Hello Nepal, Netherlands, Romania and France...welcome to my blog which is, amongst other things, becoming a hilarious study in anonymous stupidity and 'Keyboard Cowardice'...check the 'Comments' register...(I'd have said sad, not hilarious...confused not stupid...and scared not cowardly-Ed)...

Actually, I think you're right Ed...but first, the extraordinary conduct of the 'approval process' re the Stony Gap Wind Turbine Project and the Goyder Council...this case clinically defines the quite deliberate and gross inequality of the pro-Turbine approval process.

Please refer to previous posts re the 'Interim Development Plan Amendment' legislation (2011) and the numerous other issues that brings an old hippy like me to so vehemently oppose this alleged Renewable Resource.

Just for the record: legislating to remove the opportunity to oppose, eg, access to the Courts, is a cornerstone of Fascism...look it up in any dictionary or history book.

Just quickly, I re-iterate...the IDPA 2011 completely removed the right and/or ability for non-host residents, or anybody else, to oppose approval of Turbines, with an expensive Appeal on the grounds of 'Visual Amenity' via the Environment, Resources, and Development Court the only recourse.

Then the 'Revised DPA' (2012) officially removes that Appeal by setting Visual Amenity requirements at only 1kilometre from non-host residencies...that's 120m+ towers with 40m+ blades to be 'screened' by trees and is a ludicrous and already discredited strategy that just doesn't work.

Provided they are 1001m from your home, your neighbour can have Turbines right along your boundary, casting a kilometre long 'development exclusion shadow' onto your property and there is not one thing you can do about the very least it is 'compulsory aquisition' of non-host land by using tax-payer funded 'subsidies' to bribe host property owners.

There are an increasing number of cases and/or clearly defined issues re Infrasound and it's impacts on health...cases/issues that pro-Turbine developers and governments like the Rann/Weatherill Labour government have initially ridiculed as non-reality, but then acknowledged as real before trying to dismiss with miniscule pseudo-studies, eg, a few days testing at a couple of sites.

The massive legislative bias in favour of developers allows the Developer to appeal after the Goyder Council initially rejected the Stony Gap Turbine Development, 'negotiate' with the Council while the case is being heard, and subsequently the Council has withdrawn from the legal action and declared support for the project, leaving a couple of local property owners 'hanging in the wind' to fight the case themselves.

My opinion of the Council's actions are irrelevant, the issue is that had the project been approved initially there was no process/avenue for appeal...and is this the case at Stony Gap?...have the developers moved a couple of turbines back to the 1km mark to scupper the 'Cross-Appeal on Visual Amenity', and Council's legal advice is that they therefore cannot win, so they have withdrawn...

And/or has Goyder Council received some sort of 'incentive' from the developer? Who knows, but the outcome is the same...more of these grossly inefficient, hugely expensive, massively subsidised Turbines polluting the landscape...and a handful of people profit hugely and everyone else's electricity bills go through the roof...South Australia, currently third most expensive electricity on the planet...and rising...

Keyboard Cowards...please refer to previous post re the plethora of people who are utilising various forms of unaccountable media, eg, Twitter, Facebook, etc, to anonymously abuse, bully, vilify, etc...and you don't have to go any further than the 'Comments' on this blog to find a perfect example.

I have been most critical of someone ('Dick Stretcher') who is clearly very upset, very confused, and very anxious if not quite scared...and I can hardly blame him/her, given the reality of what I have been blogging re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the complicit involvement of SAPol, the Teachers Registration Board, the Crown Solicitor, etc, Rory McEwen, Mike Rann, Jay Weatherill, Greg Muller, Steve Perryman, Don Pegler, Richard Sage, Stuart Stansfield, et al, and The Border Watch, the Adelaide media, and the ABC local, state, and national.

I mean, which society would you rather live in?...the one where what Nick Fletcher says in his blog is the reality, or the society where Nick Fletcher is a malicious liar?...(and a fat dole-bludging hippy-Ed)...yes,
well, that's an indication of some deeper personal prejudices, but it is irrelevant...(irrelevant?-Ed)...yes, who I am is irrelevant, and even if I were everything I rail against, eg, a corrupt paedophile, that makes me a hypocrite, not wrong...(oh, good point-Ed)...

And this 'which do you believe, which is more likely' is something I/we have seen many times before and has been repeatedly used to manipulate people on the periphery, eg, by the Lutherans to manipulate other parents at St Martins. It was remiss of me to not realise it sooner...thank you Ed...

To Dick Stretcher: I understand that you are scared and confused about the reality of what is happening re St Martins and the economically crippling corruption in local government, etc, but attacking me achieves nothing...why don't you write to these people you claim to represent and ask them to explain their actions...

Beyond that, your abuse means nothing to me, but your extraordinary 'Comments/Allegations' re St Martins have caused great hurt to a number of other people specifically involved, and I call on you to apologise to them...I forgive you but I cannot help you... 

Or are you are an 'Agent' of those you have already claimed to represent...regardless, here we have someone anonymously running off at the mouth, getting it horribly wrong, and then furiously back-peddling whilst trying to blame the person they've attacked...(classic-Ed)...

Please find attached below the latest 'Comment' from anonymous 'Dick Stretcher'...

1)  'the fat lazy dole bludging hippy'...(that's you-Ed)...yes, thank you...I'm not fat, I'm big-boned (sob)...

2)  'I never mentioned the other parents...if other parents have been insulted...they should take issue with

What an extraordinary making specific 'legal action for profit' allegations against me, in apparently complete ignorance of the facts, you have denigrated, defamed and deeply offended other parents.

And then, even after it is carefully explained to you, you don't apologise for vilifying and defaming them, you actually blame anonymously and ignorantly sling grossly offensive and unfounded allegations about, and then flatly refuse to take responsibility...(priceless-Ed)...unacceptable.

3)  'you are a Bully'...from the anonymous, abusive person hiding behind 'Dick Stretcher'...

4)  'then you hide behind your "I've got an illness and I'm a victim rubbish"...'

Ridiculing me about a diagnosed illness and a decade of abuse and denigration at the hands of the Lutherans as they cover-up the abuse of a class of full of young children...charming...

5) 'Also the people of the North East End of Mt Gambier I am sure are lovely...I didn't refer to anyone
    else's digs in the North East End and didn't mention any other person...'

(can I take this one?-Ed)...certainly...(ta...and I quote - "why don't you do what the other low lifes do...jump your rickety back fence in crappoville...scamper your way across the paddock to Big W"...unquote-Ed)...and that's not a bigoted attack on Housing Trust tenants?...

6) you acknowledge that you were wrong about me 'never having a job', but then try to excuse that with a
    false apology that further seeks to mock/mimic me, and then more abuse...

I just can't be bothered going through the rest, and I'm sure there's more to come...but I note that for someone who claims to not care about me or what I say, you have gone to an awful lot of trouble...I appreciate the effort...

Whatever your motivations, thank you for your contributions 'Dick Stretcher' comparison they (you) show my blog to be strong, honest, and appropriate.

Tomorrow: Mental Health Services in the South East
I am Nick Fletcher and this 'ere is me blog what I does put me name to rrrrrrrr...(what the hell is that? a pirate now or something?-Ed)...yeah, just trying to break it up a it an attempt at humour...

Oh, and I will get to the Revised posts as promised...cheers and laters...

1 comment:

  1. Righto Nummy thanks for clearing all that up for me…..I think I’ll start from scratch…. see how I go from here on in….gee I hope I’m as factual as you are…I’d hate to have my work continually critiqued and be wasting your valuable signature gathering time….How’s that going by the way??

    Although I’m pretty sure no-one really pays too much attention to your one man crusade… This is my official apology if I have offended anyone other than yourself by writing what I have written on your comments page….To all other people other than Nick Fletcher I AM SORRY….(there ya go that wasn’t hard was it)…No not at all….As I’ve said before I’m not often wrong…. but I’m never right…

    So Mr Fletcher please stand up….for services to the community and for bringing all the people of South Australia to account we award you a life time free ride on the government purse….
    I don’t think YOU are unemployable…I’ve read some..not all as you correctly pointed out…your blog over the past 200 odd days and I think you show a reasonable intellect….I just think the thing you don’t like having to do is work for a living and cannot stand the thought of going to a place of employment where you have to do as you are told to do….so you fake your illness….
    Saying things like I really appreciate what the government does for me is a load of crap…… Your delusional enough about your own greatness to make statements about everything you say being the truth yet you go into a mental state of incapacity when the words “work for a living” is mentioned……you are a dole bludger….. I think you lie about your illness to get government hand- outs….. so tell me Mr Fletcher will you make a miraculous recovery from this illness if you get elected to the seat of Barker??

    So here’s the challenge Mr Fletcher…. you admit that you could work if you wanted to….but chose to lie about your illness to get a freebie from the government…..remember you are ALL about HONESTY….and I’ll stop writing crap about you….

    Now as your un-official campaign manager maybe you need a gimmick like Miles Hanneman…I saw him today driving a bloody Army Jeep through the city with the slogan “defending the seat of Barker”…Struth if he continues down that road I might have to shift my focus he’s obviously a screw loose as well…but back to the gimmick….I’ll ring Loritz Circus and see if I can’t get you that friggin big clown they had on the Wehl St. round-a-bout…the likeness is uncanny….

    I’m Dick Strecther and I am not afraid as some people think…. I AM SORRY THOUGH…
