Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Comment on Comments: Part II

Please find attached two 'Comments' left anonymously on my two most recent posts 05/08/2013 and 06/08/2013...interesting that these 'Comments' have been posted after 6 months of me 'Blogging', but only two days into the official Election campaign.

And even before I finish writing this post, another anonymous 'Comment' from the same person as 'And thank God for that!'...(left on post 'Comments on Comments')...My, my, what brave people you are...

I offer these 'Comments' (below) as typical of the sort of anonymous 'character assassination' conducted against myself and other parents re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up.

I'm not sure whether this person actually reads the blog or just the titles or has been told what's on it by someone else...their criticism wanders in and out of the actual 'blog content', from very specific detail to scattershot abuse, and many of the specific 'accusations' are already covered, eg, issues about unemployment, etc...and they claim to know things that I haven't blogged....and yet get most of those things wrong as well...

I think they are trying to undermine and discredit what I have been saying by criticising me personally rather than addressing the issues...they clearly want to draw attention away from the St Martins Issue, but I'm not sure that constantly referring to it achieves that...particularly acknowledging that the children were abused...and the rest is just a rambling, incoherent nonsense.

Apart from that, these 'Comments' specifically defame and denigrate many other people who have absolutely nothing to do with this blog...and offer a perfect opportunity to review some of these issues, so just quickly, from the beginning...

Comment 05/08/2013

1) I think that 'Dick Stretcher' is a play on my name, and fair enough, I do that in my blog sometimes, but I'm not sure what a 'Nummy' is...(it's Numb Nuts shortened-Ed)...ah, of course...oh, and I don't think you should get involved Ed because you get a serve as well...(really?-Ed)...really...(but I don't actually exist-Ed)...indeed...

2) 'You are vulgar and reprehensible'...(but I thought they said they haven't met you-Ed)...ah, bazinga...

3) I don't know who 'Oliver Queen' is...but I'm sure he's handsome, erudite, witty, and charming...

4) 'a screw loose'...I'm glad that you find the extreme psychological trauma that I've endured for a decade as clearly identified on my blog to be so amusing and worthy of abuse.

5) 'Ivory Tower'...from someone who doesn't put their name to their opinion...(enough said-Ed)...

And good on you 'Dick Stretcher' for your repeated, bigoted vilification of Housing Trust is simply unwarranted.

6) 'Dole bludging loser'...I think refers to my Unfair/Illegal Dismissal from a full-time position at the Gambier Hotel in 2000, as I personally proved in the Industrial Relations Commission, and that rendered me "unemployable" in such a small, insular community...something that has had a drastic effect on my life.

As per previous posts, I am on the Disability Support Pension (since 2011) after years of being 'hand-balled' around the Social Security sector as a problem no-one knew what to do with.

'Dick Stretcher' conveniently forgets to mention the thousands of hours of volunteer work I've done, eg, for Lifeline, and particularly the back-breaking work I did for the Lutherans at umpteen working bees.

7) 'Caravan Park'...already covered in previous post...I moved from the Park by choice, via 2 other residences, before being lucky enough to get the wonderful little Housing Trust homette I have now. I note that the terrible treatment of other Park tenants isn't mentioned.

8) I agree that my running as a candidate in both the State and local government elections in 2010 were basically 'protest' efforts and I never thought that I would 'win'. I considered it an obligation to put myself up for public scrutiny as part of an appropriate democratic process.

I note that the Labour candidate for Barker, Phil Golding, has openly stated that he 'is not delusional' enough to think he'll win, but he's still giving it a go...indeed, in the safe Liberal seat all other candidates are effectively in the same basket...

9)  'cream carter job of government official' seems to be a general criticism of public officials.

10) 'Gravy trough'...again in previous posts...I am very much aware of the support that I receive and it is part of the society that I want to be part of, and I can only say again that I consider myself to already be 'in the employ' of the people who support me.

I obviously cannot prove that other than to point to how hard I work to address critical issues in a context where I could quite easily, legally just sit home and 'playstation'...being put on the DSP has only made me go harder...(damn straight-Ed)... 

11) 'the St Martins Scandal' 'Dick Stretcher's' anonymous comments lurch from purile and pointless to outright are a crass coward...I simply refer to my previous posts re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up. 

As 'non-resident' parent, I have had no say in what school my child did or didn't attend, and I have no idea how I could have profited from that decision anyway...incoherent nonsense...

Teacher Glyn Dorling was 'removed' before I even heard about it, and I and other parents tried without success to get the appropriate authorities, eg, SAPol, Child Protection Services, etc, to address the abuses committed against our children in 2002...then, having exhausted literally every option, other parents only started legal action more than a year after that on the specific, repeated advice of former MP Rory McEwen...and I only joined that action some time later...

12) '(your child) doesn't talk to you anymore because you failed him...someone told me this but I can't remember'...again, just crass and offensive nonsense from an anonymous coward...

13) all closed out with an incoherent rant about not attending meetings but being in the shadows and/or my head...which is it?...or is it the shadows in my head?...(ooo, heavy man-Ed)...

I'd suggest that this entire 'Comment' indicates that I'm in your head, champ, under your skin, and metaphorically right in your face...

Comment 06/08/2013

And more of the same from an anonymous coward who doesn't seem to understand some of the basics that they are discussing/criticising, eg, you don't get payed $1,000 for running as a candidate, it costs $1,000 which you get refunded when and if you get 4% of the Primary vote...and highlighting their own error by introducing it with 'let's get back to facts'...priceless...

And quite right that I have nothing, moving to Mt Gambier has had a devastating effect on my life...and absolutely true that this has led me to continue forward with issues where others simply cannot afford to do so.

But absolutely wrong that I don't "live in fear of being sued for defamation"...I refer to the Crown Solicitors Office specific threat to jail me - Criminal Liability under the Criminal Consolidation Act - that means jail time regardless of how much money I do or don't have. (previous posts) 

Again, I can only state that I do not represent's just me...I am an angry bunny, but I'm no Secret Squirrel.

And another bigoted attack on Housing Trust tenants...charming...

'Working whilst getting the dole'...if you've got any evidence of this very serious offence, take it to Centrelink...they're expecting to hear from you...other than that, just another empty denigration from an anonymous coward...

All closed out with facetious, empty, false apologies and what I believe is an attempt at humour...

And another comment from yesterday 06/08/13...I can't be bothered, just more of the same, but it's on the blog if you want to read it...

Dear Anonymous,

If you have nothing better to offer than crass, bigoted abuse of everybody, and unsubstantiated allegations about me, you're no longer welcome on the blog...three strikes and you're out...any future 'Comments' will be deleted unless you have something specific to contribute.

When you are prepared to stop being a 'Keyboard Coward' and come onto the blog not anonymously, your 'Comments' will remain.

Beyond that, thank you for confirming that I'm right on the mark, and I guarantee you it's not me that people are laughing at...dig all you want, when you get to the bottom of the hole I'll be right here are a coward and a liar...cheers...

Tomorrow: Revised Posts re Stansfield and NF McDonnell 

Maybe this time...maybe...unless of course it's going to upset anyone.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...laters...

1 comment:

  1. Whhhoooaaa…..note to self…when going to the Hornet’s nest don’t poke the fat lazy dole bludging hippy looking one… he can still sting ya…..

    For the record I never mentioned the other parents involved at St.Martins….I only mentioned you..….therefore if other parents have been insulted by what was written they should take issue with you because it is not my intent to offend them….you on the other hand I will make an exception….
    Why do you not accept insults to your persona however hand them out freely to any person you see fit?? I’ll answer that…you are a Bully and when things don’t go your way you make a complete and utter arse of yourself to prove your point…and then you hide behind your “I’ve got an illness and I’m a victim rubbish”…

    Also the people of the North East End of Mt.Gambier I am sure are lovely….It’s only you that brings the mental aptitude of the area down…I didn’t refer to anyone elses digs in the North East End and didn’t mention any other person in the North East End of town…Crappoville is a reference to your home and the vile that comes out of your mouth on your daily blog… again you are trying to build a support network around you using others as a human shield… not commendable….

    Dole Bludging Loser has nothing to do with the Gambier Hotel…heck I didn’t even know you worked there…(well go on apologise to him…you said he’d never worked since coming here. Ed) Ok sorry got that one wrong….It refers to the fact you haven’t worked for 13years and received the dole up until 2011 when you managed to make such a problem of yourself that the government went stuff it give him the disability pension that way he will shut up and leave our staff alone…see I didn’t lie as you put it I was smack on the money you’re a dole bludger….how about you get off your lazy ring hole and get a job there was only 200 going across the paddock 12months ago!!!

    As for the countless hours you did at the Lutheran school….baaahaahaahaaaa what a joke….you were getting a free ride on the government purse at one of the dearest schools in town…so you should help around the yard a bit....

    Now two things I will reveal to you Mr Nick Fletcher is this…..Firstly I DO NOT comment on your blog because I have an affiliation with a political competitor of yours…there is a good chance I will probably vote for you at the coming election (just to avoid the fine Ed.)……secondly your existence in life and the crap that you write has absolutely no impact on me what so ever….I’m just enjoying writing crap about an individual who writes crap about other individuals….you are like a sport to me….I’m going to name it Nummyball…
