Friday, August 2, 2013

TFTIM: PWBP Lawyer Stephen Lietschke - Part II

Hello Argentina, Poland, the Netherlands and Bangladesh...I apologise in advance for the lack of humour in this post, and the totality of rage, but I can only plead that rage is a sane response to an insane series of events orchestrated/conducted by insane, corrupt people...and so...

Language Warning: This post contains coarse language and/or expletives in one paragraph. If you are likely to be offended please do not read the notified paragraph.

I refer to yesterday's post re Stephen Lietschke's outrageous behaviour re the WorkCover case of Alex, and in a future post I will explain the exact same corruption I faced in my Unfair Dismissal case (which I won) that somehow ended up in WorkCover with Mr Lietschke and Mr Olsson...but I digress...

I note that Mr Olsson was a former 'Magistrate' and a 'WorkCover Magistrate' and more importantly, the father of Ms Jen Olsson, the Crown Solicitors Office representative in the Dorling TRB/CSO hearing...(a coincidence perhaps?-Ed)...yeah, just a coincidence...(that's sarcasm, right?-Ed)...damn straight...

The Chair in the hearing was Carmel Kerin, cousin of former Liberal leader Rob Kerin, the CSO rep was the daughter of a senior Judicial figure, the entire Board were/are Union members and/or Education Department employees, and Dorling's lawyer was Lietschke, Premier Jay Weatherill's business partner...

I try to be appropriately humourous so as to make what I have to say a little less bludgeoning and repelling, but in reviewing the behaviours of Stephen Lietschke and the entire conduct of the Teachers Registration Board/ Crown Solicitor Office re Glyn Dorling (previous posts) I don't know how to cover the entirety of the collusion and pro-paedophile corruption with any brevity, and...

Language Warning - If you are likely to be offended, skip this paragraph...the only thing I have to say about all involved is what a pack of sad, sick, corrupt fucks who should be put up against a w...hang on, wait...Ed, you didn't pull me up on the f-word this time...(no, I'm not going to censor you this one time because I absolutely concur that there is simply no language strong enough to encapsulate who these people are and what they have quite deliberately done in protecting a "text-book grooming paedophile"-Ed)...end Language Warning...

But what if people are offended by said language?...(easy, I've just gone back and put Language Warnings in several places, see?-Ed)..oh, yeah, people will read that warning before getting to this discussion about the Language Warning...(yes-Ed) very Dr Who, you know, jumping about in time lines and such...groovy...(indeed, but that's the one time, alright?-Ed)...yeah, yeah, alright...

On February 8th 2005 I was standing in the foyer of the Mullighan Inquiry having just spent an hour with Comm Mullighan re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up (both previous posts), when the Child Protection Activist (CPA) I was with (name withheld) received a phone was Stephen Lietschke.

Two minutes into the conversation, and unbeknown to Mr Lietschke, the CPA put the call on 'speaker', and I listened to Lietschke repeat the same points several times over.

The following is an extract from my 13 page letter March 7th 2005 to the TRB Registrar Ms Wendy Hastings...(13 pages?...a little excessive don't you think?-Ed) was hand written, and followed on from numerous letters full of still unanswered questions...quite frankly, 13 pages is succinct even truncated...(fair enough-Ed)...

"I note that in your letter 18/02/05 you make no reference to the allegations aired by Stephen his phone conversation of 08/02/2005 to (the CPA).

  I have spoken at length with (the CPA) about that conversation. She has confirmed that Mr Lietschke; 
  1)  stated that a parent had confessed to the CSO/TRB hearing, in the hearing, that 'he was involved
       in a plot with two other parents to get Glyn Dorling and through him off a cliff'. (paraphrase)
  2) stated that death threats were made against Glyn Dorling and his daughter.
  3) refuted one parents CSO/TRB testimony, stating that the Flinders Child Protection Unit report for
      that child said something different. Mr Lietschke went into the details of the 'incident', and discussed
      specific parent testimony and literally quoted the child's version of events from the FCPU report.
  4) stated that he no longer represented Glyn Dorling but was concerned that (the CPA) might "get sued"
      for her involvement.
   5) told (the CPA) to check the psychological history and/or condition of the people she was getting her        information from.
   6) stated that there were no disclosures in any of the FCPU reports.
   7) stated that the CSO/TRB had not yet made a decision regarding Glyn Dorling's registration, and that        we should all wait until they hand down their decision and reasons. (The CPA) told Mr Lietschke
       that parents already had received written notification of the decision not to de-register Dorling.
   8) discussed other aspects of the CSO/TRB hearing.

 Is it appropriate for Mr Lietschke to discuss the CSO/TRB hearing in this manner?

 Have you, or Ms Olsson, gone to the police to report these death threats and confession of a plot to kill
 Glyn Dorling? Who gave this evidence/confession?

 As I understand it, I was the only male parent who gave evidence at the CSO/TRB hearing. If this is the 
 case, then Mr Lietschke has identified me as the confessor in this plot to kill Glyn Dorling.


 I understand that a parent contacted you within days of this phone call to ask about these alleged death
 threats and the 'plot' to throw Dorling off a cliff. I believe that your response was that no such
 allegations/confessions were made at Glyn Dorling's CSO/TRB registration hearing."

The rest of the letter goes on to re-iterate the many points, issues, and/or questions from my many previous letters re the conduct of all involved, eg, why were none of the adult witnesses, the Principal John Alexander, or the dossier of previous complaints, called to (provided to) the hearing.

As the only male witness at the hearing, these completely fabricated claims of confessions and death threats were made by Lietschke deliberately and specifically about me...and the 'two other fathers' are clearly the only other two fathers involved.

As stated, these other parents contacted the TRB to ask for an explanation, and were told (obviously) that no such confessions or statements were made by anybody in the hearing.

(And the TRB did...?-Ed)...nothing, absolutely nothing. I believe that one parent also contacted the Law Society or Legal Practitioners Conduct Board, but was literally waved away...pathetic and corrupt...

I repeat; we parents were led like lambs to the slaughter by a complicit, corrupt TRB and CSO, who allowed Stephen Lietschke to run the hearing.

We were deliberately set up as completely powerless and unrepresented against this 'lawyer' in a 'Court' setting we were assured was 'non-adversarial' but rather 'inquisitory', and then Lietschke was allowed to bully, harass, threaten, and berate parents with complete immunity.

Even though he had been provided with the appropriately 'edited' FCPU reports (specific names removed, etc), he demanded the TRB/CSO subpoena the full reports, which they did without any opposition, and duly handed to him.

He was then allowed to question us about these documents whilst Dorling sat there next to him reading our children's reports that FCPU has flatly refused to release to us...(ah, come on, now you're just making shit up-Ed)...wish I was...

When I called him on this in the hearing, 'how can he question us from documents we haven't seen' Carmel Kerin tersely told me to "just answer the question"...and even when I called him for making up alleged statements out of one report, again the Board just waved me away, refused to look at the report to see if it was a lie, and again told me to just answer...sad, sick, corrupt......(good boy...there'll be snacks for you later-Ed)...

I'll do a third concluding post re Mr Lietschke, but I think these first two show him for exactly what he is...a corrupt, self-important scumbag who knows that the law doesn't apply to him in Adelaide because he protects paedophiles...just like Eugene Magee...and Bill Morris...

These are the legalistic illuminati who define the sickness that rules Adelaide's inbred, white bread polite society...paedophilia...may you all rot in hell for who you are, and what you have done...

(No, I think that's all gone rather well-Ed)...

Tomorrow: Turbines, Council, and other Unpleasantries

Or possibly the DeBelle Inquiry...haven't made up my mind much bullshit, only one man, only one blog...

I genuinely apologise if for some reason my well sign posted single expletive has caused offence to anyone's finer sensibilities...(but honestly, if a few harsh truths and colourful language offend, what are you doing reading this blog-Ed)...damn straight...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...furious doesn't begin to describe it...but remember always, Strike Up, Not Out...laters...

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