Friday, August 23, 2013

Jail Expansion and Other Issues

Hello Russia, Ukraine, Poland, and France...whom according to my little statistics thingy are all in the top 10 countries whom are 'availees' of this here blog...most excellent...I have no idea who you are individually, but you clearly have great taste in voluminously verbose vindicationings via verseful vitriolic ventifications...(wahhh?-Ed)...

Those whom enjoy me constantly banging on about various issues and justifying my rage by proving the reality of what I claim...(oh, so your constant collective condemnation of Child-abuse corruption and  collusion, comprehensively covered with colourful critical commentary-Ed)...yeah, that...

Apologies to all for very short, very late post today.

Marine Pollution and Parks: Adelaide's beaches have been officially closed for several days following heavy rains which create heavily polluted run-off via the Onkaparinga and Torrens Rivers, the Sturt Creek/Patawalonga, and other drains/outlets, etc. 

These plumes are clearly visible and an ugly reminder of the land based pollution that constantly seeps and occasionally pours into the Gulf off Adelaide where, due to minimal tidal flows, the vast majority remains in the shallow waters near the coast affecting seagrasses and the associated ecosystems, eg, spawning and feeding areas for fish, Blue Swimmer Crab habitat, etc.

And there appears to be little if any effort to address this well known pollution problem that could have been addressed by diverting stormwater to the De-salination Plant for appropriate treatment and re-use, which ironically, is itself clearly responsible for pollution from it's outfall pipe/s.

Intermittent small scale man-made wetlands are all well and groovy for dealing with small volumes of run-off, but it takes something the scale of the Salisbury Wetlands to really make a difference...and...

Many 'fishers' continue to criticise Marine Parks, both the extent and the intent, and I may not know that much about the former, but even as a supporter of protection, Parks, etc, I think there is a strong case to argue that we are doing ourselves economic damage for a not specifically defined benefit.

The hypocrisy of the stated intent, preservation, is immediately obvious when BHP amongst others are to be granted exploration rights for Gas and/or Oil in literally the exact areas that 'fishers' have been shut out of.

Credit Where Credit's Due: I regularly put the boot into The Border Watch newspaper because they have such a critical role to play in covering local news but are extremely biased and selective in what they will and won't cover, but, they are to be congratulated for at least one thing.

I noticed some time ago that many major papers have almost no coverage of women's sport unless it's a new skimpy volleyballer's outfit, or someone in bathers, etc, but TBW offers extensive coverage of all sports and their participants...and for this they are to be genuinely congratulated.

I don't suggest that this excuses some of the other things they do...(or don't do-Ed)...indeed...but it is an example of why they are important as a local media source, and in some respects more advanced than their senior colleagues.

Somewhat less glorious is their coverage of the Gaol Expansion Issue, where they subscribe to the official line that we should be grateful for the jobs...that this is somehow a good thing for Mt Gambier.

The front page article Thursday 22nd 2013 (continued page 6) makes only one brief mention of the reality of what is happening, and even then plays down the problem...180 new prisoners to add to the 128 already here "of which the majority are serving time for sex-related offences."

This follows on from the front page article from several weeks ago that went to great lengths to explain that someone being released from the gaol would not be getting released into Mt Gambier.

I re-iterate that I have been trying to get this issue (about the dumping of Adelaide's sex-offenders in the South East) into the Mt Gambier media for some time, but it was only after I 'blogged it' that the issue started to appear.

As per previous post, last Monday 19th August there was a long interview on the Local ABC where the interviewee repeatedly played down or dismissed the issue of what happens to released prisoners moving into Mt Gambier, and again Credit Where Due, that was in response to the questioning from Stan Thomson. 

Rather than run through it all again, please refer previous posts...I'm crook (sick) and I'm going to bed and feel sorry for myself.

Again, apols for short post, but I have received feedback that maybe they could be a bit shorter anyway...ahahaha...that's just not gunna' happen...

Tomorrow: Arts Funding in Mt Gambier

And some other's to feeling better tomorrow...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...


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