Sunday, August 25, 2013

TFTIM: ABC's Ian Henschke

Hello China, Switzerland, Portugal, and Malaysia...just to break it up a bit and/or rather than work myself into a lather again over just how much City Council has rooted Mt Gambier in the last decade, this little gem...

Lauded, applauded, and highly respected Mr Henschke (spelling?) is just another Adelaide media luminary whom is personally aware of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up Issue, because I did tell it at him...(at him?-Ed)...and whom has been directed and/or chosen to ignore it...(so that's Frank Pangello, Simon Royal, Ian Henschke...any others?-Ed)...well, yeah, pretty much all of them...Melvin Mansell, Matt Abraham and David Bevan...

(To be fair, Matt and Dave did give you 6-8 minutes on air to specifically discuss St Martins immediately prior to their 'Candidates Radio Forum' in March 2010, so they haven't so much ignored it as just done nothing about it since-Ed)...fair enough, but it has the same outcome...the Cover-up continues...

But you're right, that is different to the local ABC, TBW, etc, who have repeatedly turned me away with 'come back when something happens' promises that by definition of the passage of time have proven to be wholly untruths...(untruths you say-Ed)...

This 'excuse' was constantly used throughout 2008-11 specific to the parliamentary Statutory Authorities Review Committee Inquiry into the Teachers Registration Board, where I was repeatedly refused air-time or any discussion of St Martins with the promise that 'we'll do something when the Inquiry concludes'.

Never happened...even when the SARC Inquiry handed down it's report, SARC Report no54, that repeatedly references 'the school in Mt Gambier' and cites testimony from several families, etc...and unless I somehow missed it, not one word in the local media, not the ABC or The Border Watch or WIN TV, all of whom effectively refused to even acknowledge the Inquiry existed...(but why?-Ed)...

Because it conflicted with their official compliance with the Cover-up, and the concurrent line that Nick Fletcher is the only genuine problem...(you know it's not particularly healthy and definitely naff to refer to oneself in the third person-Ed)...yes, Nick Fletcher is aware of that...(ahahaha-Ed)...

This is the exact same dual 'character assassination/denial' agenda as witnessed with the 'Comments' left on this blog, an agenda that long ago morphed into a self-excusing narrative along the lines of 'it's alright to treat Nick Fletcher atrociously as we ignore the reality of what he is saying'...that is, we can both ignore St Martins and assuage our collective guilt, if we just blame Nick Fletcher for all of let's all do that then...

And that's why I do this blog.

And then when the Royal Commission was announced in late 2012, only days after I circulated a long letter re St Martins Cover-up and the involvement of various politicians up to and including then (2007) Education Minister Julia Gillard (Prime Minister in 2012), and MP Patrick Secker went on the ABC Radio and himself cited 'the sorry situation in Mt Gambier that I wrote to Julia Gillard about'...even then the Mt Gambier media refused to acknowledge it...

(And I thought the Fourth Estate was meant to rock the boat, not toe-the-line-Ed)...only if that means not upsetting their own little gravy trains...Mt Gambier, and Adelaide for that matter, are so thoroughly 'locked down' that nobody is going to go against the grain...and that grain includes ignoring the abuse at St Martins and the associated cover-up to the point that the entire local media are complicit...

And that's why I do this blog.

But what genuinely saddens me is that I believe that the majority of these people are not 'gravy trainers' but perfectly decent, reasonable human beings unfortunately obliged to function to a specific agenda...and that agenda very specifically includes not tackling the St Martins Issue...

And that 'reverse segues' into the issue of Adelaide's sex-offenders getting dumped in Mt Gambier (in previous posts), and how that has been politely acknowledged but not truthfully addressed, and even then only as the first new prisoners are arriving...but I digress... 

And then it's also Nick Fletcher's fault that after years of politely negotiating around the gross failure of the local media and their bias and abuse, he finally snaps and starts doing a blog and...(yes, we know; that's why you do this blog-Ed)...well, yes...sorry, more digressing...

In previous posts I've covered various aspects of my Cancer treatment 2004/05 and the St Martins Issue and how the congruence of these two issues led to me being in Parliament House for a good part of the March/April/May 2005 shenanigans that led to the resignation/political assassination of Speaker Peter Lewis.

It was at this time (early May) that I first actually met Ian Henschke after having spoken with him over the phone several times in September/October 2004 re St Martins...the Child Protection Activists operating with the Speaker Peter Lewis had provided him parents contact details.

I know the next bit is somewhat vague, but I never saw the actual contents of the referenced letter/fax/email (?), only the look on Ian Henschke's face as he came to terms with what it said/proved...namely, that phone calls from the Speakers land phone line were being monitored/recorded/whatevs...(or the office was bugged-Ed)...well, possible but not likely...much easier to just monitor the lines I'd have thought...

Apparently several agencies/people received 'leave it alone' emails/faxes (?) either from the police or Crown Solicitor or some other authority in South Australia (? sorry) immediately following contacts made by Peter Lewis or from his office...again, sorry to be so vague but because much of this stuff was done 'In Confidence' I was often outside in the corridor dozing off some Radiotherapy on the lovely chaise lounge.

All I know is that these calls were made from the land line in the Speakers office, and at least one of these agencies/people sent a copy of this fax/email to Peter Lewis, and that was then put in front of Mr Henschke during a break in an interview done in Parliament House...and it was pointed out to him the times on the emails/faxes (?)...and that the original fax/email was sent whilst the phone call it referred to was still happening...

Bizarre I know...and I did not see the letter myself...but I stood a metre away from Mr Henschke as he read through it again and again...and watched his furrowed brow soften as he worked out that the timing was wrong and then immediately re-furrow as he cross-referenced the times...and soften and re-furrow...soften and the point that he was pointing at each bit and muttering under his was vaguely comical...

'But the email/fax says that the call was at...and the email/fax was sent...but wait, that's on interstate time...oh, no it's not...but wait, if you allow hang on that's the time that it was sent...' (paraphrase)...he went round and round for 2-3 minutes before finally conceding that it did appear that someone was somehow aware of the call while it was still being made from the Speakers office...

This was taken to other media but after initial interest I don't think anything happened...Peter Lewis was not particularly popular by that stage... 

So there you go...I can't prove a word of it or be more specific because I just don't know, but what I can say is that I watched Mr Henschke work up a quiet sweat trying to work out the timing of that fax/email, only to reach the conclusion that he did...

My only conclusion is that maybe it had something to do with the Criminal Defamation case that was later
thrown at Peter Lewis and the others, but that is at best a guess...

Oh, and of course, Mr Henschke knows about St Martins...

Tomorrow: Revised Post re Council Consultation and Budget, Part II

Or some other stuff if I change my mind...or not...

Nick Fletcher is I, and this be his blog...and when I talk about how badly I've been treated, I never forget that there are other families involved who have been treated every bit as appallingly...laters...

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