Monday, August 19, 2013

Official Complaint to Electoral Commission

Apologies for late post and for changing topic, but I have been preparing this attached letter and delivering to Police and the Electoral Commission...(and stopping for lunch-Ed)...well yes, a bloke's gotta eat...(is that what you call that ungratifying display?-Ed)...thank you...

I have lodged this official complaint with Police following the multiple stories through the media recently and the relevant advice to report this sort of gutless 'social media' vilification, particularly as the defamation re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up involves other parents, and there are specific allegations against me of specific unlawful acts, eg, multiple layers of defrauding Centrelink.

Given the clear and self-defined political intent of these 'Comments' left on previous posts only since the Election was officially called, I have also lodged this as an official complaint with the Electoral Commission...the letter is quite self-explanatory so I won't go on...

Also, I managed to catch MLC Nick Xenophon this morning during his brief visit to Mt Gambier, and he was already running late but gave me 10 minutes, apologised for the failure of his office to acknowledge my various recent attempts to contact him, and we have taken steps to rectify that.

Upset I may be, but I take Mr Xenophon at his word and repeated to him what I have stated in previous posts, namely that he did not have to engage with us at all re St Martins, and that I believe that he got us the Parliamentary Inquiry that he knew he could get up, and that any Inquiry with 'genuine powers', etc, would not have been supported by either major party.

I look forward to hearing from Mr Xenophon in the near future, and of course hope he will be returning to Mt Gambier soon.

Tomorrow: The Council Stuff

As promised...and some other stuff...and thank you again for your feedback 'off-blog'...much appreciated...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers...

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