Saturday, August 24, 2013

Revised Post: Council Budget Consultation

Hello y'all...welcome to the blog...and a 'Revisionary Post' that is a nice segue into current attempted propaganda from Council re their amazing Public Consultation processes...(that 'amazing' is sarcasm, right?-Ed)...absolutely...(damn I'm getting good at this-Ed)...

Oh, and a quick 'post script hindsight notification' that this post rapidly becomes more of a 'Venting Event' than an actual 'Visionary Revision', and ultimately leads to a Part II...

But quickly, I owe Senator Nick Xenophon a partial apology for claiming that I have received 'no response at all' to my various attempts to contact him, because I found in my emails a brief 'thanks, we'll get back to you' letter from one of his staffers from late last year (2012)...but no actual response or return of recent calls, emails, a partial apology.

And thank you to the Greens Mark Keough for being the only candidate for the seat of Barker to respond to my email/Open Letter as posted previously...

And a further quick apology for yesterday's shambolic post...I've been quite unwell for several months, literally running myself into the ground, not eating or sleeping properly, etc, and with the relative 'release' of not even being able to even Nominate for the Federal election it's all caught up with me.

I've slumped from a motivated participant to a hibernating cynic...from 5hrs sleep a day to 10, and constant metaphoric chewing over of a very large slice of 'Give A F***' Pie...(mmm, GAF Pie...the breakfast of Champions-Ed)...

I have spoken/written before about how doing this blog tramples the fine line between cathartic and catastrophic when it comes to my own mental health and well-being...and as always that translates itself into a physical manifestation...on more than one occasion, doing a post has cost me half a day in creation, and the rest of that day in recuperation.  

And every day for 8 months now without respite, because it all constantly comes back to the paedophiles and how 'they' clearly run South Australia...starting with Premiers Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill and then on down...and always down...and the absolute corruption that this not just allows, but fosters and promotes...

It is no exaggeration to say that ultimately I find it slightly less depressing to run repeatedly and at speed into the coal face of Institutionalised Pro-paedophile Corruption that defines South Australian governance, than to stand back and just look at it...

How I envy those whom can look at this situation and then just turn their backs on it...including the long list of local luminaries, eg, Tony Pasin, Greg Muller, Steve Perryman, Don Pegler, Rory McEwen, the ABC, The Border Watch, etc, etc, etc, who all know about St Martins but chose to ignore it for their own gain...

(Well, except of course Rory didn't turn his back, he knowingly participated/s in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up for his own personal financial gain-Ed)...well, absolutely...and by that definition, so have all involved personally profited from a conscious decision to be part of the cover-up. 

Each and everyone of you is absolutely complicit in the Cover-up of the abuse of a class of 7 year old children...(and I'd say rot in hell for it, but I'd suggest you already are-Ed)...nicely put...have a good hard look around Mt Gambier and see a dying city for what it is...and largely thanks to corrupt public officials who ignore the St Martins issue so they can do their corrupt little land re-zonings and disastrous development projects for mutual profit while the rest of the town dies around them.

And that's what really pisses me off about Council's relentless self-congratulation and pompous posturing about what great work they do and how fantastically they 'Consult' with the public and let's give Merv White a prize for 25 years of rooting this town into the ground...yay...

Mt Gambier City Council is a Colonialist feudal throwback to the bad ol' days of self-important white boys carving everything up for themselves and in doing so rooting it all up for everyone else...and the law is a vacuous joke used to control the uppity plebeians...and the law doesn't apply to those causing the problems, the Councillors themselves.

And I offer as a perfect example the $350,000 that dual CEO Greg Muller took without approval from Council coffers and that remains unaccounted...(charming-Ed)...and what have his mates done to recover that money?...absolutely nothing...they've actually sought to excuse and protect him...absolute criminality from the entire Council.

Where's the outrage and the baying for blood and the 'where's our shreking money Greg?'...if this had happened in private business, Greg Muller would be facing charges for Theft and/or Fraud, and given the amount stolen, quite possibly jail time...

And there's The Border Watch right along for the ride, helping Greg and Council to cover-up this theft with ludicrous explanations about 'Fire-rating' and 'Window Insurance'...and then it all just quietly goes away...and even the Council's Auditor can't see it...and where are the police?...institutionalised corruption re the theft of $350,000 of rate-payers money...what a disgrace...

Evey single Planning, Re-zoning, and/or Development issue that has been through Council in the last few years is completely compromised by the gross Conflicts of Interests that are acknowledged when so many Councillors have to leave the chamber that they no longer have a quorum (previous posts), but even more so by those who don't leave.

Time and again, including at Council's meeting Tuesday 20th August 2013, Cr Des Mutton remains in the chamber voting on issues re liquor licences, Main Corner leasing, etc, even after Mayor Steve Perryman and Cr Andrew Lee have excused themselves.

I refer to previous posts about the extraordinary corruption and nepotism of Cr Mutton's son being given the Main Corner facility free of charge (initially) which then became a 'Peppercorn Lease'...and the previous 'Approval Processes' for massive expansions of the Main Corner Project rammed through Council without any 'Public Consultation'...the Commercial Kitchen, the Volcano Movie, and the lighting.

And who is it leading the call for a rate-payer funded cafe at the Old Hospital site?...(no, it couldn't be-Ed)...yes it damn well is; Cr Mutton...I have covered this in a previous post...and he's right in there voting for it in Council meetings...

And now Council is running a farcical 'Public Consultation' about how to improve their 'Public Consultation'...(no, seriously?-Ed) is a self-perpetuating joke that writes itself...and there's the ad from Council in TBW Friday 16th August (attached) and as repeated yesterday 23rd August.

It is either bare-faced audacity to try and address the gross nepotism and self-serving decision processes of Council, or a validation of the observation that they are all borderline insane and just can't see how selfish and hypocritical their actions are...the whole thing is just so mind-boggling that I cannot decide which horse to back.

You'll excuse me if I just grind to a halt right genuinely saddens me to see the massive damage that successive Mt Gambier City Councils and it's constituent members have visited on the city, let alone the damage of the Forestry Sale, etc, and frankly I've had enough for one day...

Oh, but before I go...fantastic to see the already chipped and badly stained pavers getting laid along the Main at a cost of $1million+...they look absolutely disgusting...great work Council...and it's not like that money could have been better spent elsewhere...shrek me...

Tomorrow: RPCBC Part II

If you think today's post was the angry rantings of a three-lipped nit, then just wait for tomorrow...I don't know about 'Mojo', but I feel something coming back...and it ain't perty...

I am Nick Fletcher and in amongst the fury and the venting I do give a genuine shrek for my society, Mt Gambier and beyond, and that is why I will continue to do this here my bloggy thingy...cheers...

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