Wednesday, August 14, 2013

South Australia - This Is Your Police Force

Hello Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine, Brazil and Thailand...welcome to the blog...what the world must think of South Australia off the back of my diatribal accountancy...(whaaa?-Ed)...diatribal attempts to hold certain individuals to account via various diatribes, my various one-sided rants...(fair enough-Ed)...

But yet again the problem isn't me or my anger or my opinion...(but you're not happy, are you?-Ed), but we'll get back to that...the reality about SAPol defines itself.

But first...Tony Abbott...maaate...describing a young female candidate as having "sex appeal"...why would you say that?...but here's your plausible excuse - 'ahh, the Liberal Party is often accused of not being appealing enough to younger voters because of the plethora of ugly old man-coots like me...we're accused of not being 'sexy' I was just highlighting all of those attributes that the candidate brings in those modern terms...oh, and stop the boats' can have that one

And surprise of surprises, yesterday 13/08/13 The Border Watch printed a photo of me at the Homelessness Week function described in a previous post, and gave me the title of 'Independent Senate Candidate'...which is very confusing because several months ago Editor Jason Wallace told me personally that TBW wouldn't be printing anything on my behalf for the election...but there you go...

And then today's TBW printed my requestedly anonymous story of homelessness (previous post) as part of a larger article...'requestedly' because I wanted to see the issue/story get in there so I suggested to the reporter that maybe she should leave my name out of it...

And just listening to Mayor Steve Perryman on ABC Local Radio regurgitating Council's own internal yet apparently independent report...(why do they keep trying to make this 'Independent' nonsense fly?-Ed) distance Council from the nepotism and corruption inherent in virtually everything they do...(fair enough-Ed)...their report stating that an Indoor Pool will cost $12m to build and will run at an estimated $1.8m loss per annum, and due to Council's other large capital works program, Council cannot afford this until 2017/18 at the earliest, and that cost will mean cutting other services, etc.

Please insert here the long list of pointless, expensive projects that Council has invested in rather than the Pool/Sports precinct, eg, the Library, the Main Corner with Commercial Kitchen and extraordinarily self-indulgent $650,000 Volcano Movie, the extensive renovation and expansion of Council offices, the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter, paving the Main Street, etc...

(But the Library is lovely-Ed) it isn''s an ugly $12million+ tin shed with some books in it that drains $1.6+million a year to operate, and we already had a Library...both it and the Main Corner are all about forcing the City into that tiny area so as to keep the Rail Lands clear for the Rail Lands Retail Agenda (previous posts)...that and to cater to the elitist Liberal bloc who are absolutely convinced that Mt Gambier is to be run for their benefit.

Just check out the relentless bleating in TBW from the Riddoch Gallery about how they need to be handed yet more rate-payers money...apparently over $220,000 annual funding from Council and the state government isn't enough...not to mention the recent ratepayer funded massive renovations...(ah, you just did-Ed) point exactly...(whaaa?-Ed)... 

And where is all the missing/lost money from the Library and Main Corner projects? And who the hell is allegedly 'Auditing' Council yet apparently cannot see these 'losses'?

And Council apparently is also to withdraw it's pledge to contribute/add to state government funding for lights at the notorious Wireless Rd/Penola Rd intersection...I subscribe to the repeated observation that it will take fatalities at that intersection to prompt state government funding...Put In A Bloody RoundAbout And Sod The State Government...a Roundabout that directs right lane traffic onto Wireless Rd is a cheap, quick, workable solution that will not compromise traffic flow along Penola Rd. 

But this is all just incidental localised malfeasance compared to the corruption in SAPol as witnessed with their conduct over the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the latest expose on Channel 7's Today Tonight, from their program Monday 12th August.

Today Tonight's story 12/08/13 outlined the extraordinary and clearly corrupt conduct of SAPol officers in the Victor Harbour/Goolwa area as alleged by a 'Career Criminal' turned 'Whistleblower'...corruption that included SAPol 'planting' a stolen fire-arm in his car (a charge that he was cleared of in Court), and centred around a local property where police were regularly seen 'socialising' with the property owners.

Neighbours and/or the whistleblower allege drug dealing and paedophilia (possibly prostitution) occurring at the property, possibly bodies buried there, etc, and when reported to authorities, it's the 'reporters' who are under the hammer from police...

Also, specific assertions from the whistleblower that he knows who controls drugs and prostitution, etc, in South Australia, and to quote him...'it's not who you think'.

The whole thing ran for over half the program, and I urge readers to access it via Channel 7's Today Tonight website...they usually take a couple of days to put stories up...but, for all the clearly defined corruption of the officers involved, and the allegations/associations with drugs and paedophilia, etc, it is the last 2 minutes that are mind-boggling.

The young female officer who took the whistleblowers initial statement (I think following his 'fake' arrest for the planted gun), and therefore was privy to many of his specific claims about the corruption in SAPol that he was aware of, this young woman was found dead in her workplace.

Today Tonight didn't state exactly where that was, but it is clearly a SAPol office or station or whatevs...and there has been apparently no reportage of this extraordinary death, or a SAPol Inquiry, or a Coroner's Inquest...and according to TT, when they contacted SAPol to enquire further about this woman's death, they were allegedly told to 'move on and just forget about it'...

It is absolutely chilling that a SAPol officer involved in a case of police corruption can 'die' in a SAPol facility without explanation, and there is not even an Inquiry...the clear inference is that her death is related to the Corruption issue, and that those who should be investigating the death are either those responsible for it, or at the very least covering it up...extraordinary.

I missed TT's follow up program segment last night, but it apparently didn't mention the young policewoman's death.

Personally, I find it extra-extraordinary that Today Tonight has failed/refused to run the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up Issue, but will run bad does that make the St Martins Issue that TT won't touch it?...and why?...are we looking at a paedophile ring operating out of St Martins with the participation of those Senior Lutherans, local officials, SAPol officers, media, etc, who are undeniably complicit in the Cover-up?...I've repeatedly had this asked of me or suggested to me as a possible explanation for the massive corruption around the St Martins case.

And now of course, we have...(Tony-TH)...Tony...(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison, straight from the head of a clearly compromised and corrupt SAPol...corruption that is at least mired in if not actually driven by the paedophilia Tony Harrison is the CEO of the Education Dept...not so much a fox in charge of the hen house as swine happily luxuriating in sewerage...(nice but failed attempt to 'politen' it up-Ed)...I'm trying, really I am...and I re-iterate my personal position that there are Police Officers and then there are Pigs and that they are very different creatures...

If you as reader are troubled by my disrespectful abuse and name-calling, I ask that you review some of the posts re the St Martins Issue, a Child Abuse Cover-up that has happened with the complete and unwavering support of the South Australian Police Force hierarchy and specific local officers...and if even that isn't enough, look at the 'death' of this young woman...

So next time you're laughing at the corruption in other countries, or even states, have a good hard look at what is occurring here in good ol' SA...have a good hard look at yourselves...

Tomorrow: More Election Farcicalness

(oo,oo-Ed)...yes...(sing it to Queen's Bicycle Race...Farcical, farcical, farcicallll race-Ed)...oh, nicely done Ed...and segues nicely into the other Bike Race story about the Great Southern Tour thingy...   

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my life...I'm sorry, I mean...and this is my blog...cheers, toodle pip, and tally bally ho...

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