Friday, August 16, 2013

Covered Swimming Pool: One Hole Council Won't Pour Money Into

Hello France, Russia, and Canada...welcome to the blog...and surprise, surprise... 'Dick Stretcher' is back just long enough to get it wrong again...and an anonymous coward to the end...perhaps you should read the posts a little more carefully champ and you'd realise I'm going nowhere...metaphorically and literally...

You sure you don't have anymore insightful observations about parents suing St Martins Lutheran School just to make money?...about the abuse of our children? about some more bigoted prejudice re Housing Trust Tenants or the unemployed?...what about Agoraphobia?...homelessness?...anymore gutless idiocy?..(nothing but-Ed)...indeed...

I thought that once you realised you'd been 'outed' that you would be keeping a low profile...but once an idiot always an idiot...(what do you mean 'outed'?-Ed)...oh, did I forget to mention appears that there is 'honour amongst thieves', but not in the way that you'd expect...(please explain-Ed)...certainly.

Apparently the comments about 'my child' in the first 'Dick Stretcher Comment' were beyond the pale for someone who still has a shred of human decency, so they have approached me and identified you DS...thank you that person...and I've passed on those details to some people who would like to discuss your comments with you...they'll be in touch...who's in the shadows now dickhead?...(ah now, come on, you can't do that-Ed)...damn straight I can...(no no, come on, play nice-Ed) on, tell the truth-Ed)...alright, alright...I made that last bit up, there's been no outing...(thank you-Ed)...but there are plenty of people who want to 'talk' to you DS...(damn straight-Ed)...

Furthermore, I could have left this 'fiction' to hang for several days to really ram home the message, but I have broader horizons to consider, and there are plenty of people reading the blog who I do not want to deceive in this manner.

I offer this 'fake outing' as a demonstration of just how easy it is to create a false reality if I so choose, and also to highlight the tools of language that I use, not to deceive but to protect, eg, if I say that I 'spoke to someone yesterday', that person could be easily identified and potentially damaged/attacked/Pariahtised, etc, so I say 'recently', where recently could mean a day or six months...and 'a number of people' could be one or dozens, for the same reasons...

I know it sounds terribly naff (pretentious), but I say 'a number of people recently' not by way of deceiving, misrepresenting, or falsely creating, but to protect those who provide me information,...and I am always very careful to check my facts...and if I'm wrong about something, please tell me, and then I'll apologise and correct what ever it is...which segues nicely into the Covered Pool Issue and my previous apology to Mr Barney McCusker.

More news this week about the Covered Pool that Mt Gambier is never going to have, courtesy of a Council locked into it's 1950's small town thinking and corruption...(some days I feel like we're living in that Patrick Swayze movie Roadhouse-Ed)...yeah, a cross between that and The Dukes of Hazzard...

I readily accept that Mr McCusker is very genuine in his pursuit of a Covered Pool, which only makes his recent comments all the more confusing...and I'm not being cute, I genuinely don't understand what he is best, I think he's trying to be politely diplomatic in a situation where outraged indignation is probably more appropriate.

Council has now stated that they are already committed to so many 'Capital Works' that they won't be looking at a Covered Pool for Mt Gambier until 2017/18 at the earliest...and even if you could believe a single word coming out of Council, their language indicates that it will be at least five years before they even start looking at it, let alone planning, let alone that means what? pool in the next decade?

And the relentless and deliberate hypocrisy of Council's justifications for this fiasco stampedes across that fine line separating deceitful 'spin' from outright lies...nothing but lies...

I refer to The Border Watch coverage and the ABC Local Radio interviews earlier this week where Council trotted out the same old lies, and Mr McCusker for some reason stated that this is a good thing.

Council has been aware of but effectively ignored the pool issue for decades, and gone past it time and time again to support ludicrous projects like the Main Corner...the exact same conduct as with the Bus Terminus...(and the Old Rail Lands-Ed)...

'We've go too much other stuff we're already doing and therefore can't afford it' is a false justification entirely of Council's own construct...Council is in the position it is because of It's own decisions to go right past the Pool Issue, again, and load itself up with debt and projects that are not necessary...(sorry, did someone say Paving the Main Street?-Ed)...not yet Ed, wait for it, wait for it...

This nonsense about suddenly needing $2million+ for the Caroline landfill has only recently appeared in the debate, particularly when you consider that Council must have known for years that the current 'Cell' was apparently filling up and therefore a 'New Cell' would be required 'now'...even if true that Council has just realised this, at best it is atrocious mismanagement of an important public asset that Council already collects rates for.

Why hasn't Council been responsibly saving over the years the money they have been taking off rate-payers for what they must have known was required?...nothing but spin rolling into deceits sliding into outright lies...

And again Council trots out the excuses/lies about how the Pool needs to be financially viable and self-funding before they can consider spending ludicrously exaggerated amounts of rate-payers money on it.

This 'must be self-funding' is the same justification that Council have repeatedly used to excuse not doing what they don't want to do, but completely ignore when it comes to the things that they personally want to do, eg, the Library and the Main Corner.

Where is the Business Plan for the Main Corner?...(or the Library-Ed)...indeed...these two combined, cost the ratepayers of Mt Gambier well over $2million a year and escalating, and no hope for any of it ever being recovered...and the Business Plan for the $650,000 Volcano Movie?..

This movie is a perfect example of the insular and selfish conduct of Council...a gross extravagance that Mt Gambier didn't need and couldn't afford, rammed through Council without any Public Consultation, all at the behest and want of a handful of people...selfish and elitist and $650k never to be recovered...and no funding for Public Transport...

I don't care how many people go to the Library, it doesn't change the reality that everyone in Mt Gambier has been loaded up with massive debt for a grossly over-priced, decorated tin shed built in entirely the wrong place...(and we pay for every after hours 'Book Launch', etc, as part of the running cost-Ed)...absolutely...

And too bloody bad if you rely on public transport to try and get to these 'functions' because there isn't any...and again, Council's excuse for not funding public transport?...(it doesn't pay for itself therefore we're not funding it?-Ed)...precisely...

Indeed, Council's planning for the Main Corner is so poor that they had to hold meetings after it was built to try and gather ideas of what it could be used for, and have employed several people to effectively poach business off local providers to try and reverse justify it's entire existence...outrageous.

I have covered all of these issues in previous posts and it always comes back to the same motivations...a handful of Councillors doing what they personally want for their own benefit and/or that of their mates, and no better example than the Main Corner.

But none of this explains Mr McCusker's comments that 'it is a good thing that Council have named 2017/18 because it means that they are looking at the pool issue' (paraphrase)...I honestly do not understand why he would be saying this is a good thing.

Mr McCusker, of all people, knows exactly what successive Councils have done, or failed to do, re the Covered Pool Issue because he has been pursuing it for so many years.

Because of the size of the articles I won't attach them, but they might be available at TBW's website.  

Tomorrow: DeBelle Ends - But What Has Actually Happened?

And I didn't make up 'the outing'...or did I?...or am I making that up?...or am I...wait, I've lost where I was...

Nah, nah, go' bless, go' bless...I did make it up, but I am definitely Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...or is it?...(stop that-Ed)...sorry...

Oh, and thank you for the feed-back about me mis-spelling the 'Labor' Party as Labour...not checking my own 'spellchecker' bad...

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