Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Comment on a Comment

Please read the very long, abusive, and highly erroneous 'Comment' left anonymously on my blog just this afternoon re the post 'Electorile Dysfunction in the Seat of Barker'...wow...and even as I write this another one from the same person on today's post re 'Tony Harrison'...what it is to be popular...

I will not remove this 'Comment' (these 'Comments') because it (they) fully vindicates and/or highlights many of the things that I have been saying in my blog, but I will correct these many errors in a post shortly.

The facts surrounding all of the various issues raised in this particular 'Comment' (these 'Comments') are already addressed somewhere in my blog.

I re-iterate that I am absolutely committed to being accurate, and I am more than happy to be told I'm wrong and then appropriately corrected, but please do not do it anonymously. 

I am Nick Fletcher and I am The Shadow...cheers and laters...



  1. How many signatures have you collected so far Nick?

  2. Comment about a Comment on a Comment
    Highly abusive…you’ve got to be kidding…just warming up me Nummy… Highly Erroneous…are you serious Nummy… (Insert Victim Impact Statement here. Ed) it was as factual as the regurgitated dribble that excretes from your bouche every day…..Now I will address one thing though about the anonymity….I am Tony Pasin…Richard Sage…Don Pegler…Ian McDonnell…Stuart Stansfield….Rory McEwen…Steve Perryman…Ian Von Stanke...Merv White…Greg Muller……heck I’m all the people you’ve spat vile at over the past 200 odd days….

    You’ve set the standard for what is considered abusive and what is considered ok banter….for example you say: I’m coming after you Stuart…and you call him a little S… it really does imply a level of abuse….putting in things like metaphorically and all the other disclaimers doesn’t soften the intent for which your message is meant…….so when I say things like….You’re a waste of space dole bludger who reeks of a conspiracy and who works for cash while collecting government hand- outs……I’m bringing a similar level of abuse to your door step….

    But seeing as though you have volunteered to give us some answers to some of the questions how about you start with answers to the following….and try just a straight forward answer instead of some cryptic dialogue no-one understands….

    Are you a Dole Bludger? Have you ever had a full time job in Mount Gambier? Have you previously been in dis-ability payments? Have you received a payout from the government? Have you ever requested Victims Compensation from the government? Who is funding your campaign?

    These will do to start with…I’m digging ever so slowly but the filth on Nick Fletcher is rising quicker than I even expected it to….
