Sunday, August 4, 2013

DeBelle Ends, But It's Just The Beginning

Howdy Finland, India, Germany and repeatedly promised, more dissection of the DeBelle debacle that delightfully defines the deliberate dysfunction of the Department of Education...(ah, such witty alliteration-Ed)...whatevs...

But first, some quick reminders that we are a part of the natural world, not apart from it...more reports that we continue to grossly overuse/misuse anti-biotics to the extent that we are effectively making them redundant, leading to multiple resistance to available medications.

By over-using anti-biotics and/or not applying them as directed or to the completion of prescriptions, using them to accelerate animal growth, etc, the target bacteria are able to evolve in response and develop resistance. This is leading to a rise in 'multi-resistant' bacteria that creates 'multi-medication' treatment, ie, people having to be repeatedly treated with multiple medications...  

In New Zealand, which I will in future refer to by it's traditional Maori name 'Aotearoa', international dairy company Fonterra, has been hit with a 'Botulism' scare in some of it's powdered milk products that have been distributed world wide.

A bacteria that can potentially cause Botulism (a disease of the nervous system: Maquarie Dictionary) was found a year ago in milk products, but only just publicly announced, leading to recalls and health warnings.

And third, salmonella contamination in imported chickens being held at South Australia's Quarantine Station on Torrens Island, will force/has forced SA authorities to destroy all of the birds...nature is out there and it wants you...

This is my Green Soapbox contribution - the health of the environment is paramount to the health of society, and you can't keep pouring contaminants into said environment without immediate and obvious example is the recent fish die-offs around Adelaide that the State government and authorities still deny has anything to do with the Massive Discharge/Flushing Event from the De-Salination Plant at Hallett cove...balderdash and the very least it was the fatal straw for an already heavily stressed/polluted camel environment.

And all of the well-informed pundits are predicting/guaranteeing that we're having a Federal Election on the something of something...(for sure?-Ed)...absolutely...and if not then, then the other one that it could be possibly...(the other one?-Ed)...yeah...or the potential alternative...

I am so sick...(me too-Ed)...of being bombarded with reportage of what hasn't happened today...we all know we're having an election and that it hasn't been called yet...there is no reason or need to keep telling me...over and over and over...tell me when it has been called...

"Ah, reports just in Tom that the world hasn't ended yet."
"Thank you Tina, please let us know if that doesn't change."
"Absolutely Tom, but it could be any minute now...or not in out lifetimes...or possibly never."
"Mmm...disturbing and thought provoking Tina....and now our exclusive expose revealing the black market in horticultural growth mediums...we dish the dirt on...dirt..."

And as I write, yet more news that Special K is gonna' cruise the GG's crib to announce the most underwhelming and over anticipated Election in the history of stuff...(he means that Prime Minister Kevin Rudd will vist the Governor General to declare the Election date-Ed)...yeah, what 'e said...

And thank you for the 'recent' feedback that my blog is informative and mildly addictive if vaguely annoying in my habit of rambling through several issues before ending up back at the original issue as advertised and...(hm,hmmm-Ed)...what?...(rambling?...get to the issue as advertised?...have you read this post thus far?-Ed)...ahh, yes, I see what you mean...

Reports of the 'removal' of a local school Principal facing rape charges and another local teacher facing charges of trying to 'procure' one of his students, have brought the predicted (in this blog) disassociations of responsibility that is the fundamental motivator for the DeBelle Inquiry.

The DeBelle Inquiry is a crass, blatant, and thoroughly transparent construct, designed and executed to build a wall between what has been happening in our state's schools under a decade of Labour governance with the capitulatory collusion of a pointless Liberal opposition...(and he uses the term 'opposition' loosely-Ed)...thanks...and responsibility for this institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption.

Just this week Premier Weatherill and Grace Portolesi, both former Education Ministers...(is there anyone in the Labour Party who hasn't been Education Minister?-Ed)...have been furiously referring and deferring to the DeBelle Inquiry.

Ms Portolesi, the Minister at the helm when the 'Western Suburbs School Abuse Cover-up' kicked off in the media, this week dribbled out a long diatribe about how the DeBelle Inquiry had cleared Premier Weatherill of any wrong-doing, and had proven that she had been misinformed by her Department and therefore cleared her as well.

Attorney General John Rau has been repeatedly referring to an 'Offender Register' that won't be available to any "busy body" who goes to a police station; alleged tough new Mandatory Notification laws; and new powers for SAPol (police) to release information if an offender doesn't comply with their bail/parole conditions, if police decide extreme circumstances...release information if asked about someone who has by definition already breached their bail/'s all bollocks...

Constant rhetoric about tough new regulations, followed by a raft of conditions, revisions, criteria and other reasons as to why nothing will effectively change.  

This week, in referring to these two South East cases, Minister Jennifer Rankine reeled out a very prepared synopsis of how well the Education Dept had handled them both by 'removing' the accused and informing parents, etc, as per 'the recommendations of the DeBelle Inquiry'...rumours are rife in Mt Gambier, but at least one of these two men was described to the school population as being 'on sick leave' least one has now 'resigned'...for all I know it could be the same person...

Even in today's Sunday Mail Ms Rankine tries to praise the DeBelle inquiry for the massive spike in sexual assault issues exposed in SA schools...'it's a good thing that so many cases are being reported and it's due to DeBelle' (paraphrase)...that is a remarkable political twist on a horrendous situation - so much abuse that yet again exposes the culture of abuse and cover-up in the Education Dept that leads to a climate of acceptance and guarantees even generates child abuse.

These are the broader aspects of the DeBelle Inquiry that 1) in and of themselves define how shambolic the Education system was as recently as 2013, 2) allow sanctimonious self-excusing, and 3) build a virtual wall between what was happening only months ago and what happens now...and it will be one long cross-reference to the Inquiry that was established to achieve these political ends...

It's not about the welfare of the's all about excusing and protecting Weatherill, Portolesi, their mates and colleagues and Dept heads, and to allow this constant deferring to DeBelle.    

This is just a broad post mortem of the intent of the DeBelle Report, and I will do a dot point analysis of specific content  in a future post. The recommendations show how disjointed and dysfunctional the Education System is on the issue of Child Protection.

And again I would argue that these are quite deliberate failings, but the undeniable reality is that this is where the Department and broader system are after more than a decade under the Rann/Weatherill Labour Government, even after the voluminous 'Layton Report on Child Protection' from 2003. (previous posts)

Just seeing reported on ABC TV News 24 that Kevin Rudd will hold the election on September 7th god he can run off at the mouth that man...Rudd or Abbott...I say Vote 1 Large Angry know it makes sense...well as much sense as anything else...(what hope?-Ed)...

Tomorrow: Revised Posts re Stuart Stansfield and NF McDonnell &Sons

As I said, I don't understand why McDonnell pulled a post about the City Council Budget, so I may have to split them into two posts...(see how we go-Ed)...yes, see how we go...and I don't care what Stuart's problem is...his behaviour as a Public employee with the ABC is reprehensible and unacceptable...

Taunt me will you, you little s...(sorry, but I'm pulling the plug on that did promise-Ed)..yeah, yeah...fair enough...I'm metaphorically coming to get you Stuart...feel my bloggy wrath...Release the Kraken!...(oh,boy-Ed)...what? love the know you do...

I am Nick 'The Kraken' Fletcher and this is my blog...thank you for your time and responses...laters 

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