Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Barker Candidates Forum and Other Stuff

Hello there and here, near and far, hope you are well wherever you are...and a slight misnomer in the title in that I didn't attend the Candidates Forum in Keith held on Friday night August 23rd so any observation re that meeting comes via other media, etc.

There were several reasons I didn't go, not least of all the 5hr, 430km round trip (and $50+ fuel bill) that is unfortunately a bridge too far for my little car that struggles to get to Pt McDonnell and back at 90kms/hr...(and is in many respects a metaphor for your entire life-Ed)...indeed...

As I've run myself into the ground trying to get out from under the dung-heap of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up via this blog, so is my little car on it's last legs...I'm one breakdown from not having a car at all...fortunately I'm used to personally breaking down every day already so that's not such a finite issue, but it's no way to live...that's merely existing...

And the last dregs of my superannuation are gone...that's it...just running a car is a massive expense that will soon be beyond me...registration and insurance run to over $1,000 per annum, which is roughly 1/12th of my Disability Support Pension income...and that doesn't include licensing, petrol, servicing, etc...owning and operating a vehicle is a societal luxury that many assume is their birth right.

Personally I think that everyone should be banned from using their car for a month and be forced onto public transport, and then maybe there might be more support for PT as a societal positive not an expendable burden...(and that too drives you, yeah?-Ed)...nice pun, but in a broader context, yes...

I'm no angel and I sure ain't noble, but I do seem to be afflicted with an unquenchable empathy for those whom find themselves effectively behind me...not beneath, behind...eg, those who cannot get proper accommodation, struggle with chronic Dental Health issues, Mental Health issues, rely on public Transport, are losing their businesses due to corrupted decisions from corrupted public officials, etc. 

This defines my personal position in doing the blog at all...and comprehensively counters the criticism I have received about doing this blog for personal glory and/or gain and/or because I enjoy being nasty and criticising people, eg, the cowardly anonymous 'Comments' left on this blog.

I've tried to be absolutely upfront about my 'blogging' motivations and I think that to an objective observer those motivations are fairly self-defining and clearly evident in the content and the prose...it is all about me exorcising the demons of failure re St Martins, and venting the fury of a vaguely rational person in an institutionally insane society... 

And not least of all, my child leaving Mt Gambier to attend Uni has really reefed the rug out from under me in that I have no reason to be here anymore...and nothing to keep me here...no job, no relationship, no social structure...not nothing, not no-one...and none of that looks set to change...and doing this blog simply isn't enough...

I genuinely appreciate the feedback 'off-blog' that I need to take some time off and focus on myself and try to re-engage with the world other than metaphorically yelling at it, but even that seems beyond me...if I get to mid-afternoon and I haven't posted something, I start to get anxious...at once hilarious and a clear indicator of the motivators...

And on that Friday it all came into harsh focus when I was wholly consumed by a massive rush of absolute indifference...and that's the underlying problem...if I no longer care about that which keeps me trying then the healthiest thing to do is to give up and not make myself sick aspiring to a society that no-one else seems interested in having...why bother?

And so Mt Gambier rots under the suffocating cloak of official retribution and Pariahtisation ruthlessly applied to protect the official malfeasance that has already been, and to allow for that to come...and it is coming...just look at City Council doubling their borrowing capacity to spend on ludicrous projects like the mindless re-paving of the Main Street.     

And I know just exactly how jaded, frozen, even broken I am when it comes to pretty much everything outside of the Child Protection issues and Institutionalised Official Corruption, but even then I struggle to maintain balance...struggle and fail...and that's another reason to not attend last Friday...

All things being equal, even if I could have physically attended, I wouldn't have because I just didn't have the energy to be polite about it, and that had the potential to go horribly wrong...and I appreciate the  advice to not go in that frame of mind...that the best thing to do was stay away...and good thing too...

I was absolutely stunned to hear on the ABC Local Radio the crowd of 80 people applauding those candidates who support continued discrimination against gay couples re marriage, and boo the candidates who expressed agreement with their parties support for equality...these people didn't go to educate themselves about the issues and candidates, they went to express their bigotries and ignorance...

And while that is their right in a Genuine Democracy, it is also my right to say shreking get over it and perhaps use some of that energy to 'strike up' at your corrupt public officials who are destroying your society, and not 'strike-out' at average people who are discriminated against simply for being gay...

Perhaps use your Christian energies to hold your Church officials to account for the systemic rape of children, and not to deride and dehumanise ordinary people simply for their sexual orientation...and there's the rub...I just want to scream at some of these people for what they choose to ignore whilst sitting in judgement of others...

And that segues nicely into our local officials support for the Child Abuse Cover-up at St Martins...the best they can manage is to blame me for their own corruption that they commit behind the protection of the pro-paedophile corruption of South Australia...corrupt people who are prepared to ignore St Martins so they can go about their own grubby, corrupt business...

Just listening to Council's Operations Manager (?) Daryl Sexton on ABC Radio talking about the sudden $750,000 state government Open Spaces 'grant' and how that is going to be used for the repaving which is apparently all about tourists and pedestrian/bike links to promote walking rather than driving to create a vibrant city centre blah, blah, blah...$1million+ blown on pointless paving, and everyone wants to know who is getting paid for those pavers...

I know I'm starting to drift, but I'm trying to maintain the rage on the page and get through my own apathy to return to and embrace the energy of empathy and move forward...(ohhh, I can't believe that you said 'moving forward'-Ed)...mmm, sorry 'bout that...

Tomorrow: The Wind Turbine Propaganda Machine Keeps Spinning

There are very few things that Radio announcer Alan Jones and I would agree on, but we both are absolutely rabid about Wind Turbines...and with good reason...and SA gets a special mention... 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...for what it's worth...cheers and laters...

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