Sunday, August 18, 2013

Yet More Council Propaganda in The Border Watch

Hello Malaysia, Indonesia and Finland...and a retrospective apology because this post doesn't actually get to the advertised topic...and although there's been no hits on the blog this week, hello to a previous post I wondered about the crisis in Egypt and whether this was an expression of democracy to be celebrated or sectarian violence that will only escalate, and events define the answer.

With many hundreds possibly over a thousand protesters dead at the hands of the self-appointed 'Interim' military government, any sense of democratic discussion has long since passed and the future looks extremely bleak...(and of course this has a devastating effect on the Egyptian economy-Ed)...absolutely...internally it is hard to function amidst the chaos, and Egypt's primary 'external' economy, Tourism, has ground to a halt...indeed most of North Africa is 'off-limits' to Tour organisers.

And I'm no fan of Islam, but the impending proposed 're-banning' of the Muslim Brotherhood seems set to cement (sorry about the pun) the sectarian divides that drive this conflict...and almost guarantee a return to 'extremist' action, eg, bombings, targeting tourists, etc...and the more chaos the less likelihood that Tourism will be able to resume in any structured form.

And in Beirut, a massive car bomb outside the Hezbollah headquarters has killed dozens of people, mostly civilians, allegedly in retaliation/retribution for Hezbollah's involvement in Syria, where it is reported that well over 100,000 people have been killed in the two year long Civil War.

This has led to huge numbers fleeing across borders into Jordan, Lebanon, etc, to the extent that nearly 1/4 of Lebanon's population are reportedly Syrian refugees.

And the collision and sinking of a Filipino ferry has left over 200 people missing feared drowned as the search and rescue effort is called off. This would be a nation defining disaster in Australia, but an all too common event in Island nations where sea travel is so prevalent.

Also, news that the Vanuatu government is set to amend their constitution to recognise dual citizenship for the Australian born descendants of people 'stolen' from Vanuatu (and other Pacific Islands) under 'blackbirding'...(which is a polite way of saying Slavery-Ed)...indeed.

'Blackbirding' was the practice of stealing/kidnapping Islanders and transporting them to Australia primarily to be used as unpaid labour in the sugar cane fields. This Amendment would also make it easier for Islanders to work in Australia.

There is also discussion of compensation to those families re the unpaid wages of their ancestors...(and quite right...this is minimal penance for stealing their relatives-Ed)...and there are also moves to officially recognise the anonymous grave sites scattered around various properties in Queensland.  

And today August 18th is Long Tan Day, a commemorative celebration of arguably the most famous battle of the American War in Vietnam that occurred on this day in 1966, and that has come to be the day we use in Australia to acknowledge the entire war and our involvement.

I was stunned to learn that many Australian soldiers are still yet to be appropriately recognised for their service in this battle and the broader Vietnam conflict...just how many different ways can our politicians fail these often deeply traumatised Veterans, eg, insufficient Veterans services, failure to recognise properly...(sending them there in the first place-Ed)...indeed...

And the things you see on ABC TV24 at 6am on a Sunday, namely my favourite alleged academic and renowned 'anti-scientific jingoist' Professor Simon Chapman. Again I state, the fact that this person is a 'Professor' at Sydney University is an absolute indictment of Academia in Australia...he is the most unprofessional alleged expert I've ever seen.

He is famous/notorious for his spurious, emotive, unscientific diatribes against Dr Sarah Laurie and anybody else who speaks out against Wind Turbines, and is yet again banging on about 'reviews of studies', etc, but doesn't actually name one single study that allegedly supports his statements...and his usual nonsense about how he has 'researched on the Internet and found over 200 symptoms' and then his usual personal ridicule, eg, "even causing grey hair, can you believe it?" with the usual mocking tone and rolling of the eyes, etc.

'Greying of hair' is a classic symptom/result of extended stress, exhaustion, etc, (as is increased alcohol consumption, another issue mocked by Mr Chapman) that are clearly associated with the problems of Turbines located near some residences, and actually supports the argument against Turbines....

He instead refers to the Victorian Dept of Health who say there is no such thing as problems with Infrasound and the only issue is at audible levels, and this statement made after no is a political opinion in support of Turbines, not an objective position based on extensive scientific testing.

Anti-Turbine activist Ms Pat Gabb was absolutely unequivocal in her condemnation of all involved, particularly the Turbine companies, who are well versed in how to 'lie, spin, and throw around dollars to buy people' (paraphrase), and referred to Infrasound issues documented in the 1990's (but again no specifics).

There is a new 'physiological effects report' due later this year but the Turbines are already up in many places, and the industry is throwing your/our money (that they get via massive subsidies) at the problem so I'm not holding my breath that any 'new report' will go against the collective political will to dump these monstrosities into rural/regional communities.

If Turbines are so bloody fantastic, then put them 1km off the coast of Adelaide and all along the foothills, and in Port Phillip Bay, ain't never gonna' happen because they are a 'noise and visual polluting nightmare' that will cost votes. 

And the end of the post and I haven't even got to the farcical carry on in The Border Watch re the conduct of Council and the devastating effect their self-focused conduct has had/continues to have on the City of Mt Gambier, so;

Tomorrow: YMCP in TBW- Part II

However, could there be a better example than the hyperbarically hyperbolic TBW headline of Friday August 16th 2013: Clash of the titans - Councillors divided over retention of old hospital laundry structure.

(Hyperbarically hyperbolic?-Ed)...yeah, hyperbole so extreme it takes your breath away...(nice-Ed)...

Clash of the titans?...really?...and would one of those Titans be the legendary 'Farcical'?...rrrrr, release the Farcical...a handful of people, namely Merv White, Ian Von Stanke, and the quite extraordinary Des Mutton, getting together to decide what is best for themselves and their immediate associates...and the rest of the planet doesn't give a fat dead rat's festered clacker...(oh, you poet you-Ed)...

I honestly don't know whether to laugh or cry...if it wasn't so serious, it would be hilarious...Clash of the titans...absolutely ridiculous...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...laters...

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