Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Premier Jay Weatherill Threatens Defamation re Child Abuse

Hello world and a double apology for a late post and changing the topic, but this was just too much to go past...Jay Weatherill banging on about how his honesty has been impugned, etc, and threatening to sue several members of the South Australian Liberal party and a journalist(s) re the Child Abuse Cover-up at the western Suburbs School that precipitated the DeBelle Inquiry.

This threat smacks of desperation...are we witnessing the unravelling of a decade of institutionalised Child Abuse Cover-up under Labor?...or will the Liberal Party just have a big bloody whinge about it before turning around and just wandering off without achieving anything? they do every other time...

(Hello defamation my old friend-Ed) very Simon and Garfunkel of you...and yes, this defamation threat is a common one that I am very familiar with...

Please review previous posts re the various defamation threats I have personally received, eg, where the Crown Solicitor threatened to gaol me, and the case where the Rann/Weatherill Labor government tried to gaol Child Protection Activists for exposing paedophile politicians and police.

Please find attached below my most recent communications with Premier Weatherill's office re St Martins...just the usual fury...nothing new...please note that it is now a full month since I was emailed "We are currently seeking advice about this."

Also, I have today emailed Candidates in the seat of Barker the open letter re St Martins, and copies of my two letters to the Australian Electoral Commission re the Nominations discrimination and the 'Comments', as covered in previous posts...will keep you posted...

Tomorrow: The Revised Posts

Honest, honest, honest...and possibly some other stuff if there's room/time.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers...

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