Saturday, August 3, 2013

Revised Posts: 1) Stuart Stansfield, 2) NF McDonnell & Sons

Hello Thailand, South Korea, Venezuela and the name is Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...I'm in the phone book and indeed I've left some of my contact details on various documents throughout the blog...I'm not hiding from anyone...this is on my blog...just li'l ol' me...

The thing I do...(and hilarious it is-Ed)...with the 'Ed' stuff is to 1) try and break up the reality with attempted humour, and 2) try to engage the reader in a virtual speak with you not at you...(hang on...I'm not an actual person?-Ed)...come on Ed, we've been through you're not an actual're a construct of personalisation...(you made that word up as well...I'm made any of this real?...sob-Ed)...unfortunately Ed it's all real...all true...(fair enough...sob-Ed)...

I say this to differentiate myself from the various anonymous bloggers, trolls, bullies, and cowards who disseminate derogatory, defamatory, factually incorrect and/or inappropriate material from the safety of their laptops, lounge rooms, etc...(but you're on your laptop, in your lounge room-Ed)...shoosh...or people who anonymously 'text' into The Border Watch their criticisms of me...that TBW prints claiming not to know who sent them...(really?-Ed)...3 times, the same 'texter'...(3 times?...the same 'texter'?-Ed)...yep...

I have now had 9 posts 'removed' from my blog without any notification from Google or Blogspot;
    1)  two by DeGaris Lawyers - both posts from March 26th 2013
    2)  two by Piper Alderman Lawyers - both posts from April 1st 2013
    3)  one by the Dept for Education and Child Development re Gary Costello - April 24th 2013
    4)  two more by Piper Alderman Lawyers - May 6th and 7th 2013
    5)  one by Stuart Stansfield - June 5th 2013
    6)  one by NF McDonnell & Sons - July 5th 2013

The only indication that I have of what is wrong is...well...(well?-Ed)...well, I don't know...the only contact from any of these are the vague letters I received from DeGaris lawyers, threatening some sort of legal action...(are you sure?-Ed)...yeah, but I couldn't say exactly what...and I'm not aware of any legal action under way...

I note that the Revised Post re DeGaris Lawyers April 13th 2013 that includes the letter from Comm Mullighan confirming all of my claims, remains on the does the one re SERDE and Bill DeGaris April 14th 2013...and the ones re Piper Alderman, etc... 

I take this blog very seriously, and I constantly have people 'alleging' stuff to me so I'm very careful about the factual content of this blog, and I completely reject this anonymous Censorship that allows people to manipulate my opinion. 

I get that my language is ripe for some and the commentary frequently fruity, but I absolutely stand by 1) everything I have said/written in every post...everything in every post...and, 2) my right to my opinion about people and how I feel about them, particularly after years of grossly inappropriate conduct by these people.

A Brief Reprise: The removed post TFTIM: ABC's Stuart Stansfield June 5th 2013.

Since his mid 2012 return to the ABC, I have avoided Stuart Stansfield where possible because of his behaviour toward parents re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Issue during his previous stint at the ABC.

He was particularly unpleasant toward me, and I don't care if it's because of his 'relationship' with Rory McEwen, or because of his personal career aspirations, whatevs...don't care...but he has clear personal animosity for me, and he is currently using his position with the ABC to quantify that animosity.

My post June 5th 2013 does go to personal criticism of Stuart, but when considered in the context of his behaviours, then I fully defend my right to my opinion of him, and to criticise him for said behaviour.

It is fact that Stuart has repeatedly abused me, goaded and ridiculed me, and hung up on me when I have rung the ABC to contribute...

The more I get into it the more complicated it becomes because I have no idea what the trigger point is that allows people like Stuart to have my posts removed without me being notified in any way.

Therefore, to save time, I'll completely re-write and re-post the entire thing, cos' otherwise this is going to take forever...suffice to say, for those whom have already read the removed post, I stand by every word...every single word...(damn straight-Ed)...oh, you're back...I thought you were having a bit of a sook...(I was...but I'm better , what was that that you were saying about my mate Stewie?-Ed)...sorry, moving on...

Reprise Thingy II: The removed post Mt Gambier Council Passes Budget...Surprise July 5th 2013.

Again, it's very involved, so I'll do a full, revised post...but, again, I stand by everything in that post...and I don't understand why NF McDonnell & Sons have pulled it and not Council...(well, maybe Council have-Ed), the notification says that it was NF McDonnell & Sons not Council so, no, no, wait...I get it, sorry, bit're suggesting that possibly Council were involved...(anything's possible-Ed)...nice...

Other Important Business:

1) Disclaimer - I am not a doctor or medical specialist of any sort, please check this information for yourself via an appropriate source.

The Melanoma (Skin Cancer) treatment drug Ipilimumub is to be included on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, reducing treatment costs for patients from $10,000s down to a few hundred dollars (across a series of treatments).

This is terrific news for people like myself whom have had Melanoma issues (two 'Regressed Malignant Melanoma' moles removed 20 years ago and several other moles removed since), but it is not a cure for Melanoma and should not be looked upon as such...this drug only slows the progression of established 'melanoma'...prolonging life by a few years, not sparing it...

This drug must not be looked upon as any sort of cure, 'silver bullet', or preventative...the single greatest 'treatment' for Melanoma/Skin Cancer is prevention by good skin care practices...getting out in the sun is great for your health, but wear a shirt, a hat, etc, and do not sunbake, there is no good reason...use a reputable applied tan if you must but for god sake don't use light source tanning booths or are literally cooking yourself... 

2) Kudos to OM Mining in the Northern Territory for destroying an Aboriginal Sacred Site by mining literally to within feet of the now destroyed rock formation, and for then spending 2 years and $1million to defend the case in Court, to avoid a potential maximum fine of $450,000, before finally receiving a $150,000 fine that goes to the government and not the Traditional Owners whom have had their site destroyed...absolutely charming...

And then OM's Mr Roth says outside Court how intensely, sincerely, sorry he is personally and the company is...bollocks...2 years and $1m to defend what they had clearly done...that doesn't sound like remorse to me...

I'm no geologist, but the TV footage clearly shows that OM have gone right up to the formation with a hugely steep cutting, and of course the weight of the formation was going to collapse the massive sand hill created immediately beneath it...clearly quite deliberate...

There are concerns that the company did the damage knowing that there would only be a relatively small fine, especially compared to what they stood to gain from that removed material, and that this has grave implications for other sites by undermining...(nice-Ed)...Sacred Site protection legislation.

Clearly definable destruction that draws only 1/3 of the possible maximum penalty, and the those whom actually suffer for the loss don't see one cent of it.

The very unpleasant inference is that the NT government is lenient on such transgressions and that this attitude is reflected in the Court sanction...and I concur...(and so do I-Ed)...I may possibly have mentioned that some days I don't feel particularly good about being a white person in the country where I was born...(spawned more like it-Ed)...hey, that's my Mum you're talkin' 'bout Willis...

Tomorrow: Debelle Ends...But Does It Really End?

More shenanigans re DeBelle Inquiry and why I'm right that it is a farcical joke designed to cover-up not expose, and that when it comes to the Crunch...(ohhh, he's off again...someone wake me up when he's done, will you-Ed)'ll be meeting the Crunch a little bit sooner than me!...(tap,tap...oh, thank you-Ed)

Apparently...according to the collectively disgraced Jennifer Rankine, Premier Weatherill, and Grace Portolesi, the DeBelle Inquiry is the beginning and end of Child Abuse in South Australia, and with the help of...(Tony-TH)...Tony...(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison and his gift for strategy it's alright now in a brave new world.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...thank you for your patronage, patience, and support...4 followers

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