Wednesday, July 31, 2013

More Posts Down and Other News

Hello Argentina, Switzerland, Romania and Curacao...and yes Curacao I had to look you up on my World map...I had a 'ball park' idea of where you are, but I had you as part of the West Indies, not in your actual correct position just off the North coast of Venezuela...apologies...

I'd also apologise for whatever it is that I have apparently done wrong re the latest posts that have been 'removed' from my blog...(but they've been removed without you being notified?-Ed)...nice guess...and a quick check of the blog index shows that the other posts already removed have still not been 'processed' bad for not checking that for at least a week...could have been taken down any time in the last 7-10 days...

The two latest removed are from Friday 5th July 2013 re NF McDonnell and from Wednesday 5th June 2013 re the ABC's Stuart Stansfield. I will review those posts and then re-post as I have done with the other 7 posts removed.

But I digress, and further apols for pushing the DeBelle post to the day after tomorrow, but there has been a swathe of local issues that must be attended.

Riddoch Art Gallery: Were on the ABC Radio this morning (a Ms Stevenson?-name-sorry) claiming that a financial crisis was threatening their operational viability...(que?-Ed)...they want more money...(oh...don't they already get about $60,000 per annum from Council?-Ed)...I believe that's correct, and they also get funding from Country Arts SA...(oh....and did they pay for anything in the massive rate payer funded renovation that they had done as part of the 'Main Corner Project'?-Ed)...don't know, but I don't believe so...

And the excuse is...the electricity costs of the new facility...(you're not serious?-Ed)...well that was the only specific cost that was repeatedly mentioned, along with freight costs for transporting exhibitions...and Ms Stevenson(?) lost me with her explanation of a $9,000 surplus and how the Gallery is already spending next years funding now...I genuinely have no idea how that works...I think she was saying that there was a surplus prior to the 'new facilities', but that has become a deficit....again, I don't know.

Apparently the Gallery has been on the scrounge with various Councils and local politicians.

The interview may be available on the ABC's Website under 'Rewind' 31/07/13 (usually a day or two after airing). I'll review and post soon.

What is the Riddoch doing with all this money?...and why isn't Council applying the same 'not financially viable' litmus paper that they constantly trot out with issues like public transport and an all-year pool?...which segues nicely into...

New Pool Furnace: Council has bought and installed (to heat the pool) a 'new biomass' furnace that burns sawdust and/or other forestry 'by-products'...and want to claim that its emissions and/or carbon neutral because 'they grow more trees', etc...I disagree, but for balance I have attached below the letter from Mr Brian Page in The Border Watch Friday 12th July 2013.

I question Mr Page's statement about "high capacity electrical power grid and asset" because 'poor infrastructure' issues have been cited by Wind Turbine developers as part reason for withdrawing local Turbine projects, and SA Power Networks has also identified this as an issue.

If biomass burning is to be considered in any way 'green', that can only be done in comparison with other 'fuel burning' technologies, eg, coal or gas, and not with geo-thermal, the primary base load solution that gets virtually no funding...

This furnace will not see the pool open any longer, and will still cost a small fortune to run...given that the pool is only open during summer, why not invest in 'zero' emmision solar heating?...

As it has been put to me, Council has previously sourced it's 'biomass' material from a certain mill...(oo, oo, pick me, pick me-Ed)...yes, Ed...(NF McDonnell Mill, sir-Ed)...correct young Ed...the mill belonging to the former Mt Gambier Mayor's family...

This may be the past, but I don't know who will be the provider for the 'new' furnace...(oo, oo, pick me, pick me-Ed)...yes thank you, and I know what you're going to say...and you're also going to suggest that this 'relationship' between Council and provider motivated the choice to purchase the new 'biomass furnace' so as to perpetuate this income for said provider ...(indeed-Ed)...well suggested and I concur...

Which brings us neatly full circle back to the 'removed' posts that saw me bump the DeBelle post, and as the Universe would have it, end up back there anyway...

School Child Abuse Case: News that two people have recently been involved/charged with offences in the South East...but only one is about a teacher and a student, because the other is a headmaster accused/charged with rape external of the school...(oh, well that's ok then-Ed)...indeed...

And how does this relate to the DeBelle Inquiry?...well Education Minister Jennifer Rankine and new Chief Education Officer...(Tony-TH)...Tony...(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison...have both been furiously deferring to and/or referencing the DeBelle Inquiry, namely, 'we've notified everyone corrrectly and written to parents, etc, as per the recommendations of the DeBelle Inquiry' (pararphrase but damn near a quote).

And in co-incidence, it is revealed that Federal Labor Minister Mark Butler was contacted by a parent re the 'Western Suburbs School' and the Education Departments handling of the case...(and let me guess, Mr Butler can't remember the email he sent to Grace Portolesi and/or Premier Weatherill-Ed)...damn you're good...was contacted four(?) months prior to the public exposure via the media...

And this brought statements from former Education Minister Portolesi that the DeBelle Inquiry completely exonerates Premier Weatherill and verifies that she was misled by her department, etc...and quite right too...after all, that's exactly what the DeBelle Inquiry was established to achieve...1)  to excuse the crooks responsible, and 2) provide the circuit breaker and anchor point that all can now defer and/or refer...and not one word of it genuine...

I will revisit the DeBelle Inquiry ASAP, but first a personal vendetta to be pursued in the greater public interest...Premier Weatherill's business partner and WorkCover 'Magistrate' Mr Stephen Lietschke...

Tomorrow: TFTIM Lawyer Stephen Lietschke

Spoiler/teaser - he was teacher Glyn Dorling's lawyer in the Teachers Registration Board/Crown Solicitor Office hearing of March 2003-November 2004 (previous posts).

Just another charming example of the institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption that defines Adelaide.

I am Nick Fletcher and I'm working myself into a quiet lather, nay, foaming fury, over just what a scumbag this person it here on my blog, tomorrow...cheers...oh, and thankyou for your messages of support, albeit off blog, it is greatly appreciated...laters...

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