Sunday, July 14, 2013

The 2003 Layton Report: Recommendation No. 1

Hello Qatar, Malaysia, South Korea, and China...profuse apologies for the last few posts...I know that they drifted a bit, but I can only apologise for being distracted by the bizarre realities being played out around me, namely the DeBelle Inquiry and associated multiple Child Protection issues.

Massive Disclaimer: It is inevitable that in the posts re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Issue that I will have to mention other parents involved. However, I take full and sole responsibility for this blog and it's content, it's intent; it's intensely frenetic attempts to address the glaring realities...(you're drifting again-Ed)...ah, yeah, sorry...

My name is Nick Fletcher and I take full and sole responsibility for this blog and it's contents.

All of the gross failures and institutionalised corruption of the South Australian Child Protection System, of SA in general, is being played out en masse in the public spotlight...a fortnight of lurching from one massive abuse issue to another...the Beaumont children's alleged killer named, all of the gross and clearly deliberate failings of the Education Dept and the Ministers lies in Parliament, etc, and the pointless DeBelle Inquiry, more convicted paedophile Magistrate Peter Liddy stories, more Inquiries, the St Anns issue, etc, etc.

If I were a cynical person, I'd probably think that this was a deliberate strategy to try and dilute each horrendous reality by bludgeoning the public with relentless abuse stories/issues...(please explain-Ed)...sure...if there are multiple issues being addressed daily through the media, then each is somewhat diluted by the others, and people do get distracted or overwhelmed...even blase...

I refer to previous posts about the deliberate failings of authorities re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and the 11+ years that I and other parents have been fighting against the Child Protection System, including the intensely corrupt Teachers Registration Board/Crown Solicitor Office hearing into teacher Glyn Dorling and the abuses he committed against our 7 year old children.

This was followed by the intensely corrupt bipartisan Parliamentary Statutory Authorities Review Committee Inquiry into the TRB-Report no. 54. (from September 2007 to July 2011).

And I do not withdraw in anyway from the repeated accusation of Corruption made in those two paragraphs, because that is exactly what those Inquiries were...corrupted and corrupt...

The TRB/CSO and SARC Inquiries were conducted in the exact same corrupt way...both deliberately ignored literally everything that compromised their predetermined function, which was to excuse, protect, and cover-up all the horrendous realities around the St Martins Issue and the official reactions to that Issue. 

Combined, there has been over 5 years of 'Official Inquiry' into the St Martins Issue and the gross failings of all authorities involved...and parents repeatedly doing submissions, Statutory Declarations, travelling to Adelaide to give testimony and/or attend hearings and meetings, etc...and these 'Authorities' repeatedly lying, denying, ignoring, and/or attacking us parents. 

A Critical Point: Referring to Comm Mullighan's statements about how SAPol, etc, would not co-operate with an 'Informal Inquiry' because they would not be protected, we parents have from day one knowingly made ourselves accountable, liable, and even vulnerable by signing our names to Sworn Affidavits (Statutory Declarations), giving sworn testimony and submissions and personal documents to Inquiries, etc...(I'm gonna' have to ask you to please explain again-Ed)... sure...

I/we have put my/our 'version of events', accusations, observations, etc, in an accountable, formal, legal format that has specific provision under law to sanction me/us for any falsehoods...that is, if we have lied in those Sworn affidavits, testimony, etc, we are legally accountable.

It is an extremely serious offense to lie in a sworn document, written or spoken, and yet I/we have been perfectly happy to commit to that legal obligation and accountability...(so if I may...what you're saying is that the fact that you have all been prepared to 'legally sign' your statements, etc, in which you have made multiple direct accusations of abuse and/or cover-up, and yet you haven't been charged for 'Defamation' or 'Libel' or 'Contempt of Court' or even just plain lying, that that proves the veracity of your many allegations...would that be a fair summary-Ed)...absolutely...well put.      

I remind readers that it was us parents who organised/forced Flinders Child Protection Services to interview our children at the designated interview room at Mt Gambier Hospital in July/August 2002, and  then it was parents again who notified and effectively organised the TRB/CSO hearing (March 2003-November 2004).

And we parents also organised our involvement with Commissioner Ted Mullighan (multiple meetings over two years), and with the support of then MLC Nick Xenophon we organised the SARC Inquiry into the Inquiry into an Inquiry...

And that is South Australia right there...Inquiries into Inquiries and no actual action re genuinely protecting children...the agenda has always been and remains one of deliberately making children vulnerable and perpetuating the culture of Child Abuse that defines Adelaide's 'hierarchy'...the patterns of behavior are definable and undeniable.

In the media reportage there has been repeated reference to the Layton Report from March 2003 with it's 206 recommendations across 26 chapters, some 600+ pages (they're not numbered and I lost count).

Again I acknowledge the inevitable coincidences between my posts and the media coverage when I refer to the ABC TV 7.30 SA report (Friday 12th July 2013) re the St Anns Abuse Issue, and the almost verbatim listing of previous Inquiries, including the Layton Report, as per my posts, and again I urge readers to access that program.

Also on Friday, Education Minister Jennifer Rankine announced the creation of a 'Commissioner for Children and Young People' which was the very first recommendation of the Layton Report, as attached.

I really don't know what to say about the 10 years gone and the current gross public humiliation that it has taken for the Labor Party to decide to follow Recommendation no1 of the Layton Report.

And pardon my cynicism, but I have no faith in any Committee, Inquiry, Commission, or any other official authority established under the current pro-paedophile climate of South Australian politics, under the culture of lie, deny, and cover-up.

Tomorrow: City Council Consultation Con-Job Continues

The latest installment of the blowing of smoke and the wielding of mirrors and the redistribution of fertiliser courtesy of Graham Greenwood and The Border Watch...yee and may I say ha...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...mine I tell you...all beautiful precious...


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