Friday, July 12, 2013

DeBelle Ends: The Layton Report

Hello Peru, China, Malaysia, and's a long haul today, so let's get stuck in...

Some instant, I am not organising a Charity Boxing was another Fletcher attempt at humor...seems there are those whom are quite keen to see me square off with certain other local identities and/or 'Celebrities'...they called me a celebrity...

I refer to my previous posts and the current reporting about the Debelle Child Abuse Inquiry, and the repeated empty rhetoric streaming out of Premier Jay Weatherill's office, his Labor government, and various associated authorities, etc, about how bad it is, how unfortunate it is, how it's all going to be ok because we're going to have some more Inquiries.

The DeBelle Inquiry is/was supposedly a Royal Commission, and follows the Statutory Authorities Review Committee Inquiry into the Teachers registration Board and subsequent SARC Report no.54, the Mullighan Inquiry, and the Layton Report...and is full of the same rhetoric as these previous Inquiries as it carefully excuses those whom need to be protected, eg, Premier Weatherill and his senior staff whom have clearly lied to the Commission...'oh, gee whiz, I can't remember'...

Page after page (DeBelle Report) of exquisite investigation of the issue of who sent and/or received the email identifying the Arrest, charging, and/or jailing of the After School Care Director...and nobody can quite remember, but it definitely wasn't to Premier Weatherill, and the hard drives have been deliberately erased (apparently that's official policy - for the exiting Minister to wipe all the details of all cases, etc), and blah, blah, blah...(would I be correct in assuming that you have chosen to replace swearing with blah, blah, blah?-Ed)...very astute, and sort of, but wrong...

These bastards have lied through their teeth to an alleged Royal Commission, and said Commission has gone to great lengths to exonerate them...typical, text-book South Australia...

This same 'gee whiz I can't remember' lie is exactly what Jay Weatherill said on ABC Radio on Monday 1st July following my on-air statements about his specific, repeated involvement in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...."I don't recall that case in Mt Gambier"...

I have exchanged contacts with Mr Weatherill's office, and they have forwarded me a copy of the DeBelle Inquiry Edited Report, but have declined my request for Premier Weatherill to 'rectify' his 'mistake' of Monday 1st July by going back on air to acknowledge the realities of the St Martins Issue...apparently Premier Weatherill is maintaining his position that he doesn't "recall".

I note that Mr DeBelle's letter to Governor Kevin Scarce (June 21st 2013) states that Mr DeBelle was already investigating on behalf of Minister Grace Portolesi, but had later been "invested...with the powers of a Royal Commission...", as opposed to our situation where Comm Mullighan was allegedly refused expanded powers to investigate the St Martins Issue officially (previous posts).

And what has happened about these lies to the DeBelle Inquiry?...carefully, thoroughly identified, ratified, and then...cue those tumbleweeds again...absolutely nothing...and there's Liberal Education spokesperson Mr Pisoni bleating about how it's not good enough, blah, blah, blah...and not actually doing anything much...I'm still waiting for a call from Mr Pisoni as per this current Inquiry.

When parents approached him about a person on bail for Child Sexual assault charges working with children at a gym in Adelaide's southern suburbs, Mr Pisoni advised the parents to go in and get photos, an extraordinarily dangerous thing to do that potentially leaves the parents open to legal complications and possibly compromises the case.

It is absolute symptomatic and definitive that the SA Courts allowed this man to be working with children as part of his bail conditions.

And SAPol were, according to Attorney General John Rau, conducting "covert surveillance" of this person but didn't, couldn't, wouldn't see anything...I struggle to believe that this "surveillance" was even happening, particularly given John Rau's public lies that he didn't know the specific Child Pornography charges laid by SAPol against his fellow Labor minister and then Acting Police Minister Bernard Finnigan. 

Given the Labor Party control over and subsequent gross manipulation of the TRB/Crown Solicitors hearing into teacher Glyn Dorling, the subsequent SARC Inquiry into the TRB, and the Mullighan Inquiry, I view with absolute cynicism...(a cynic is what an optimist calls a realist-Ed)...the DeBelle Inquiry and resultant Edited Report of Independent Education Inquiry...and you just know that anything that has Independent in it's title is exactly the opposite...that's how the game is played...

I reiterate; Independent Statutory Authorities are labelled as such because that is exactly what they aren't, eg, the TRB, staffed by Education Dept employees and Teacher's Union members; the Police Complaints Authority that has police investigating complaints against police; etc.

The Mullighan Inquiry originally had notorious paedophile associate (and now Magistrate) Bill Morris as it's lead investigator, even with Comm Mullighan's knowledge and approval, until he was hounded off the Inquiry by Child Protection activists...but then was replaced by Police Association president Mark Carroll.

Comm Mulllighan was also reporting to Premier Mike Rann on a monthly basis...senior police official as investigator and reporting to Mike that's some kind of Independent...I further re-iterate that Comm Mullighan met us parents numerous times (starting February 2005) and promised to help us, and then spent two years crudely, rudely, aggressively backing away from those promises...and so promises became lies...and not one mention of the St Martins Lutheran School Issue in his final report.

Before all of these Inquiries came the Layton Report, tabled in March 2003. It's full title;
      our best investment - A STATE PLAN - To Protect And Advance The Interests Of Children
             Robyn Layton QC,  Child Protection Review

It literally dwarfs the DeBelle Inquiry Report, and therefore I will dedicate a full post to just some of the 26 chapters and 206 Recommendations therein, eg, Chapter 7: Interagency coordination and relationships, which specifically identifies some issues including "key requirements for effective coordination" and "recommendations for improving coordination and governance of the child protection system in South Australia".

Leading to Recommendation 27 "...updating of the Child Protection Interagency ensure that all those with statutory responsibilities are aware of their obligations in relation to confidentiality, information sharing and privacy..."...sound familiar...'oh, I didn't notify that person, or they didn't tell me, etc.' ABC Radio News is literally just announcing (4pm) that the Weatherill Labor government is going to introduce "...a Children's Commissioner, a recommendation from the Layton Inquiry from 10 years ago..."...and just one of the many Recommendations that Labor has simply ignored...
until embarrassed and bludgeoned into it by private citizens....(may I?-Ed)...certainly...(bastards-Ed)...what the private citizens...(no, no, Labor et al-Ed)...

Institutionalised Child Abuse in South Australia is a deliberately created reality, not an aberrant unfortunateness...which is now a word to define the Labor excuse for that which they have created and proliferated but by neccesity must deny and reject...(Unfortunateness...I like it-Ed)...

Bottomline - there have been multiple Inquiries, Reviews and Recommendations, etc, over the last decade, and yet here we are half way through 2013 and children are still being systematically abused not protected, eg, children with communication disabilities are completely vulnerable and are not representable in the Courts as victims and/or witnesses...a shrekin' disgrace...

Tomorrow: Wind Turbine Update 

More Projects Shelved and latest Lake Bonney Propaganda...but an unusual silence across the media over the last few weeks...surely it's time for Simon Marsh to churn out yet another outrageous piece of criminally corrupted pseudo-science in support of's been at least a month...(am I detecting a hint of animosity?-Ed)...just a hint...wait 'til I really get stuck in...tomorrow...

I am that large, angry, hippy they call Nick Fletcher...and this is my blog...which they call my blog...laters... 

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