Wednesday, July 24, 2013

TFTIM: Liberal MLC David Ridgway

Hello world, and welcome Morocco, a newcomer to this here blog of mine, welcome to an old favourite, namely Task Force TIM (TFTIM-The First Time I Met).

Apologies for late post, but I have had to review and restructure my original idea which was to just to go out, do what I needed to do, come home, scan and post...(what a cop-out-Ed)...thank just post the parliamentary debate that led to the Statutory Authorities Review Committee Inquiry into the Teachers Registration Board, which I may have mentioned in previous posts.

However, once I dug my copy out of my carefully organised pile of documents, I realised that it runs for 8 pages, and there are other documents I would like to add, so...(here we go-Ed)...thank you...the full transcript, should you wish to indulge, is available on the South Australian Parliament website under Hansard (the parliamentary record), dated Wednesday 29 October 2008, pages 472-479 inclusive.

(I note that the Child Protection group mentioned in the Hansard 29/10/2008 was effectively 'shut down' in 2005 by the Defamation case that I have mentioned in previous posts)  

I do understand if people and politicians...(nice, but you do remember that you're a self-declared politician?-Ed)...hadn't forgotten, no, and I stand by that statement...if people struggle to accept the veracity of some (if not all) of what I say/write, but most of what I say is just re-iteration and/or reportage of actual documents, transcripts, etc....(fair enough-Ed)... 

This post then became about holding Labor MLC Russell Wortley to account for the lies he told on the floor of parliament, and his failure to explain why...and an apology to parents involved wouldn't go astray...(well now you're just being silly-Ed)...before finally morphing into TFTIM: LMLC DR. 

Please find attached a photocopy (apologies for quality) of the original parliamentary debate and motion as introduced by MLC John Darley on September 24th 2008. Please note that Mr Darley mistakenly identifies September 2006 as being when Mr Xenophon first introduced the motion, but it was actually September 2007.

But he also identifies "...wider systemic issues..." that need a 'solution'...sound familiar?

As stated, this was on behalf of MLC Nick Xenophon, who as per previous post, came to Mt Gambier to meet parents in 2006, a full year before he introduced the motion on 26 September 2007...(so by the time the Inquiry actually started in October 2008, it was already over two years since Mr Xenophon came to Mt Gambier?-Ed)...yep...(oh-Ed)...yes, oh... 

Like I said, it was literally the last thing he did before leaving state parliament to go Federal...(oh I don't think you can call him feral-Ed)...I said 'Federal', into Federal politics at the 2007 Federal election...(ahh...but why did it take another full year for John Darley to pick it up?-Ed)'d have to ask him...

Anyway, the original statement by Mr Xenophon should also be available on Hansard for 26/09/2007, and it also contains reference to 'a school in Mt Gambier'.

This is the critical point that I wish to make here...'the school in Mt Gambier' is repeatedly mentioned throughout the various parliamentary debates...and that school is St Martins Lutheran School.

On 24/09/2013, in supporting the motion, Liberal MLC David Ridgway states that;
          "...the Hon. John Darley's motion...follows on from Nick Xenophon's range of questions
            in relation to activities that occurred at a school in Mount Gambier..."

Mr Ridgway then states;
          "...with the opposition also having done a considerable amount of research, we see that
            this is an appropriate inquiry..."

I refer to my post TFTIM: Wattle Range Mayor Peter Gandolfi about the long meeting all about 'the school in Mt Gambier' that I and another parent had with Messrs Gandolfi and Ridgway immediately prior to the March 2006 state election.

And that meeting is also the aforementioned TFTIM Liberal MLC David Ridgway, and why I referred to him in yesterday's post as being an "asshole"...(yes, somewhat indelicate-Ed)...wait...when he says that the Liberals have "...done a considerable amount of research..." that includes him receiving direct and specific information from parents in early 2006, information that he/The Liberals had not acted on by September 2008.

Please also find attached Mr Darley's letter to me dated 17 September 2008 outlining what he intended to do, and the actual 'Terms of Reference' as 'Adopted 17 November 2008'.

The SARC Inquiry concluded July 2011, 32 months after it started, and nearly 5 years after Mr Xenophon came to Mt Gambier. 

On the 29/10/2008 transcript, Labor MLC Russell Wortley spends pages lying about 'the school in Mt Gambier', and so I will split this into two parts, and so;

Tomorrow: Labor MLC Russell Wortley

Just more lies, more ignoring, more ignorance...and I'm still waiting for your promised explanation Rusty.

I also note (as possibly mentioned in previous posts) that I briefly met Mr Ridgway in 2004 when the Liberal party held their function/meeting in Mt Gambier, but March 2006 was the first time I met him 'directly'.  

I am Nick Fletcher and this is The Mount Gambier Independent...still just a blog and yet so much more to boot...this is my reality...this is an outrage...laters...

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