Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Lazarus Post - And thank God for that!

Hello sailors, hello Dolly, hello is it me you're looking for...yes I'm baaaaaack, baaaaaaaack, yes I'm back in black (and white)...(he's baaaack-Ed)...please ignore next paragraph if you wish (started yesterday) in this here spanky new 'tech problems sorted' version of my blog The Mount Gambier Independent.

And my precious...welcome to the blog...still having major problems with formatting this here post...cursor will not work in text box...can't 'block move' text, italicise, don't know what you've got 'til it's gone...and we're back to normalish services...(yeeha-Ed)...I've just left that in as an explanation for the glitch.

Hello Nepal, Egypt, Romania, France, and Russia...welcome to the re-instated TMGI...been having a few problems with my telecommunicative devices and Interwebinal functionings...but one trip to the workshop and $160.00 later and it's all better now...but better than just better, fantastic...

A massive shout-out, a huge 'thank you so very much' to whoever it was that anonymously left a comment to my notification yesterday (that the blog was temporarily but effectively down)...nearly 200 posts in, and in response to the post 'Blog Down-Post as soon as possible-sorry' comes only my second ever comment, the totally hilarious, completely anonymous 'And thank God for that!' G for god and an exclamation mark...Absolutely Hilarious!

195 posts full of anger, frustration, and unfortunate, uncomfortable truths and nuthin'...but a 'Title With No Actual Post' draws a response...Hilarious!...tell you what bring your god with a capital G and I'll bring this here blog and we'll see which truth remains...

Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss 'And thank God for that!'...1) at least have the gumption to identify yourself...I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog and you know who I am and exactly what I think...2) if you don't like my blog don't read it...but 3) clearly you are reading it or else you wouldn't know that it was temporarily down...(owww, bazinga...but do you think that it's proper to ridicule someone for responding to your Blog?...I thought you said all reasonable and responsible comments/contributions would remain unchanged-Ed)...

Absolutely Ed, you're right, that is what I said...and I'm not about to remove this hilarious comment, indeed it gets a post title all it's own...I'm here to praise Caesar not bury him...this 'And thank God for that!' is all the encouragement I need for another 100 posts...thank you whoever you are...(what, that's it?...thank're not going to call them 'A Prize Tool' or something similar?-Ed), absolutely not...their anger is my nectar and so may their stupidity forever blossom to bear such fruit ripe for the picking...(ah, that's more like it-Ed)...

But back to the blog and a brief aside: some more feed-back on the Tony Abbott 'Pollie Pedal' circus that rolled through Mt Gambier recently...and it ain't good...apparently Mr Abbott rocked up an hour late to the dinner function with the Mormons, in casual cloths, so the food was cold, prepared presentations were thrown out of order, etc...

But I digress; I realise that my posts have become a little bit 'one-track, one-trick pony' in recent weeks, but it is purely reflective of the public debate that is currently dominated by multiple Child Abuse issues...and the abject failure of the Rann/Weatherill Labor government to address these issues appropriately.

Please review previous posts if you have any illusions about exactly what influences, what motivations, what sort of alleged human beings are running the show...the litany of abuses in SA schools revealed this week show that in 2013 children are under attack in school, remain completely vulnerable, and that the Education Department will do everything it can to hide, deny, and avoid responsibility, up to and including openly threatening parents.       

Child Abuse in SA schools is not an unfortunate and avoidable series of miscommunications, problematic legislative failings, and occasional criminality committed by the odd rogue teacher...there is clearly a culture of abuse and cover-up...the Education Department is rotten to the core, from the top down.

And people with 'abusive intent' look at the Education system as an attractive option for accessing children with the incumbent protection of a corrupt system.

And report after report, and Inquiry upon Inquiry, and the abuse goes on because that is apparently what we are in South Australia...will we ever change?

Even since yesterday morning when I started this post there has been an avalanchian torrent of Child Abuse issues, up to and including the naming of the alleged abductor and murderer of the Beaumont children who disappeared from Glenelg (in Adelaide) nearly 50 years ago...a certain Mr Henry Phipps...more tomorrow...(check out Today Tonight Adelaide for July 9th 2013)

And then on the same program another story about convicted paedophile Magistrate Peter Liddy and his missing assets and a brief mention of his lawyer Eugene Magee and mate Magistrate Bill Morris, etc.

And story after story throughout the media re the current abuse issues in the South Australian Education Department and various schools, Premier Jay Weatherill dodging off on holiday, etc...

Now Victorian based 'Education Expert' Peter Allen will do a review of the case that spawned the Debelle Inquiry, but still no sackings or even disciplinary action...he thinks it's a "cultural problem"...seriously...

Again I apologise for the brief disruption to service, but we're back to normal...   

Tomorrow: The Layton Inquiry - Where Is It Now?

In March 2003 Ms Layton (wife of former Labor Premier John Bannon) presented her voluminous report on Child Protection...and what has happened since...pretty much nothing...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...yeeha...laters...

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