Monday, July 8, 2013

DeBelle Ends Part V: It Never Ends

Hello new conscripts to the murky world of This Here Blog, but hello South Africa, Venezuela, New Zealand, Germany and Russia...and of course good ol' Ostrarya...(that's Australia in the local lingo-Ed)...

Apologies for this very late blog that is short and blotchy...went to NAIDOC Week Launch, caught up with my child, tried to listen to an ABC Radio program via digital radio so couldn't blog, but it didn't come on...super...

There's a virus freezing up my home computer and I cannot properly access this text part of the post; it's making it really hard (and annoying) to draft this post...I'm going to have a and I believe hoo.

Just watching (this morning) ABC TV News 24 interviewing Ms Janette Dines, CEO of the Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission, not to be confused with the Victorian and New South Wales Commissions running concurrently.

Ms Dines was discussing the commencement of 'Private Hearings' in Adelaide, and used a number of problematic catchphrases that I have encountered many times over in the entirely disingenuous and deceitful conduct of the Child Abuse Issue in South Australia.

Ms Dine repeatedly stated that it was really helpful for some people to just talk about their abuse and/or other issues privately, and in that context they (the 'witnesses') and the Commissioners were/are "bearing witness".

Call me a cynic, but it is my experience that private, un-official discussions effectively direct those disclosures and abuses, etc, straight into the official shredder of unaccountability...(please explain-Ed)...sure.

This line that 'just talking about stuff helps people move on' is one that was often used relative to the Mullighan Inquiry, and it has one very obvious and immediate failing...there is no prosecution of the perpetrator and the crime goes unreported...this can and does lead to further abuse often of an escalated nature.

I have previously stated my concerns about the CARC...(does that say Carc?-Ed)...yeah, it does...and you're not Italicised because of the above tech spell check either...and the structure, members, and intent of the CARC....please refer previous posts...

And closer to home, Premier Jay Weatherill has decided to go on holidays whilst his government is literally haemorrhaging credibility following the release of the DeBelle Inquiry Report...Ministers lying in parliament, a rogue, ruinous Education Department, deceit of and threats against parents, page after page in the media...

And I believe that tomorrow 9th July 2013 the CARC is hearing in Adelaide, a perfect opportunity for the Premier to avail himself of the Commission...but has Jay stayed to say gidday? way...
He's run away to leave his Ministers to face Danyse Soester, from the Parent Council (previous posts), and Michael O'Brien quipped "Good line, good line" at her, and Chloe Fox oozing genuinely professional Attorney General John Rau addressing possible legal action from parents with comments that the government would be responsible litigants "no sharp deep pockets..."...which is Bastard Speak for we'll use every cent of taxpayers money (not our own) to bankrupt any freakin' parent who's stupid enough to take us on...what are you lookin' at?

(And if anyone knows Bastard Speak, it's you-Ed)...damn, wait, what?...(move on-Ed)...
Apologies...internet dropping out and can't get text box to function properly...stopping here...try again last dragged out thought...two words...Layton March 2003 QC Robyn Layton delivered the 350+ page Child Protection Review "Our Best Interest".

Tomorrow: The Layton Report - What Happened To It?

Again apologies for this terrible post but it's taken me 3 hours just to get this much...I am Nick Fletcher and this is one very annoying post in this here my blog...  

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