Friday, July 26, 2013

Why I Hate The Main Corner

Hello Denmark, France, NZ again, and the Phillipines...welcome to the blog, and today we are going to look through the massive 'earthquake proof' windows that you can't actually see through because of all the crap in the way...(and we're off-Ed)...

As per previous posts, I know I tend to end up trawling through the same issues of Corruption and Child Abuse, but as these things remain largely unresolved and are critical to the 'health' of society, they become self-promoting and unavoidable...and so it is with the Main Corner Project...

Amongst other things, can't see in, can't see out, despite the ludicrously expensive massive glass walls...entire walls of glass and you can't see through them because they're covered in wire and/or plants...shocking design and a total waste of money...and the ludicrously expensive 'Light Show Projectors' projecting images onto the inside (of the windows) that cannot be seen from the outside...stupid, indulgent, waste of money...(I'm sensing some displeasure-Ed)...indeed...

But first, my own personal conspiracy theory based purely on observation of the TV footage...have you ever seen anyone look less 'pregnant/post-birth' than Kate Middleton?...not an ounce of fat on her, not a blemish, not one pimple, no bags under the eyes, none of the usual physical indicators of being more than a week overdue followed by a 12 hour labour.

And my Conspiracy Theory...ahem...that Kate was never pregnant for whatever reason, and a surrogate was used for the theory...(oh,yeah, and it's a beauty...folks, just don't make eye contact and back away sudden movements...we don't want to startle him...-Ed)...thank you, it is just a 'theory...or is it?...

Nah, it is just a theory, but I wanted one all my own to go with the 'Who's the real father of Clown Prince Harry?'...(don't you mean 'Crown Prince'?-Ed)...I know what I mean...and the related theory about the death of Princess Dianna that she was killed deliberately...(well, that means murdered or executed or assassinated-Ed)...indeed, deliberately killed by the orders of the 'Royal family' and/or associated vested interests because she was allegedly about to marry Dodi Al Fahed (spelling?-sorry) and/or was pregnant with his child, etc.

Compared to these 'theories' mine looks tame and even plausible...(I take your point-Ed)...I haven't made it yet...(yes, but you're going to point out the difference between a 'Conspiracy Theory' such as this/these, and the facts of issues like the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and the Main Corner Project disaster-Ed) I really that predictable?...(no...just that when it comes to The Crunch, I have a gift for strategy-Ed)...orrr, not The Crunch again...

The facts of the Main Corner Project are exactly that, facts, and just because I identified the Rail Lands Retail Agenda as one of if not the prime motivator for it's construction, that does not make the RLRA a 'Conspiracy Theory'...Mt Gambier City Council on behalf of vested interests has done everything it can to force/allow a Shopping Centre onto the Rail Lands site...I have proved that beyond question in previous posts.

Please review previous posts re the RLRA, with the various Council commissioned, Architect drafted Retail Development Plans; the multiple 'Public Consultations'; the Re-zoning of the site in 2009 to 'Retail/Commercial';  the construction and placement of the new Library and Main Corner; the Bus Shelter Issue; the damage done to the Heritage Listed King's Theatre; the extraordinary cost, including the gross indulgence of unnecessary items, eg, the $650,000 Volcano Movie; the missing money; the money ($344,000) that dual CEO Greg Muller 'stole' in late 2011; etc, etc.

These are facts beyond question...but the crowning glory...(come on, surely there's a royal birthing joke in that...crowning...yeah?-Ed)...yes, I think you just did it...(oh, sorry-Ed)...that's fine, so long as someone does it...the crowning glory with the Main Corner is that the last two 'Tenders' for operating this ratepayer constructed, ratepayer funded monstrosity, were the Mayor Steve Perryman and Councillor Des Mutton's son...and of course Sorrentos (Lachlan Mutton) have been 'given' monopoly control of the entire facility, including the Old Town Hall/Institute area.

It is alleged and/or I have been informed that Lachlan originally payed no rent, at all, but now pays a 'token fee', or 'Peppercorn Lease' of less than $1,000 per annum...this was also unceremoniously yelled at me at several of the recent Budget Consultation Meetings.

And of course there is the huge financial damage being done to local businesses by Council operating a Function facility in direct competition with established private providers...including Council employing two or three people to literally go around town poaching weddings and other functions off private providers...

And remember that every wage cost of Council, and every expense at the Main Corner, eg, security...all of it is ratepayer are paying for Council to employ people to poach business off you/us, and a Councillor's son directly profits from it...Tony Harrison, if you would...(my pleasure...This is an outrage!-TH)...

And the massive Council debt accrued...and the unsustainable, unrecoverable $600,000+pa running cost.

Personally, I think The Main Corner is an appalling design that bears no relevance to the site, situation, aspect, etc, and just about the ugliest piece of crap...(no don't hold back, say what you really think-Ed)...I've ever seen in my life...(what, no mirrors at your house?-Ed)...ow,, wait, hang on...

The damaged, disjointed state that the external walls of the Kings Theatre have been left in is not 'cutting-edge' or 'groovy' or 'retaining the history' is ugly and cheap and an absolute cop-out that makes it look half-finished...and the massive holes where the beams have been crudely rammed into the side of the amateurish and ugly...and what about the Heritage Listing? have, or should I say who has, allowed this damage?...

It is directly, repeatedly alleged to me that the 'Heritage Process' is also mired in the 'approval for mates, bugger all for everybody else' nepotism and corruption that defines governance in South Australia, let alone Mt Gambier...and the evidence is smashed large in the walls of the Kings Theatre...oh, and there was also a small section of Heritage Listed building simply removed because it was sort of in the way...bad luck about that...

And don't get me started on the exposed pipes/ducts, etc...again, this is not trendy or 'industrial chique' or anything other than cheap crap, which in the case of the air-conditioning doesn't actually work properly...the perforated steel stairs are apparently deadly for people wearing stiletto heels, as one apparently does when one attend one's soirees.

Did I mention the huge windows that you can't see in or out of?...(yes-Ed)...and the complete lack of views to the Mount or the immediately adjacent Cave Gardens?...(yes-Ed)...and the drainpipe down the middle of the one window you can see out?...(yes-Ed)...the smashed glass in the floor...(yes-Ed)...and the ugly blank walls with rubbish bin yard facing directly onto Bay Rd?...(not sure on that one, but I agree it's atrocious design-Ed)...

Once you get past the over-all 'unfinished' impression, aspects of the finishing become obvious, but I don't blame the actual contractors/builders who were at the Crap face...(nice-Ed)...doing the actual work, because it is alleged to me that they were not given adequate time to do their various bits, so as to reduce costs for the developer...

But I hate it, really hate it, because every time I drive or walk past it or most particularly on the occasions when I have had to actually go in there to attend the ratepayer funded events that Council direct to that facility, it is an ugly, pointless reminder of the sort of selfishness, malfeasance, and corruption of our public officials that allows for the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up...

Because all of these people are prepared to condone and support the Cover-up so that they can go about their grubby corruptness with dodgy land rezonings for their scumbag mates and corrupt building projects mired in personal gain...(go you good thing-Ed)...and that means you Steve Perryman, you Tony Pasin, you Greg Muller, Mark McShane, Peter Gandolfi, Richard Sage, Don Pegler, Rory McEwen, et al.

It reminds me that all of these people, and they are just some of the sum of scum, are wholly aware of and therefore responsible for the Cover-up of the gross abuse of 7 year old all know and you all allow it, you all condone it, you all support it, you all guarantee that it will continue to happen...

And you said I couldn't directly link the Main Corner disaster with Institutionalised Paedophilia...(I never said that-Ed)...ah, but you were thinking it...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)...

And I identify this reality because it is true, and also because it highlights how controlled and effective I have been in my dealings with these pricks...(I'll let you have that one-Ed)...cheers...because at the front of my mind every time is the knowledge of what they have chosen to support...the abuse of my child and dozens of others...and by doing so therefore guarantee that such abuse will continue and proliferate.

May you all rot in hell for what you have done...and may your children and grandchildren be spared from the paedophile fall-out of your selfishness and corruption...

I may be a vain, arrogant, broken old fool, but sooner be that than be any of you...

Tomorrow: Don't Know Yet

But I've got a horrible feeling that we're headed back into the DeBelle Inquiry and the latest offensiveness to be excreted by Attorney General John Rau re pointless primping of the very periphery of Child Protection legislation...idiot...(angry enough?-Ed)...just posting it as I see it...(fair enough-Ed)...

Or maybe a nice post about local wildlife, etc, that will inevitably morph into a highly emotional and politicised debate about koala deaths in Blue Gum Plantations at harvest time, bird deaths in Wind Turbine Industrial Estates, etc...

Until tomorrow...I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...laters alligators and cheers big ears...


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