Saturday, July 13, 2013

Wind Turbine Latest: No Emissions, Lots of Omissions

Hello Italy, Romania, Switzerland, Germany, and darkness my old is cold, dark, wet and windy outside...and the wind might be in the willows, but it is also quietly in the news lately, particularly quiet given the 'Renewables Industry's' propensity for fortnightly saturating the media with falsehoods, propaganda, and manufactured pseudo-science...(yes we're talking to you Simon Marsh...please refer previous posts-Ed)...and then dodging for cover to avoid any accountability.

Just quickly was somewhat inevitable but still very satisfying to hear that, following the DeBelle Inquiry, the 2003 Layton Inquiry (yesterdays post and more to come Tomorrow) would be mentioned repeatedly in the media...but I went there first, nearly a week ago...

Only yesterday (Friday 12th July) this weeks Education Minister Jennifer Rankine announced the creation of a 'Commissioner for Children and Young People', one of the key recommendations of the Layton Report.

Last night ABC TV 7.30 SA program ran a story about St Anns Catholic School and the abuses committed against disabled children by their bus driver in the early eighties. I urge you to access this program on the Interweb, and watch the full interviews with parents involved talking about how they were not alerted for 20 years and then found out by accident, and how they descibe current events as a mirror image of what happened to them, and their reservations about the Federal Royal Commission.

Their story is the decades since those abuses occurred the driver was jailed but there has been no Inquiry and no changes to the law and/or Courts as witnessed with the dropping of almost identical charges against a bus driver late in 2011 (previous posts).                   

I'm listening to Ms Layton on the ABC Radio right now stating that 'the timing is very good given the recent introduction of a National Children's Commissioner' (paraphrase), but also saying;
          "I would have liked to see this happen years ago...we are lagging behind, but at least 
           we're making up ground now".

Talk about having a bet each way...'it should have happened 10 years ago but now is great as well'...but Ms Layton has direct Labor Party affiliations, she's former Labor Premier John Bannon's wife, so she's hardly about to put the boot into them for their abject and deliberate failures.

It has already been observed that, had such a position existed, the current multiple abuses committed by the After School Care Director and gross mishandling of that case (which led to the DeBelle Inquiry) would not have happened; but I digress and I know I'm doing it, but there has just been so many Child Abuse issues going through the media...

Rather than re-hash my position re Turbines, I respectfully direct you to my previous posts about Wind Turbines, the Fascism of the pro-Turbine legislation, pro-Turbine propaganda issues, etc....

I have heard very little through the mainstream media about Turbines in recent weeks. The biggest story was about the 'postponement' of AGL's 'proposed' Turbine project near Broken Hill...Silverton I think...

This story played briefly on the ABC Radio, only once that I heard, and the exact reasons are vague, but it could anything from a ploy to force government's hand to allow more development, provide more subsidies, etc, through to genuine economic considerations in a shrinking economy...I can only theorise, but will research and post...

There are websites and/or monitoring organisations that can provide the output information as per attached The Border Watch article from Wednesday 10th July 2013.

I have not researched these specific numbers, but the fundamental realities remain unchanged...just exactly how much electricity was being produced on the recent freezing cold, still as a millpond, not a breath of wind leading to extensive frosts, etc, nights when demand is greatest (homes, street lighting, etc, on long cold nights)...I don't need to research those figures to know as fact that it was wind, no power.

Generation needs to meet demand, not 'let's generate however much the weather allows when the weather allows'...this is wasteful and obviously unreliable, and demands a self-perpetuating reliance on 'back-up generation'...and how much electricity is being generated but not used because generation occurs outside peak demand times?

This reliance on weather creates surges and dips in supply that are unrelated to demand and that subsequently makes the 'cost' of electricity follow...when the wind stops, wholesale price effectively follows the spike in demand from traditional coal is fairly basic...

But I will try to research those 'penetration' numbers and do a comparison post...I'm not sure how to figure out exactly what it costs South Australians to import the brown coal generated Victorian electricity at these non-generation times, but it is well documented and commentated on that very high electricity prices in SA are partly but directly related to the structures/contracts of export/import that were set in place just before the proliferation of Turbines in SA. 

I also note that the article makes no mention of how much electricity was being exported to the Eastern States across these times.

This article changes nothing for position on Turbines remains the same...there are better, cheaper, more reliable, less wasteful ways to generate electricity, eg, solar thermal, geothermal...that must be focused on.

Tomorrow: The Layton Report - More Recommendations

I apologise for the almost give-a-damn averageness of this post, but I am completely preoccupied with the extraordinary Child Abuse issues being played out in the media...even as I was doing this post I'm writing tomorrows post in my head...Wind Turbines seem almost distantly irrelevant in light of the issues...

I am Nick Fletcher...deeply traumatised but still tilting at windmills...and this is my blog...I appreciate your patience and patronage...cheers... 

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