Monday, July 22, 2013

NF McDonnell Mill: The 500m Con

Hello Poland, Russia, Romania, and United Kingdom...please do not infer from my blog that everyone in Mt Gambier, South Australia is a two-headed cousin humping hillbilly or a is the same as the gay/gender issues I've covered in previous posts, in that, by and large, the population are just people trying to live their lives in an uncaring, indifferent Universe.

Yes Mt Gambier is...(was-Ed)...a 'Mill Town', but that is...(was-Ed)...just the reality of a century of Forestry development in the area of the state most suited...there is also agriculture/dairy, fishing, transport and associated industry, tourism, etc...

However, the reality of decisions mired in personal gain has had a devastating effect on the city, and it is the elected representatives who are doing all the damage, and in the wake of this Institutionalised Corruption Mt Gambier is left floundering...not waving, drowning...

And because these are the issues that must be addressed if we are to drag this mess out of the fire...(are we drowning or in the fire?-Ed)...shoosh...that is what I deal with in my blog.

For example; what's the point of tinkering with 'Child Protection' Mandatory Notification laws when the over-riding attitude is one of denial, cover-up, and can report until you're blue in the face if nobody you're reporting to is going to act...and those seeking to hide abuse are hardly threatened into compliance with bit piece legislation and minimal fines.

And this is why our politicians personal sexual predilections are an issue of great concern, particularly when that behaviour includes paedophilia, eg, engaging the services of teenage male prostitutes in the Adelaide Parklands.

How can we trust that our politicians and senior public servants are genuinely acting in the best interests of children, when there is a pro-paedophile culture driving their decision making, eg, the current state of the Education Department. 

But I digress; good ol' NF McDonnell's an example of the Weatherill state government using your taxpayer dollars to prop up their mate, not least of all in an attempt to make everyone else look bad. Please refer previous post about 'The Judas Goat of South East Forestry'.

It is not a coincidence that Mr McDonnell was on the Forestry Roundtable and it's successor The Forestry Advisory Board (or whatever it's called) and then also gets a massive $4million+ handout from the state government.

Now Mt Gambier City Council is seeking to establish a 500m 'Buffer Zone' around the NF McDonnell Mill on Suttontown Rd that will affect development and land prices, etc, within that 500m...this will include the TAFE site on Wireless Rd West and several local houses.

I didn't do a Submission on this intended Buffer Zone because 1) I didn't understand what the motivations and/or issues are, and 2) I was somewhat distracted by the paedophile issues pouring out of the Education Dept and elsewhere (previous posts), and 3) I just couldn't be bothered doing yet another pointless submission to people (Council) who don't care and don't listen.

Again, my blog is my submission, and plenty of people are listening to (reading) it...cheers...

And as is often the way with such things, it took a throw-away comment in an unrelated conversation to suddenly light up the situation for I say, it was like a striking up a flare in a dark room...but then in discussion with others, they related to me that which I thought I had just discovered, namely...

For decades NF McDonnell Mill has been trying to get someone, be it Council or the state government or both, to pay for them to be re-located to a more appropriate site, but have not been successful...until now.

I refer readers to the posts re the Rail Lands Retail Agenda (RLTA) and the clearly definable collusion between Mt Gambier City Council, the Grant District Council, and Labor Planning Minister Paul Holloway, that saw Bunnings and housing go on a Councillor's land specifically rezoned at Millicent Rd, the massive Woolworths/Big W on the original site on Penola Rd, etc.

These same patterns of collusion are immediately obvious with this $4million+ grant and the proposed implementation of the Buffer Zone...playing both ends against the middle...and that is where we find ourselves dear reader, right in the middle getting squeezed from all sides.

Now that NF McDonnell have received that grant for a proposed expansion, they can and will argue that those complaining about their (the mill's) impact on local development, etc, that the 500m Buffer Zone will produce, must therefore pay for them to be relocated...that is...

'We have plans and funding to expand at our current site, and that is what we intend to do.'...but with the proposed introduction of the Buffer Zone, that expansion becomes quite problematic if not impossible...(I don't understand-Ed)...

Alright...Council introduces the Buffer Zone that affects nearby properties, eg TAFE, and this naturally generates concerns about and opposition to the Current mill site and proposed expansion...(with you so far-Ed)...then, having created the problem, Council and/or the state government can step in and pretend to resolve it by paying to move the NF McDonnell Mill out of town somewhere.

All involved are deliberately seeking to generate a public demand for the Mill to be moved, which they can then say that they are responding to...along with rigorous self-congratulation for how much they 'listen to the people'...and then use your/our money to pay for what we have supposedly demanded.

Deliberately create the conflict that justifies what it is you seek to do in the first place...(ah, now I get it...give them the grant to do the expansion immediately prior to introducing the Buffer Zone, and then the Mill can argue 'we're not moving' and Council and/or the state government move in and say 'we're doing you citizens all a favour by paying for the Mill to be is what you asked for/demanded -Ed)...  
Precisely, well done Ed...(but I do have one question-Ed)...sure, fire away...(what makes you so sure that your summation of this situation is so accurate?-Ed)...good question; as with all of these issues I just summon my Inner Bastard and...(hello-Ib)...not now Ed...(um, that's not me-Ed)'s not?...(no-Ed)...(hello, did somebody call?-Ib)...who are you?...(me?...I'm your Inner Bastard-Ib)...oh Jesus Christ...(yo-JC)...seriously?...hang on, is that you Ed?...(yeah sorry, couldn't help myself-Ed)...hilarious I'm sure.

(Ah, I'm still here-Ib)...yes thank you for your input, but if we could all please move on...(sure-Ib)...(absolutely-Ed)...(yo-JC)...Ed, stop that...(sorry, sorry-Ed)...

The point is, that this is my opinion of what is happening based on my experience of how these things are manipulated by those involved, eg, the manipulation of the Bunnings/Penola Rd issue re the RLRA, the Old Hospital and Rail Lands excuses for justifying the latest Council Budget, etc.

I'm saying don't believe me just because the words are on the page in front of you, but please do use my observations as a template for dissecting this for yourself...I am confident that what I am saying is very much on or about the mark, but there may well be something in your own personal experience that impacts on this situation.

Again, I'm more than happy to have people come on the blog and disagree with me in a responsible and sensible manner...I don't want or need to be right, I want to be accurate...and if you engage with me appropriately I will be absolutely respectful about your's only anonymous dribble like "And thank God for that" that I will lambast and ridicule (previous posts)...(I think that "AtGft" lambasts and ridicules itself quite frankly-Ed)...yes, well put sir... 

Tomorrow: Wind Turbine Select Committee - Pointless and Corrupted

Nothing with Green's Party MLC Mark Parnel involved can be trusted to be objective and accurate...he has demonstrated a capacity to lie...(ooo, that's a big call-Ed)...let me finish, and he is massively biased in favour of Wind Turbines...and yes it would be a big call, indeed it would be quite defamatory, if it weren't true...

Mr Parnel had it explained to him very thoroughly about the removal of citizen's Appeal rights, indeed any access to the Courts (as set down in the Interim Development Plan Amendment of October 2011 and subsequent 'revised' DPA legislation 2012), yet within weeks he went into the media and stated that Appeal rights still exist.

That was an outright lie and he knew it...(point made-Ed)...   

This latest stunt of sleeping one night near some Turbines is typical of Mr Parnel's disingenuous approach to the subject of Turbines...anyways...

I am Nick Fletcher and I'm still apologising for yesterday's shambolic post in this here my blog...laters...

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