Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Education Crisis: Tony Harrison and Gary Costello

Hello Philippines, China, Canada, and Ukraine...pardon my ignorance but does one refer to Ukraine or The Ukraine...(I think The Ukraine refers to an area under the United Soviet Socialist Republic, sometimes referred to as the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic, which after the 'fall of Communism' became a separate country called Ukraine...I think-Ed)...

Further apologies for bumping CCCS Part II to Tomorrow, but the latest developments in the Education Sector demand priority...the heat is on in the kitchen and the scum is rising to the top...cue Gary Costello and Tony Harrison...and therefore I do not apologise for the anger here-in...

Please refer to my previous posts re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the direct, specific role played in that Cover-up by former Mt Gambier High School Principal Gary Costello, and that one of those posts has already been 'pulled down' by the Education Department...but the revised post remains...wonder how this one will fair...

Apparently the Education Dept don't like having their gross malfeasance and the pro-paedophile corruption of their senior executive exposed and/or explained...and when you look at that behaviour, it becomes clear why...a torrent of child abuse and cover-ups that threatens to breach the levees of denial and deliberate dysfunction, and flood the paedophile boys club that is Adelaide...(yep, that sounds pretty angry-Ed)...

And I didn't even get a chance to put the boot into now former Education Dept CEO Keith Bartley, and his involvement in the extraordinary Child Abuse case in Oxford, England, where he was a senior Council official with responsibilities re Child Protection (sorry, don't know actual title) in the very Council where a group of men (recently jailed for these abuses) were exploiting, raping, etc, a number of young teenage girls.

It is a massive coincidence that the Rann/Weatherill Labor government went halfway around the world to recruit (apparently without advertising) the man right at the heart of that extraordinary case, to bring him to SA where the pro-paedophile culture flourishes right at the top of government, etc.

Mr Bartley is either a screaming incompetent or a complicit co-conspirator or just about the unluckiest public servant ever...you choose...and after saying that he would see it out, now he's off immediately...resigned, shoved, whatevs...

And now Labor/Weatherill have unilaterally appointed (again without advertising) SAPol's (SA Police) former Acting Deputy runner-up vice-Commissioner in Waiting Tony Harrison...only recently Mr Harrison was appointed the newly created Director-general of Community Safety (at $300,000pa) in what has been described as a consolation prize for not getting the SAPol Commissioner's job...and now this. 

Mr Harrison has no experience what-so-ever in Education and was 'anointed' as much as appointed, again without advertising the position...and Labor did exactly the same thing with appointing the completely unqualified Labor hack Mia Handshin to the head of the Environment Protection Agency...no experience, no advertising, no question as to why...control and compliance...

Beyond that, the Weatherill Labor government appears to be acknowledging that Child Abuse is so endemic and institutionalised in the Education System, that a former 'Child Protection Police Officer' is the only person who can sort it out.  

Totally Hilarious Aside: For those unfamiliar with the fabulous BBC TV comedy series The Mighty Boosh, check out the Second Series, Episode 3, titled Nanageddon, and particularly the Shamanic Council meeting that introduces the pink, tentacled, talking head called Tony Harrison...absolutely hilarious...

But that's where the humour begins and ends...there is nothing funny about the state of decay and deliberate dysfunction that defines Child Protection, or rather the lack of, in South Australia. 

Given the extensive, specific, and wanton corruption of SAPol re the St Martins Issue, you'll forgive me if I have nothing but an absolute and utter lack of faith in anyone from a senior SAPol position, particularly the 'Child Protection Branch', genuinely acting to resolve the vulnerability and subsequent abuses of children in South Australia.

Senior SAPol officers in Mt Gambier, past and present, are absolutely complicit in the cover-up of the St Martins abuses, and that corruption clearly runs through to the top of SAPol, is directed from the top of SAPol.

The two previous Mt Gambier Superintendents were explicitly involved in the refusal to even interview teacher Glyn Dorling, refusal to accept written complaints from parents, illegally recording phone calls made to parents, etc and there are two officers still working at Mt Gambier Police Station who lied to me and other parents, and attacked, bullied, and manipulated us...

I see these two charming pieces of humanity not infrequently about town, which then becomes just another day of having to deal with the phalanx of official scumbags (local, state, and federal) specifically, deliberately, repeatedly involved in covering up the abuse of my child and dozens of others.

These 'people'...(and you use the term loosely-Ed)...are specifically responsible for covering-up the abuse of young children, and for me define the line between Police Officers and Pigs...and there is a difference...

I have met any number of SAPol officers who are reasonably decent and hard-working people with genuine intent...they are Police Officers...and in many respects I wouldn't want to have to do their jobs, eg, attending car accidents, dealing with drunk idiots, etc...but I have also had extensive intense dealings with other SAPol officers who have acted with deliberate intent to cover-up the abuse of small children...and they are Pigs...

And The Thin Blue Line that divides Cops from Civilians like me, is ruthlessly manipulated to protect and foster pro-paedophile attitudes and behaviours...and if you don't toe the line, if you don't demonstrate that capacity to perpetuate the status quo, then your career is going nowhere in SAPol.

When I was heavily involved with Child Protection activists/workers in Adelaide in 2005/06 (previous posts), I was privy to several meetings with SAPol officers who were openly lamenting the focus of their superiors in SAPol, namely to avoid properly investigating high-ranking paedophiles and instead go after the activists.

And that is exactly what happened...the activists (some of them) were charged and every effort made to jail them...including former Premier Mike Rann personally forcing the charges back into Court after they were initially thrown out...(did someone say Separation of Powers be hanged-Ed)...

And just listening (ABC Radio) to the deceit and deception that saw parents dragged into the case of a  Southern suburbs gym worker on bail for multiple Child Abuse charges of exploitation of several children, but whose bail conditions allowed him to still be working with children. (previous posts)

The complete bastardisation of the Principles of Separation, and the culture of promoting Senior public officials who are complicit and/or compliant when it comes to Child Abuse Issues, are both well established in South Australia....I refer, for example, to the meteoric rise of Gary Costello...from headmaster in Mt Gambier to regional head of the Education Dept, to Head of Schools, and now...what is it?...(Chief Education Officer-Ed)...thanks...

Chief Education Officer...only SA could create a CEO that isn't a CEO, but is instead a CEO... 

I also refer readers to the previous post re former MP Rory McEwen writing to then SAPol Commissioner Mal Hyde to try and have us parents arrested for speaking out about the St Martins Issue, Rory's specific involvement, etc...and how that letter was answered by Minister Paul Holloway 15 months later...again, Separation of Powers?...write to the Commissioner and the Minister replies over a year later.

Rather than spend pages listing off all of the Child Abuse issues currently clattering around the Halls of Power, I refer readers to the extensive coverage of this cascade of extraordinariness by Adelaide's The Advertiser newspaper, both from today 16 July 2013 and in previous days and weeks...

Unfortunately, for all the fluster, bluster, and pantomime, I don't see anything changing in South Australia anytime soon...the current flurry of activity is about patching over the gaping cracks, merely to hide the realities and maintain the status quo.

Tomorrow: CCCS Part II - Yet More Propaganda

Apparently, if you say 'Consultation' often enough, that means it's happened...because that is as close as Mt Gambier City Council has got to genuine consultation...saying it lots and lots...

I am Nick Fletcher and I am not an Anti-Corruption and/or Child Abuse Activist...I am just a very, very angry father with a bad attitude and a loaded blog...this blog...my blog...and that is a good thing...laters...  

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