Monday, July 15, 2013

Latest City Council Consultation Shenanigans

Hello Poland, Denmark, Germany and Sudan...good morning, afternoon, and evening...whatever it is wherever you's 6am in sunny South Australia.

Surprise...England wins on dodgy umpiring decisions...must be the Ashes...I used to be a regular sport watcher, particularly Test cricket, not least of all because you can do stuff while it's on and then pay attention for the multiple replays...I spent the summer of 92/93 watching the entire West Indies vs Australia series whilst 'tubing-up' and tending dozens of boxes of seedlings for Trees For Life...(hippy-Ed) I just can't watch it anymore...can't trust a single thing that happens to be genuine...

I must unfortunately acknowledge the insignificance of any of this tripe, including Mt Gambier City Council's extraordinary behaviour, in light of what happens almost daily elsewhere on the planet...

Again this morning, reports of yet more bombings in Iraq targeting mosques and markets as predominantly external influences seek to drag the country into Civil reported on the BBC World Service, external agents, allegedly mostly from Iran, are waging a campaign of attacking one sect and then another in an attempt to create conflict between these groups with fake 'tit for tat' bombings.

You tell the deaths of more than 100 people in protests in Egypt, following the removal of the democratically elected Mr Morsi by the military, is this an illustration of democratic fervour and commitment to be celebrated, or just more Sectarian violence?...and that takes us to Ireland where people can't even walk down the street without pissing each other off to the point of riot...and that specific route divides areas defined by their Royalist or Nationalist loyalties...   

When push comes to shove, in a global context, who gives a damn what a dodgy Council does in the arse-end of nowhere? And I say 'arse-end of nowhere' because that is the physical and political reality of living in Mt Gambier, and the South-East generally...that is what we are to the gracious Lords and Ladies of our fair Parliament...

It is not irresponsible to suggest that Mt Gambier is far more relevant to Victorians than to anyone in Adelaide or Canberra.

But I care, I give a damn...and I damn well try to do something about it...just ask City Council...or the Lutherans...or Rory McEwen...

I note that the Enfield/Port Adelaide Council is under examination re 'irregular dealings', and may possibly end up being referred to the Office for Public Integrity, possibly for further referral to the alleged Independent Commission Against Corruption...Enfield Council must be shaking in their, not the OPI and the ICAC...

I re-iterate; structures established on a foundation of institutionalised corruption, by a government mired in institutionalised corruption, and both the OPI and the ICAC are, will by design not operate effectively.

Mt Gambier Council's new CEO Mark McShane was previously at the Enfield Council (which is in the seat formerly occupied by former State Treasurer Kevin Foley) before moving to Mt Gambier in the very dodgy CEO Re-shuffle, late 2011/early 2012, that saw numerous Council CEOs just moving across the state to different Councils.  

Hilarious Aside: I ran into Mt Gambier's actual CEO Greg Muller...(actual...what do you mean actual?-Ed)...well, Mark McShane is merely a 'frontice piece' for the real control structure behind Council which is headed by Greg Muller...fair enough?...(fair enough-Ed)...I ran into Greg at the attempted tree planting on Saturday morning, (that was called off due to the rain).

When I joined the group huddling under a Bottlebrush tree, Greg greeted me animatedly and immediately came around the group to wedge himself between me and the person I was talking to. He repeatedly engaged me and/or referred to me, insisted I be in the Plaque photos, and generally buzzed around me in an intensely friendly fashion.

At one point I went over to a man waiting in his car with his kids to see if the planting would proceed, and Greg came rushing around the Bottlebrush, came straight up to me, and gently held me by the arm, to which I gently pulled away and walked was more than a little creepy...(why do these men insist on touching you?'s very strange-Ed)...I don't know why Ed, but at a guess I reckon it's partly that Alpha male bullshit, you know...'look, I'm not afraid of the big, bad Nick...I'll even touch it'...

(Do you think that he was trying to goad you into a confrontation ala Mayor Steve Perryman's efforts at the Budget Consultation meetings?...or is it a gay thing?...a bit of both?...was it an over the top response to his agitation and concerns?...what is it that you are saying/claiming?-Ed)...

I think that he was;
1) massively overcompensating,
2) desperate to maintain a public persona of polite and respectful conduct,
3) keen to avail himself of my every word to others present,
4) trying to intimidate and provoke,
5) flaunting the reality that he can steal $344,000 from Council and still just walk about a free man, and,
6) any number of other sub-texts and/or combinations of all of these...(perhaps it's just that you're special-Ed)...

Yeah, sure, what ever works for you...personally I wouldn't profess to know exactly what he was thinking...for all I know the touching stuff was a gay thing...don't know, don't care...but if he was trying to be creepy, it sure worked...

Beyond that, I know that he knows that I know that he is at least aware of this here blog if possibly not a regular subscriber himself...he knows that I know that he knows what I've been saying re his fraudulent behaviour re the massive sums 'missing' from the Main Corner Project...indeed I've just said it twice more...and yet it remains unchallenged...

Read into that what you will.

Given that I have yet again strayed, albeit wittily and insightfully...(yeah, whatevs-Ed)... from the path indicated by the title, I will do a Part II, hence;

Tomorrow: LCCCS - Part II -

"Council listens then acts to bring in a fair city rate rise" quote exactly as it was put to me re this latest piece of pro-Council propaganda from Graham Greenwood in The Border Watch Friday 12th July 2013..."what a condescending load of bullshit"...quote, unquote...

Tomorrow, a thorough shredding of the latest nonsense about Council's Budget Consultation, including a brief review of Councillor's conduct in those meetings...I saw on ABC News 24 (I think, sorry) a discussion about behaviour in the workplace where the 'holding up of hands to silence', as repeatedly done to me at these meetings, was described as "disrespectful" and "bullying", and "completely unacceptable"... 

I may not be special but I am Nick Fletcher...and this is my blog...laters...

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