Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Very Average Post

Welcome world to this here very, very average post...I don't have any excuses...but here's some anyway.

I've had visitors from Adelaide all weekend, and I've caught a cold...(probably man flu-Ed)...yes, the same way I had 'Man Cancer'...although that's not quite so funny when you consider that there are some cancers specific to gender, namely those associated with the reproductive system...and when I think about it...(that'll make a pleasant change-Ed)...if you got to choose your cancer, you could do far worse than choose what I had in 2004, non-metastasised Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma...non-metastasised means restricted to a single site; it hasn't spread to other areas, organs, etc.

How did we get onto cancer?...(I don't know...was it Man Flu?-Ed)...yes, that's it...and anyway, I'd rather talk about my cancer history than, say, how you can shoot a teenage black man dead in the street in the USofA because there's a law that says you can...(although the law doesn't specifically cite race, it does allow 'Murder in Self-Defence'-Ed)...thanks...or perhaps how if you're a high profile sports celebrity in, say, South Africa, you can gun down your girlfriend inside your own apartment and then literally walk away...

(Yes I can understand how talking about your own illness might be more palatable than trying to find sense and/or justice in either case-Ed)...again, thank you.

And thank you for the comment re Tony Harrison and The Mighty the referenced episode it is established that Shaman Tony has "a gift for strategy" very appropriate considering that Tony Harrison, former 'Child Protection Officer' with SAPol, has absolutely no experience in the Education Sector, so one hopes that he not only has "a gift for strategy", but that he also has a magic lamp, a crystal ball, and omnipresent powers of observation.

Because when it comes to the Crunch...(ohhh, you're not on about the Crunch again-Ed)...what do you know of the Crunch?'ve never even been to the Crunch...(I went once-Ed)...ohhhh, we can all go there as, look, there's a bit of Crunch...

That is of course a brief montage of the whole 'Tony Harrison/Mighty Boosh' thing...I urge you to check it out...I watched that Episode (Ep Three, Season Two, Nanageddon) immediately after posting, and it never fails to deliver....absolutely hilarious...but it does beg the question, who is the bigger joke?...Shaman Tony, or Shame On Tony...

I say Shame On Tony because anyone who has been at the top of 'Child Protection' in SAPol should hang their heads in shame for what they have become...(heavy, dude-Ed)

On a much brighter note, I would like to congratulate and thank Mt Gambier City Councillor Jim Maher for providing me a copy of the attached Motion Without Notice from Council's actually twice congrats and thanks...(twice?-Ed)...yeah, once for actually raising the issue in Council's meeting Tuesday 16th July, and then again for giving me his copy.

So with no further ado, I would also like to congratulate all of the NAIDOC Award winners as listed below...and the most excellent band Kineman Karma for coming to Mt Gambier for the third year running to help celebrate NAIDOC they would say, deadly...

As a first generation non-Aboriginal Australian, I have always believed that there are many people working in their communities and in society in general, who are doing positive things in a grossly distorted and un-equal system...'equalise' the system, and there are already those working within who are more than capable of reaping the benefits for their broader communities..

And if I may without causing offence, I believe that that same template can be applied to the vast majority of farmers, fishers, tradespeople, small business, etc...none of these people/groups need some opinionated white boy like me telling them specifically how to do what they already know so much better than I...what they need is that mythical 'Level Playing Ground'...

What they need is equality before the law, equality in Education, Health, etc...what they need is to be treated like be treated like every other person in our be treated with respect...the same way farmers need protection from subsidised imports; colluding, coercive conglomerates...(he means Woolworths and Coles folks-Ed)...damn straight I do...and again, to be treated with respect.

Again I apologise for this brief, disjointed post, but I feel lousy, my head is literally swimming, and I want my mummy...but she's just flown back to you Mum and thanks for visiting...and oh yeah, that reminds me...$500 round trip to fly Adel/Mt G/Adel on REX Airlines...only $100 Adel/Melbourne on, REX Airlines, are a bloody disgrace, using your monopoly to gouge people for extortionist fares...I'll be catching the bloody bus before I fly with you...(you tell 'em big fella-Ed)...I think I just did...

And a big shout out to my child who came all the way back to The Mount to see their grandma, but has now left again to go back to you and miss you...come back soon...oh, and sorry your old man is such a grumpy old git sometimes...

Tomorrow: NF McDonnell Mill - The 500m Con

Still no spoilers, but if you haven't figured it out for yourself yet, that's cool, I only realised the other day what they are up to, and Council and the Labor state government are right along for the ride.

I am Sick Fletcher and this is my blog...thank you for your patience, and laters...

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