Sunday, July 7, 2013

Housekeeping: Foresty, Fish, and Faith

Good morning world, and/or night depending on where you are and/or when you read this...(well that should cover just about everyone and/or anyone-Ed)...well, we do try to be inclusive here at TMGI...

Not infrequently people warn me to 'watch my back', as indeed I occasionally offer that same advice. The causes for concern cited to me range from getting sued to getting shot...(deadset?-Ed)...deadset...and is usually accompanied by the observation that at least we live in a society (Australia) where one can say the sort of things I do with freedom and in relative safety.

You don't have to go far to find examples of societies where the instability and volatility of government and/or a compromised 'Rule of Law' can generate internal conflicts, criminality, and/or violence.

Across the planet the human obsession with 'Faith' continues to compromise and/or drive social structures and interactions, eg, Iraq is reportedly on the verge of a Civil War effectively between two differing Muslim groups and/or other conflicts between even smaller splinter groups and/or sects...(you're doing quite a lot of anding and oring...any particular reason?-Ed)...yes...this is the new, improved, seeing all points of view, objectively critical yet totally inclusive The Mount Gambier makes me just want to sing...(stop thaart, we'll 'arv nor singin' 'ear- Ed)...

"We're all in this together"...come on sing it everyone..."We're all in it together"...right in It...remember this charming little Rann Labor Party jingle...sorry, I digress...

The 'Arab Spring' has apparently sprung, or is enjoying and/or...(there you go again-Ed)...decrying the Military ousting of the first ever democratically elected Egyptian leader, President Morsi, in favour of an appointed (by the military) new leader Adli Mansou.

Issues of faith were/are front and centre, with Mr Morsi representing the Muslim Brotherhood, but many argued that the issues of a collapsing economy, lack of consultation/inclusion, and then President Morsi granting himself the right to absolute infallibility, etc, were the main drivers...yet again it is where you already stand that will ultimately define for you your own version of this reality.

There are undoubtedly many who might find themselves concerned with the Sectarian focus of the President and ruling party, and/or other issues, yet still supported Mr Morsi because of the democratic principles being challenged by the physical reality of what has transpired...a Military Coup...maybe the Army didn't storm the Parliament in tanks or anything quite so dramatic, but a coup has occurred, and the Military facilitated it...and this is how many are reporting/describing the situation...a Coup...

And it is not bloodless...dozens of protesters have been killed, both Morsi supporters and opponents, in street protests and targeted attacks...and in amongst that, multiple 'pack sexual assaults' on women in Tahrir Square, where large groups of men encircle targeted women, isolate them, and violently sexually assault does my shrekin head in...

Just when I want to try and generate a sense of purpose and reason to all of this mayhem in Egypt - this is what people are prepared to endure, upto and including dying, in the pursuit and/or...(yes, I see what you mean...trying to cover all aspects has it's pitfalls neatly negotiated with an all encompassing 'and/or'-Ed)...except of course where there are more than two options and/or opinions and/or operative paradigms...(oh, shut up and just get on with it-Ed)...yeah, sorry...where and/or was I?...ah, yes...

Yes...I genuinely want to believe that noble ideals of Secular Separation and Democracy and Equality, etc, are the driving motivations behind these machinations, but my cynicism wins the day, galloping to victory on the back of the multiple layers of self-interest and abuses and international manipulation of the processes, etc...I for one have never put much stock in the 'Arab Spring' as being anything other than a redistribution of the power and the wealth, resources, etc...Democracy be damned...

And Tunisia and Libya and Iraq...Mr Gadaffi and Mr Hussein were both 'Western Allies'  when it suited Western Powers, and then the worst criminals in history when that needed to be the discourse in reverse justifying invasions of those two countries...Democracy be damned...

But again I digress...(ramble incoherently you mean-Ed)...sorry, what?...(no, nothing...I said 'your pre-amble is consistently keen' know? and/or insightful-Ed)...yeahhh, whatever...

Locally, following the sale of the South East Forestry Estate, the logs are all truckin' off to Portland...(oh, nice-Ed)...according to latest figures there has been a rise in log numbers leaving for China via the port of Portland, Victoria...therefore lots of logs on trucks on the roads, etc...this was/is a natural progression of the Forestry Sale that many Sale opponents predicted.

Issues of job cuts at, and/or even the demise of, Forestry SA have also been through the media again with accompanying denials and assurances from this weeks Minister for Whatevs...and where and/or how does one place any faith in the word of a Labor state government that has flat out lied lied so many times on this Forestry issue alone...(flat out?-Ed) a lizard drinking...(what an apt metaphor-Ed)...

'No we haven't decided' (Jack Snelling in Adelaide) and that same day 'The decision is's with it'(Michael O'Brien in Mt Gambier)...'No we haven't sold the Glencoe Nursery' (Gail Gago-in parliament)...'yes you have' (everyone else)...and so it and/or I go on...

And calls for a 'Bio Mass' electricity generation facility to utilise the waste material from all the logs (and associated industry, jobs, etc) go offshore...whereevs...and we get to burn the leftovers to keep the lights on...charming...I'm all for utilising anything to maximum benefit and return, but hows about some log related jobs here...the closest we are looking at is another mill to prepare logs for export...bottom-end processing and no manufacturing...or a Pulp about a bigger jail?...

Apparently some people share my concerns and/or displeasure with NF McDonnell and Sons Timber Mill re their highly prejudicial and privileged conduct with special extended log supply deals and massive Labor government Ian McDonnell still a member of the Forestry Taskforce/Advisory Board/Whatevs that is the progression of the Forestry Round Table?

I have been surprised by the repeated observation that "You're right Nick, they are being used to make other businesses look bad and hide the fall-out of the Forestry Sale"...not used to being told I'm right...(I bet-Ed)...and there will be further posts on this issue after I have checked yet more 'accusations'...

And finally fish...well seaweed...there has been a massive die-off of seagrass North of Adelaide, pretty much adjacent with the Bolivar Sewerage Works, and locals naturally point the finger at emissions from the Works, but the state government authorities have denied any connection...again reality defines the argument as one of personal belief.

These same authorities strictly ruled out any association between the fish die-off earlier this year(? date sorry) and a massive discharge event from the DeSalination Plant at Hallett Cove that occurred on the very day of the deaths.

It is absolutely unsustainable to completely rule out the connection between a major rain event, the Sewerage Works, and/or the multiple other sources of pollution laden run-off that pours into the Gulf every time there's good rains on Adelaide.

Sadly, we continue to treat the environment as a convenient source of refuse re-distribution...just like the Fluoridation of Water Supplies...(owww, bazinga...that's a 'conspiracy theory' about 'Industry' using Fluoridation to sell their waste that would cost a fortune to dispose of otherwise-Ed)...

Theories aside, the realities of how we treat water and the environment in general will haunt us to our collective, dusty graves...(so no pressure then-Ed)...we simply cannot continue to pollute the Gulfs of South Australia (or the Murray) in the manner that we currently do and expect the ecosystems to survive...the Torrens River is already little more than an open sewer..

Other Issues: I have finally made contact with Premier Jay Weatherill's office and am providing them with an outline of 'what I want', so I'll do that and post it as well...don't quite understand why I need to do it yet again...and I'm not holding my breath.

Also spoke briefly with Nationals Candidate for the federal Seat of Barker, Mr Miles Hannemann, and we have qrganised to catch-up 'formally' next time either of us is near the other (he's in Keith, 210kms away). Don't want to mis-quote him, but I believe that we agree on some issues already, eg, Child Protection, the failings of Wind Turbines, and he stikes me as a fairly moderate and genuine person...keep you posted.

Tomorrow: DeBelle Ends Part V - But It Never Ends

New and extraordinary details are emerging almost daily re the Western suburbs After School Care Director jailed for Child Abuse without parents being told, etc, and the case of a man on bail for Child Abuse charges, but still working with children, with the approval and knowledge of the's part of his Bail conditions...unbeshrekinlievable...

I am a large angry hippy...and this is my blog...laters...

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