Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Wind Turbine Select Committee SleepOver: A Three Ring Circus

Hello Phillipines, Canada, the USofA and Italy...and to all of those nations, particularly in Europe, that are getting buried under Wind Turbines and paying the subsequent price, eg, massive increases in electricity prices.

But first, a big shout out to the umpires in the Ashes Cricket Series for not letting me down. Once an avid cricket watcher, I now find the experience unpleasant because I just don't trust any of it...whilst 'channel surfing' the news I caught the LBW decision where an Australian batsman was hit on the stomach by a full toss that was missing the stumps, but was given out anyway.

Then there was some nonsense about not reviewing, and the batsman walked off...an absolutely ludicrous umpiring decision that the batting team should not have had to deal with...and then another decision where a 'Not Out' ruling was appealed by England, and despite no evidence (the commentator's words) the batsman was given out.

I refer to the notorious Ashes Series (2005?-don't know, don't care) where New Zealand umpire Billy Bowden (?spelling) personally umpired England to a series victory...in one Test, bowler Brett Lee had the same batsman out LBW again and again, but Billy boy just flatly refused to pay it...it got so bad, the Australians basically stopped appealing...(he also gave several Australian batsman out caught when they hadn't hit the ball-Ed)...indeed...

And while we're in England, congratulations to the German Royal family for reproducing...yay...and yes they are German, check your history books...the Hapsburg, something, somethings whom changed their name to 'Windsor' in the early 1900s...but I digress...

Please refer to my previous posts re Turbines, particularly the issues of legislation that remove any opportunity for citizens to legally oppose Turbine development, including legislated removal of access to the Courts.

I'll say it again because some people struggle with my observation that this legislative bastardry is Fascism, but that's exactly what it is...(yes, look up 'Fascism' in any dictionary, and it will describe exactly what the Turbine legislation does - removes the opportunity for opposition-Ed)

On Thursday 18th July 2013, Liberal MLC David Ridgway did a long interview on ABC Local Radio Late Afternoon progam re his involvement in the parliamentary 'Wind Farm Select Committee', and the absolutely pointless stunt of him, Labor MLC Russell Wortley, and Greens MLC Mark Parnell spending one night sleeping in an abandoned house near Turbines at Waterloo, South Australia.

They are not farms...they are massive Industrial Estates...'Farms' is a term used to pretty it up for 'inner-city greenies'...of which I used to be one...  

This is the second time that Mark Parnell has pulled this 'one night stunt', and again he used this ludicrously inadequate 'research' to ridicule those whom suffer from and/or believe in health issues related to Turbine noise... "I'm still alive"...you idiot...(hey, hey, come on, raise the tone a bit, remember?-Ed)...forget that...Mark Parnell is an absolute clown who is more than prepared to misrepresent, ridicule, and lie when it comes to Turbines...he has no credibility on the issue.

Now he is calling for Council's to receive 'rates' for Turbine developments...this is an undisguised step to bribe Council's into approving Turbines...and I'm not interested in vacuous arguments about the 'Independence' of Council Development Assessment Panels...DAPs are made up of Councillors and people chosen by Council...

As I've stated before, Mark Parnell, himself a lawyer, had the legislation carefully explained to him and most specifically the removal of access to the Courts, and yet he went into the media shortly thereafter stating that citizens could appeal via the Courts...that is an outright lie, he knew it was a lie, and yet he was prepared to present it as the truth...no morality and no credibility.

In the ABC interview Mr Ridgway said all the right things about one night isn't enough, people have different health responses, etc, but didn't mention the legislation, transmission losses, etc...he effectively argued the middle ground without acknowledging the massive negatives...dare I say it...(go on-Ed)...he is merely playing 'good cop, bad cop' to balance out Mr Parnell's rabid subjectivity...

The real shock was when I rang to offer the observation that the Select Committee is a waste of time because the legislation is already in place and cannot be challenged, and the producer offered to put me to air...even after I identified as a potential candidate at the Federal election on an 'Anti-Turbine Ticket'...not a problem, she said, until the writs are issued nobody is technically a candidate...what an intelligent and astute young woman...

On air, I quickly churned out my position re the Committee and legislation, fully expecting to get the standard 45second grab that I have become accustomed to when and if I can get on air...(which is not very often-Ed)...exactly...but when I was done, the announcer asked me a question...and then another...and another...

I must have been on air for several minutes (maybe 5)...from 'losses due to transmission' that are multiplied by exporting/importing to/from the Eastern states...compensation for non-host land-holders...through to the process of Appeal re the Allendale Acciona project that then led to the Development Plan Amendments October 2011, etc...

The announcer was very receptive, asked me if I thought there was any hope for 'balance', thanked me for my input, and said 'keep us informed'...compare this to the Mt Gambier ABC whom are clearly on board with the 'lock Nick Fletcher out of the media' Agenda and rarely if ever put me to air on the Turbine or any other issue...(you're not being a tad paranoid?...an Agenda?-Ed)... no, other people are stating to me that when they do hear me on air, the announcers are not engaging with me at all...I get 30-45 seconds, no discussion, and then off...

Last time I spoke to The Border Watch Editor Jason Wallace (some 5/6 weeks ago) he stated that TBW would not be printing anything on my behalf as a Federal candidate, because I've said not nice things about TBW on this here blog...(seriously?-Ed)...seriously...but I digress...

Because Turbine output is so spasmodic and unreliable, there is a massive and costly 'Back-up Generation Industry' developing in England (and elsewhere) utilising huge diesel generators, and this 'Back-up' is massively subsidised, even while those generators are just sitting there, and this will cause a massive spike in electricity costs...

These are the fundamental realities that cannot be ignored when it comes to Turbines...hugely fluctuating output, completely unrelated to demand, that requires 100% immediately accessible 'back-up' generation capacity...and in Australia that means coal fired generation.

Again, please refer to my previous posts re Turbines and...(hang on, what about the 'Three Ring Circus' thing?...what does that mean?-Ed)...well that's an old Rodney Rude joke modified to my purposes...namely, Mark Parnell has been involved with this parliamentary Three Ring Circus...him and two other arseholes...(ow, bazinga...but name calling again?...is this appropriate?-Ed)...absolutely...

Mark Parnell is a liar clearly not interested in informed, accurate debate...I'll say it again...no credibility... 

Labor MLC Russell Wortley was the clown who lied through his teeth during the parliamentary debate re setting up the Statutory Authorities Review Committee Inquiry into the Teachers Registration Board, and has failed to answer my letter requesting a written explanation of his personal excuse to me that he was 'just reading a statement provided by the Minister'...and Liberal MLC David Ridgway had the intricacies of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up personally explained to him prior to the 2006 state election, and then did absolutely nothing...has still done nothing...

And of course there's the bipartisan corruption of the SARC Report no.54 re the TRB (previous posts)...(yes, I take your point...actually, in that context, arseholes seems somewhat inadequate-Ed)...indeed...and hence...

Tomorrow: The Parliamentary Debate re The SARC Inquiry

A lengthy but enlightening post that highlights the deceits mentioned previously, and has David Ridgway acknowledging that 'we have been looking at this situation for quite some time'...(go on then, you know you want to-Ed)...arseholes...   

I am Nick Fletcher and I am The Genuine Independent and this is my blog...cheers...

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