Monday, July 1, 2013

Rory McEwen Gets Me 'Banned' from ABC Radio July 2011

Following feedback about my 'interactions' with the local media, I have dug out these attached letters about this incident from July 2011...but first...

I forgot to include in yesterday's post the issue of the 'New Cell for the Caroline LandFill Site', which has been cited...(a Cell site cited?...a cited Cell site?-Ed)...yes, that area where the Caroline Rubbish Dump (the Cell) is located (the site), has been repeatedly stated (cited) as one of the three main excuses for Mt Gambier City Council needing to double it's borrowing capacity, as approved in their Meeting in May 2013, part way through the alleged 'Consultation Process'.

(And your point sir?-Ed) point is in fact two points...(so not so much a point as a prong-Ed)...indeed...point 1) that Council has failed to plan and therefore save for this, and 2) they have proceeded with the vital decision (to borrow) that allows their Budget plans despite claiming to be doing 'Consultation'.

This 'justification' is clearly and patently untrue and/or a Massive Failure to Plan by Council who must have known for years that this vital piece of infrastructure was due...Council claims this new Cell will last 20-30 years, so why haven't they been saving for 20+ years?

The irrefutable facts are that Council desperately needs to borrow to pay the running costs of the Main Corner and the Library.

But to today's post...and the failed attempt by former alleged Independent but actually Labor MP Rory McEwen, to stop my access to ABC Local Radio.

Please note that the 'contact' and 'development' mentioned in paragraph three of my letter 21st July 2011, was Rory McEwen going to the ABC Studio Mt Gambier to complain about me and my comments.

Rory did not lodge a written or even an official complaint, but went to the ABC Studio, and then 'went to a cafe for a chat' with his close personal friend Alan Richardson. For all I know that 'conversation' was more threat than request.

Please also note that I contacted Alan first and tried to cut him some slack by not specifically mentioning the outrageous 'cafe chat' above, which Alan himself explained to me in our phone conversation 20th July 2011.

I believed at the time that Rory had used his friendship with Alan to manipulate him into an unacceptable breach of appropriate process...the now aptly named 'Misappropriated Loyalties'...Rory didn't care who he hurt or compromised to get what he get me...and Alan was dragged into it by the scruff of his friendship.

Please find attached Alan's letter 20/07/11 re our conversation, my letter in response 21/07/11, and the concluding letter from the ABC's Mark Maley 5th September 2011, nearly seven weeks weeks I was effectively banned off the ABC because Rory took his mate for a coffee and a whinge...

Tomorrow: Kevin Rudd and the new Labor Cabinet

The floundering Labor ship is sitting a little higher in the water as more rats desert, but is the K-man still shuffling deck chairs?...all this and probaly not much more...I am Nick Fletcher and this here blog is the one genuinely independent news source originating in Mt Gambier...cheers. 

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