Friday, July 5, 2013

Mt Gambier Council Passes Budget...Surprise...

Hello Czech Republic, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, France, and Vietnam...whilst this post inevitably runs over old ground, the issues are the issues, and these latest twists and turns require some re-explanation.

Don't know what it's like where you are, but here in Mt Gambier it's 6am, it's dark, it's damn cold, and it's very wet, with wind gusts to 50-60 kph, peaking at 90kph...and I know it isn't a blizzard or a flood (although there has been some isolated flooding due to blocked drains, low ground, etc), but it is certainly enough to render the Council's $250,000 Bus Shelter absolutely useless.

But Council knew that when they built was never about offering appropriate cover to passengers, was/is all about the Rail Lands Retail Agenda as covered in previous posts. And if you include the previous $100,000 metal 'shelter' and 'open to the weather' toilet block, located on the opposite side of the car park to the new shelter, Council has blown $350,000 on useless infrastructure at the wrong site...all to satisfy the wants of a few vested interests.

Because the shelter pillars are right next to the roadside, drivers are forced to park their buses at certain positions/angles so they can get their passenger door and cargo bay doors open simultaneously...the glass panelling further clutters the area immediate to the bus, whilst offering no genuine protection from the weather...atrocious, thoughtless design...cluttered and yet completely open to the Southerly's an absolute joke...a $250,000 joke....with no discernible punchline...

And this is where 'railing against corruption' becomes not my choice, but an inevitable consequence of engaging with the issues, with Council, with the Labor government, etc.

The damage that has been done to Mt Gambier by a handful of people obsessed with their own benefit and profiteering...people who clearly don't care about anyone else...don't care about who gets left standing in the rain...or whose business fails because of their stupidity and selfishness.

Congratulations particularly to former Council CEO Greg and your greed, you and your arrogance, you and your selfishness, you and your have rooted Mt Gambier and it may well never can it?

The damage is done, the buildings built, the massive debt accrued, the expense ongoing and escalating, and all the money either spent, syphoned off or simply stolen...that $350,000 that Greg Muller misappropriated/defrauded/stole/whatevs in late 2011 has yet to be recovered...indeed City Council doesn't seem the least bit interested...(previous posts)

And of course Greg Muller remains at the centre of the web, an alleged 'consultant' but an actual paid 'employee' of Council, adding how many decimal points to the latest Council approved rate-rise?

And just listening to Ian McDonnell of the NF McDonnell Timber Mill (on ABC Radio) talking about how they're going to do an $11million expansion and how great that is for them and their employees, etc...just charming...that expansion is being directly funded by taxpayers via the recent $4.3million that the Labor state government have just handed NF McDonnell...and their special log contract deals...special deals for special mates of the Weatherill Labor government...sickening...please see previous posts re The Judas Goat of South East Forestry.

It is not inappropriate to compare this $4.3million gift to NF McDonnell with the much criticised government financial support for Holdens car production in Adelaide, and the justifications about the importance of manufacturing, associated supplier jobs, etc...

And I know that I'm digressing a bit, and I know that I'm venting a bit, but the facts are the facts and it is this sort of official malfeasance and conspiratorial collusion that cripples socially responsible and economically beneficial development...(and really pisses you off, yeah?-Ed)...yes, exactly...a very few get together to make sure they all benefit, and the rest wear the fall-out.

I haven't imagined the reality of what has happened with Ian McDonnell and Greg Muller, nor have I sort to in anyway misrepresent the facts as I understand them...and the facts are the facts...

Ian McDonnell was a member of the Forestry Roundtable, a critical cog in the machinations of deceit and manipulation, that was specifically formed to stifle, dilute, and dismantle organised opposition to the Forestry Sale. His company has since received multiple beneficial concessions, eg, log supply security that far exceed others; receiving $4.3million from a pool of $8.6million...

Greg Muller spent/took/gave/misappropriated...whatever...nearly $350,000 of Council money - ratepayers money - in late 2011, allegedly for 'items' related to the then soon to be opened Main Corner Project, and expenditure of those monies was not approved by Council...this was raised in Council by a Councillor.

These are realities, I am not just trying to be sensationalist or controversial...if a could find a politer word than 'corrupt' I would...I may well be venting, but I am certainly not 'inventing'...(nice-Ed)...

And now City Council has made all the noises, done all the dances, tooted all the horns, rung all the bells, and payed relentless, vacuous lip-service to 'Public Consultation' re the 2013/14 Budget.

They have gone through all the motions with absolutely no intention of doing anything other than what they wanted in the first instance.

Please review previous posts (eg, CBC parts various) about the conduct of the Consultation Process and the conduct of the Councillors involved, including Mayor Steve Perryman's extraordinary bullying and harassment toward me...Epic Fail.

Council originally flagged the Old Hospital, the Rail Lands, the Caroline Land Fill Cell, (and in part the Main St refurbishment) as reasons for needing to double their borrowing capacity, with a subsequent rate rise of 6.9%.

After five 'Public Consultation Meetings' and three 'Formal Meetings', Council has approved all of it with a slight rate drop (to 6.1%) and the Rail Lands gets money taken off that and spread over two years...despite the $1.7million that the State government has suddenly 'granted' to Mt Gambier for this project.

So the borrowing goes on, the rates go up, and everything that Council wanted to do they have done...and all the while congratulating each other for how much they have 'listened to the community'...bollocks...

And The Border Watch has been right in the thick of it, relentlessly manipulating the debate in Council's favour, playing down the extensive public opposition with praise for Council listening, etc, and then virtually ignoring the issue until the final announcement that gets a tiny article at the bottom of page three, Thusday 4th July 2013 (sorry no copy, scanner down).

This is massive news that guarantees massive, cumulative rate rises for Mt Gambier residents that will impact ratepayers for the next decade and probably longer, and it gets a tiny story not even on the front page.

As I say, please review my previous posts about the conduct of this entire matter...just another kick in the teeth for Mt Gambier courtesy of a rogue Council obsessed but hardly inspired...I don't know what else you can call it but corrupt...appropriate objective process completely subjugated to personal agendas...

I can Council be allowed to continue in this fashion, spending money that isn't theirs, that they don't have, on things they can't afford, all off the back of the rank corruption and extraordinary conduct of the Library and Main Corner developments...where has all the money gone?...don't know, don't care...let's borrow some more and spend that.

Oooo it makes me mad.

Tomorrow: DeBelle Ends Part IV - Where's Rory McEwen and Mike Rann

How can we have a discussion about the pro-paedophile nature of Government, Executive, and Judiciary in South Australia, and the stunning, weekly revelations of cover-up upon cover-up, of abuse upon abuse, and not include two of the main players...

In most contexts, the scum South Australia it gets a diplomatic position overseas...that or just disappears...for a little while...and so Rory rides again, apparently much welcomed adviser to Nationals candidate for the seat of Barker, Mr Miles Hannemann...(oh dear god-Ed) can only assume that Mr Hannemann has no idea who Rory is and just how much he is loathed in the seat of Barker.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...laters...

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