Saturday, July 6, 2013

DeBelle Ends Part IV: Where's Mike Rann and Rory McEwen

Hello New Zealand, France, Hong Kong and everyone else...I refer you to previous posts re the Debelle Inquiry, the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Issue, and former Premier Mike Rann and former MP Rory McEwen.

There are at least two people directly involved in and officially responsible for the Legislatively, Executively, and Judicially sanctioned Child Abuse Cover-Up that is the state of South Australia...two whom have conveniently slunk out of sight and supposedly responsibility...(let me guess-Ed), let me tell you.

Perpetual scum-bag Rory McEwen, and that loathsome spotted reptile Mike Rann...(good to see that you've moved on from personal abuse-Ed)...please see previous posts that explain, quantify, and dare I say it...(I bet you do say it-Ed)...justify my hatred for these alleged human beings...

Rory McEwen is the most complicit conspirator in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-Up scandal, outside of the Lutheran Church and SAPol (police) and is personally responsible for much of our suffering as families pursuing the St Martins Issue...and I can easily draw a direct line between Rory and these latest abuses and the cover-up of those abuses.

And I say 'Cover-Up' of these abuses because that is exactly what has it be default or design, the abuses have been covered up, and most critically, kept from the parents of other abused absolute outrage...

I draw that line directly to Rory McEwen because...starting August 5th 2002 when I first approached him re the 2002 June long weekend removal of teacher Glyn Dorling from St Martins Lutheran School, he repeatedly stated to me and to other parents, both in front of me and separately, that we were "brave" and that he would help us "fix the dysfunctional system"...the dysfunctional 'Child Protection System'...

That is what Rory repeatedly, specifically identified and defined, and promised to help us "fix"...a system that was failing to do the one thing it was supposed to... protect children.

Rory identified this 'Dysfunctional System' to us in August 2002, and then in December 2002 he signed onto the Labor Gravy Train, was duly rewarded with dodgy land deals and a front bench salary...(and superannuation-Ed)...and immmediately shredded his promise to help us, choosing instead to attack, denigrate, and slander us, and help the Lutherans and Rann Labor government Cover-Up the abuse of our children.

I'll believe that there is justice in South Australia when, under Victims of Crime legislation, Rory McEwen's superannuation is payed directly into a Trust Account to subsidise professional Counselling for abuse victims and their families...oh, and Rory is jailed for his corruption and criminality...

"Neither is going to happen" say you...fair enough...this entire blog is about what I believe and what I want...and reality is there amongst it somewhere.

Mike Rann was/is the man...(and you use the term 'man' advisedly, right?-Ed)...right...whom is ultimately responsible for St Martins and everything else since...He blocked appropriate investigation of St Martins by Comm Mullighan; repeatedly, literally walked out of parliament in the middle of questions about St Martins; and flatly refused to meet with parents or even answer our multiple letters...

Had he addressed the St Martins Issue appropriately, it as absolutely reasonable to suggest these latest abuses could not and therefore would not have happened.

We as parents wrote to everybody, liaised with everybody, specifically identified to everybody, to every politician we could find, to every authority, eg, SAPol, the Teachers Registration Board, the Directop of Public Prosecutions, over and over, for more than decade, the gross failings of the 'Child Protection System'.

Over and over and over again, we clearly identified the glaring loopholes, the almost total lack of inter-departmental notification, the abject un-accountability of the Lutherans, etc, etc, etc...

We have forced a TRB/Crown Solicitor Office hearing into Glyn Dorling, and then a parliamentary Statutory Authorities Review Committee Inquiry into the TRB that ran for three years, etc, etc, etc, blah, blah. blah...

The SARC Inquiry (Report no. 54) supposedly identified and addressed all of these problems of inter-departmental non-notification, and I maintain that the attached alleged 'Notification Documents' did not exist prior to the SARC Inquiry, and look to have been specifically drafted to attach to Report no. 54, to make it look like there was some sort of organised system where none existed.

I completely reject the idea that 1) these current failures are anything other than deliberate outcomes from a 'System' deliberately designed to facilitate such Cover-Ups, and 2) the failures of those involved are genuine incompetence as opposed to deliberate acts.

I completely reject this nonsense that Jay Weatherill's senior adviser Mr Blewett "can't remember" who he sent an email to re the After School Care Abuse Issue, and/or that he didn't notify then Education Minister Jay Weatherill...

Because this is stating to drag out, and there are still several major issues to cover, I shall do DeBelle Ends Pt 5.

There is nothing that comes out of the State Labor Party, Rory included, that can be taken on face value. It is not just my cynicism that makes them so difficult to believe... it is their defined propensity for lying on the floor of parliament, and blaming everybody else up to and including parents, if that's what needs to be done.

I'll say it one last time... If Rory McEwen, Mike Rann, Commissioner Mulligan, Michael Atkinson, Jay Weatherill, Jane Lomax-Smith, et al, acted upon the information that we as parents repeatedly provided them since 2002, then many of these 'loop-holes' would have been closed and/or addressed many years ago, and these latest abuses need never have happened.

It is not flippant or glib to state that in 2013 it is a farcically intolerable situation that a child can be raped, the perpetrator jailed, and yet every other family immediately affected is kept in the dark, and those parents that do know bear the weight of responsibility, both of knowing and of then not being able to notify.

I gave a quiet cheer when I heard that one of the parents involved (name withheld), bailed up Premier Weatherill at a public function, and when interviewed on ABC Radio stated that she had every intention of doing it again and again... go hard, you good thing.

Tomorrow: Some Housekeeping - Health Service Cuts and Forestry Issues.

I am Nick Fletcher, and this is my blog.

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