Thursday, July 25, 2013

TFTIM: Labor MLC Russell Wortley

Howdy to my top four 'availees' of The Mount Gambier Independent, namely Australia, the USofA, Russia, and Germany...and to our cousins across 'The Dutch' in New Zealand...(The Ditch; the sea between Australia and NZ, said with the Kiwi accent-Ed) still amazes me that people all across the world are reading my blog...cheers to all...

As per yesterdays post, Labor MLC Russell Wortley...(MLC-Member of the Legislative Council, the Upper House of South Australian parliament-Ed)...aren't you just full of info this morning...(just trying to help-Ed)...indeed...Mr Wortley is not only a member of the farcical, pointless Wind Farm (Turbine) Select Committee (previous post), he was the main man for Labour in arguing against the Statutory Authorities Review Committee Inquiry into the Teachers Registration Board (previous posts).

When I happened upon Russell 'Is My Hair OK' Wortley in Mt Gambier in August 2011 (TFTIM him), I asked him why he had repeatedly lied in the parliamentary debate of 29 October 2008 re the SARC Inquiry, and I subsequently wrote to him (copy attached) asking that he explain his excuse that he was 'just reading from a prepared statement supplied by the Minister'. (paraphrase)

I received a 'The Minister will get back to you' acknowledgement letter, but nothing bad for not following up, but one gets jaded of writing to people who either don't answer or just lie, for example Premier Jay Weatherill...and sometimes I just forget because there's just so much else going on...

Mr Wortley opens (29/10/08) by quoting MLC John Darley re 'a school in Mt Gambier', and then states; "I would like to go into the school issue down at Mt Gambier...", followed by more than a page  of lies, which I have attached below. 

And some of those lies...
1)  the issue "...arose in response to a letter dated 5 September 2004...(to parliament and parents from Child Protection activists)...It lists a a range of serious and potentially defamatory allegations against the Teachers Registration Board and other organisations and individuals."

Response: This 'issue' started in June 2002 when teacher Glyn Dorling was 'removed' from St Martins Lutheran School, and the TRB became involved in March 2003 because of our complaints. The letter 05/09/2004 was one small part of an already lengthy process...this is Labor trying to discredit us by linking the St Martins issue to Activists who were then on trial for Criminal Defamation re Child Abuse, all neatly rounded out with the familiar old threats about "defamatory allegations".

2)  "The issues referred to in the letter were subject to an extensive investigation over two years by
      a number of agencies, including SA Police (SAPol), the Police Complaints Authority, Child 
      Protection Services, Flinders Medical Centre, the Department of Family, Community, and 
      Youth Services, the Teachers Registration Board and others."

Response: This is a deliberate misrepresentation of the truncated, bit piece, stop/start, pseudo investigations to try and excuse/hide the abject failure of the 'Investigation Process'.

SAPol: flatly refused to take statements from parents, did not even interview Dorling, closed their 'investigation' in 2002 after a month and didn't tell parents, and then went through the same farcical process in their 're-investigation' of late 2005/06...Glyn Dorling has never been formally interviewed by police.

The Police Complaints Authority is police investigating police and their own 'internal' conduct, not the criminality of Glyn Dorling...

Child Protection Services are from Flinders Medical Centre, the FCPS, and were involved only because we parents organised it, and then they only did bit piece interviews, that weren't recorded properly, with only a few the TRB/Crown Solicitor hearing they stated that Dorling had instigated the contacts that he was charged with but the TRB/CSO dismissed their evidence.

The Dept of Family, Community, and Youth denied any responsibility and flatly refused to get involved. To say they were part of any 'investigation' is an outright lie...and one that former MP Rory McEwen was fond of using.

3)  This leads onto the page below that outlines the broader technicalities of the creation and structure of the TRB/CSO hearing, which Mr Wortley still misrepresents, stating;
          "A prolonged and comprehensive investigation was undertaken by the registrar (of the
           TRB), the Crown Solicitor's office, and the government investigation unit. Formal 
           statements were taken from a number of parties, including parents... (FCPS)...teachers
           and others...(and) called seven witnesses.

Response: Parents forced the issue with the TRB, who then did partial interviews with some parents in May/June 2003 before the 'case' just stopped for a full year, the hearing actually beginning June 1 2004.

Those "seven witnesses" are myself, three other parents, the two FCPS reps, and a Lutheran teacher who was Dorling's friend and a defence witness, used to attack the kids...lie, deny, and attack the victims...and Dorling's lawyer was Stephen Lietschke, Premier Weatherill's business partner.

The TRB/CSO told us outright that St Martins/the Lutherans refused them access to teachers or other witnesses from the school, and repeatedly used this excuse to explain why Principal John Alexander wasn't even called to explain why he 'removed' Dorling.

The TRB/CSO also alleged that SAPol "refused" to appear...don't know...they're all soulless liars as far as I'm concerned.

4)  "Not all persons interviewed...were called as witnesses."...that's two more parents, no-one else.

5)  "...the principal reported the matter to the appropriate authorities within a reasonable time frame."
John Alexander repeatedly asked/told parents to not go to police, and only Mandatory Notified after learning that parents had.

6)  "...some members (of SA Assoc of State School Orgs) believe that the alleged events in Mount Gambier in 2002 should be the basis for the review."...and finally,

7)  "...numerous investigations...showed the (TRB) to have acted appropriately."...there had been no investigation into the TRB at that stage...

Again, please review the Hansard for 29 October 2008 pages 472-479 if you want to read the whole thing.

Point being, for someone who had had no involvement in the issue, Mr Wortley seemed very informed if completely wrong on many points...and not by accident...he was talking it up to be as appropriate and thorough as possible...and his excuse for these deceits and lies?...that he was reading a supplied, prepared statement.

I know I'm basically venting about his involvement, a simmering resentment brought to the boil by the Wind Turbine Select Committee, but here is further example of 1) the length and breadth of the Cover-up of the abuse of children at St Martins Lutheran School, and 2) how casually and repeatedly Labour Ministers have lied on the floor of parliament re Child Abuse...they have nothing but contempt...and so I render unto Caesar...I render unto them the same...nothing but contempt...

Tomorrow: Why I Hate the Main Corner Project

Further issues of nepotism and corruption and the devastating effect Council is having on local businesses by operating a Function Venue in direct competition...and using ratepayers money to do it...

Again, it seems the same old ground, and it is, but it must be resolved for the sake of Mt Gambier's future...or what's left of it...or is the damage done already too much to recover?

I am Nick Fletcher and I've had more optimistic days...but haven't we on mofos...

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