Friday, July 19, 2013

200th Post - No, I Don't Believe It Either

If you don't count the Apologies no post and the Blog Down posts, this here is my 200th post...yeeha...if you have any lil' doggies, please to be having them get along...(whaaa?-Ed) know...yeeha, git along lil' know, like the cowboys say...(oh, right, yes-Ed)...

Apologies for literally running out of day yesterday and therefore no post...I went out early, got in late, and plenty in between that I'll post Tomorrow...again, first, to regain your respect and trust, a very rude joke I thought of only last night...if you have 'offendable finer sensibilities' you may wish to skip the next paragraph...and for everyone else...

A Rude Joke: I have a new job as a waiter in a high class brothel/restaurant, where my duties include serving the workers...part of my job is to put a la carte before the whores...(you could just have said that you have a new job as a waiter in the South Australian Parliamentary dining room-Ed)...ow, bazinga...

As potentially self-indulgent as my blog can be, I will on this occasion congratulate myself for achieving this milestone without getting sued and/or shot...but even as I try to celebrate, the unravelling of further abuse issues and the extraordinary hypocrisy and offensiveness of public officials involved direct this post in that direction.

The Advertiser and The Border Watch newspapers, and the ABC Local Radio yesterday (18/07/2013) all had lengthy articles/interviews with the new South Australian Education Dept Chief Education Officer my close personal friend and absolute f...(whoa, whoa, whoa, no swearing, remember?-Ed)...I was going to say 'freak'...honest...the new SA ED CEO Gary Costello...please refer previous posts about Mr Costello and the St Martins Issue...

In a series of seethingly hypocritical diatribes, Mr Costello stated that the SA Education system is great, but;
          "All of the success however has been submerged by the recent fall out."  

By "fall out" I believe he is referring to the exposure of the Education Dept as a wholly corrupted nightmare of child abuse, the cover-up of those abuses, and a general pro-paedophile attitude that he has been intimately and repeatedly involved in as Head of Schools.

I refer to his direct involvement in the officially sanctioned threats and abuse levelled at parents and/or School Council members at the now notorious 'Western Suburbs School' in a Labor government driven attempt to deliberately denigrate and/or blame parents to try and deny the realities...sound familiar?...

I'm not going to bother with dissecting the ABC Radio interview...just another long 'infomercial' on behalf of government...whilst I did answer a phone call partway through, I didn't hear anything about the abuse issues and certainly not St Martins...I rang producer Kate Hill to politely vent about Mr Costello and the St Martins issue, and I completely understand that on this one occasion that she could not put my comments to air...

On 17/07/2013 Channel 10 TV News ran a story/interview with 'Child Protection Expert' Emeritus Professor Frida Briggs and Senator Nick Xenophon, primarily about re-instating the DeBelle Inquiry, and included comments from Attorney General John Rau...mmmmmmm...(go on-Ed)...BASTARD...(there you go big fella-Ed)...yes, thanks, I needed that...(we all did mate, we all did-Ed)...

Mr Xenophon specifically called for the DeBelle Inquiry to be re-opened to deal with what Ms Briggs described as the many Child Abuse cases that she is aware of where parents feel they have been ignored by the government and authorities...not my interpretation of the interview, that's what they said...'there are many cases of parents being ignored, so re-open the DeBelle Inquiry'...and the Labor government's immediate response...nup, ain't gunna happen...

Having dealt extensively with both Ms Briggs and Mr Xenophon re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up Issue, I felt that they could have been talking directly to me...and in that context they were...and every other parent who has been through, who has been deliberately put through, what we have by this State and successive State governments of both persuasions...may I?...('ve earned it-Ed)...thanks...BASTARDS...(fair enough, but there's no need to yell-Ed)...actually I think there is...

In the 'lead-in' statement the interviewer described the Weatherill government response as dismissing these 'ignoring' claims and subsequent DeBelle request with comments about 'witnesses being used' inappropriately in 'political game play'...that is, witnesses are being manipulated for political gain...and although no-one was specifically accused, given Mr Xenophon's involvement, that would seem to be aimed at him...

This development follows public statements by one of the parents of an abused child, that she had been effectively 'ignored' by the DeBelle Inquiry, where Mr DeBelle refused her request to give spoken testimony. Apparently the government's/DeBelle's response was that the Inquiry had all it needed from her written statement, and didn't need to hear from her...bollocks...(yeah, I'll let you have that one too-Ed)...gee, thanks...

All involved wanted to avoid the unseemly display of a deeply traumatised mother airing her grievances and pain and suffering re the 'Cover-up' of the abuse of her child...absolute bastardry implemented to censor and if possible hide the reality...nothing more damning than having Ms Average Citizen venting and breaking down in a public hearing...and it is highly likely that she didn't cover all of the issues she wished to raise with the Inquiry in her written submission...

There is simply no valid, reasonable excuse for denying that mother her 'day in court', it's all about minimising and if possible burying the unpleasant truth...and has the Weatherill government approached this traumatised woman with offers of support, counselling, etc?...nope...attack, denigrate, and deny...

And AG John Rau's comment/response (from the Channel 10 story);
          "There are some people who perhaps are never entirely satisfied."

(My turn...bastard-Ed)...Deeply traumatised people suffering at the hands of a corrupt pro-paedophile Labor government that is deliberately, repeatedly acting to Cover-up Child Abuse, and John Rau...(join me in a spit every time you say that name...arrrtugh-Ed) pleasure...and John Rau (arrrtugh) wants to dismiss them as whingers.

Mr Rau (arrrtugh) closed out the Channel 10 interview with a snide dig at Nick Xenophon directly inferring that Mr Xenophon is only involved in this issue because he is trying to generate some support and/or attention for himself as part of his election campaign;
          "I think we must be getting close to a Federal election."

I don't care what Mr Xenophon's motivations are, because the reality that surrounds his statements clearly needs to be addressed...and the DeBelle Inquiry has not done that...and John Rau (arrrtugh) is clearly not interested in resolving the current cases or the clearly defined systemic failings...John Rau (arrrtugh)...(you just said John Rau (arrrtugh) so that you could spit again-Ed)...damn straight...

I refer readers to my posts re Nick Xenophon and how he helped us parents get the Statutory Authorities Review Committee Inquiry into the Teachers Registration wonder John Rau (arrrtugh) hates him...

Tomorrow: NF McDonnell - The 500m Con

In a conversation yesterday some-one made a casual comment re NF McDonnell Mill, and it was like someone lit up a flare in a dark all became blindingly obvious...but you'll have to wait 'til spoilers today...

Again, apologies for missing yesterday, and I will endeavour to ensure that it doesn't happen again.

As frivolous, sarcastic, and snide as I can be myself, I, Nick Fletcher, take this here my blog very seriously
...I am he and this is it...cheers and laters...

John Rau (arrrtugh)...(nice-Ed)...

1 comment:

  1. 200th post- and thank God for that! Congrats Nick. I got a genuine kick out of the Boosh reference a couple of posts ago, in fact I thought to myself "this is an outrage!" when you outlined Harrison's wage/position 'anointment'. Lets just hope he has a gift for strategy and a papoose too.
