Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Debelle Ends Part II: The Lies and Abuse Continue

Hello Italy, Japan, Turkey and the Ukraine...welcome to the blog...I do not apologise for today's late blog and I will explain, and I cannot apologise for the tone of today's post because the world does what it does, and it does this...Warning - graphic language re paedophilia...

Warning - Following the arrest and jailing of two men (one Australian, one American) for the false adoption and systematic rape of a young boy, Queensland police are searching for the other men involved in a paedophile 'ring' who have 'shared' the boy amongst them.

The child was bought off a woman in Europe for $8,000, brought to Australia with false paperwork, and was being sexually abused from the the age of two by his 'adopting parents'. I don't know whether these two men are genuinely gay or just posed as a gay couple in order to buy the boy.

The child was allegedly 'given' to other paedophiles to abuse, and these two belonged to a group called 'Boylove', only one of a number of such groups whom apparently belief that raping young boys is something to be celebrated and supported as genuine relationships.

This is the reality of what people are capable of...selling, buying, and raping a 2 year old child...and supplying that child to other paedophiles, and organised paedophile groups with official websites, etc, and I note the extraordinary prevalence of Australians in these organisations and/or cases...or living in Indonesia or the Philippines, etc...

And now the Debelle Inquiry into the rape of an 8 year old in After School Care by the Care Director, has taken 7 months and a $1million to find

I leave that last sentence now as I left it at 10am this morning (it's now 8.30pm) when I literally walked out the door and went fishing...with my child...we saw some emus and lots of dead roos...but no fish...

I don't apologise for how badly this relentless parade of abuse and Rann/Weatherill Labor government lies and cover-ups affects easily it can strip another day from me...and I refuse to let it...

And so instead I just got outta town for the day...enjoyed the absolute luxury of getting in my little car, with ma dawg...das ist mein hund und das ist mein wagon...(is that German or something?-Ed)...hopefully German and possibly something...with the wunderkind...and away...

Please view the Channel 7 Adelaide Today Tonight program from yesterday 2nd June 2013 about   current Education Minister Jennifer Rankine, her husband former Attorney-General and now Speaker of the Lower House Michael Atkinson, and various others. (I missed it but I've been told all about it and will watch on-line.)

Then review my posts about Michael Atkinson and the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and his actions as Attorney General and the actions of his department and understand that he is at the heart of the paedophile nightmare in Adelaide.

I do apologise for my failure today, because that's what it was, and this rather average post, because that's what it is, but please understand that for me personally it was not just what I needed to do, but a deliberate act to reclaim a day that I felt was completely lost to me...and, I am again...Post On mofos...

All that crap about a man's gotta know his limitations, etc, rang so true and so loud for me today...ask not for whom the bell it was for it was me, banging my head against the same old coal face and it takes it's tithe, it's toll, it's pound of flesh...(hmmmm, his face rings a bell-Ed)...ahahaha...

Tomorrow: Debelle Ends Part III - It's Just The Beginning

And back on the hobby horse, and possibly a second post re City Council...last night they took less than 10 minutes to ratify their rate increases and increased borrowing, with increased base payment, reduced services, etc...and weren't afraid to congratulate themselves for raising rates to only 6.1% instead of 6.9%...but no-ones fooled...not that it makes any difference...the damage is done...

I am still Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...onward and upward groovers...laters...

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